Chapter 401 It's a pity, it's almost there

"Not bad, pretty good, little girl. But since everyone says it's a pity, why do you still eat it. Why don't you give it to me." Unexpectedly, there was only a slight pause, and all the crabs on the plate were gone. gone.Dragon King Odoragon looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a hint of surprise.

"Stinky old man. It's a pity that it almost met my expectations. But even so, this is a rare delicacy, and I haven't had enough of it. Besides, I have no intention of treating you to dinner. If you want to eat , order by yourself, pay by yourself." Rolling his eyes at the Dragon King, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lowered his head and began to deal with the crab in his bowl.

"Smelly old man?! Look how old I am. I am in my prime. And have you ever seen such a handsome old man?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's address to him, Dragon King Odoragon's eyes widened.

"Would you like to order? Smelly old man. If you want to order, please settle the bill from last time, last time, last time. Thank you for 25 gold coins." In the Dragon King When Odoragon blew his beard and stared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, he noticed the Dragon King appearing here, Hai Yueyan walked over with a smile and spread out his right hand to the Dragon King.

Although the expression on her face is still that gentle smile at this time, but I don't know if it is an illusion, it always makes people feel that there is a black air rising from behind her, this smile also gives people a creepy feeling, It's like a sharp knife is on the neck.

"Hey, don't order, don't order. I'll just take a look, just take a look. Yueyan girl should go and do her own work, and it's rare to leave me alone when she cooks." Smiling embarrassingly, facing Haiyue Yan, Odoragon couldn't lift his aura no matter what.

"If you want to pay the bill, call me again." He glared at Odoragon.Hai Yueyan turned around and walked back to the kitchen.

Unknowingly, the few small square tables left in this small store were full of people.Hai Yueyan has also started to get busy, but it seems that none of the people who come to this small shop are simple, and all the people gathered in the small shop are at the lowest level of [-].And the tallest ones are undoubtedly Zhuang Xiaoyuan's table, the three peak-level powerhouses.

"Hey, little Nina. How does it taste? Isn't it delicious? You've already eaten so much, I'm afraid you can't finish the rest. Do you want grandpa to help you?" After Hai Yueyan left, Odoragon regained his spirit in an instant.

Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's side couldn't take advantage, all the crabs were caught in the bowl, and even the pot of hot and sour shrimp soup was protected by Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Odoragon could only lick his face and start fooling his granddaughter.

"No need, grandpa is going to lie again. I won't be fooled." Noticing the sight of Odoragon looking into her bowl, and hearing his voice, Nina's eyes flashed with vigilance, and the movement of eating suddenly speed up.

"Oh, how can you lie. I'm your grandfather, how can you not believe me. Even if you don't believe yourself, you can't believe your grandfather." Odoragon's words became more and more shameless, facing his own The granddaughters all started to play the emotional card.Nina, on the other hand, tightly guarded her rice bowl and began to eat hard, speeding up her eating.

Glancing at the grandpa and grandson of the Dragon clan who were in conflict, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook his head helplessly, and looked down at the hot and sour shrimp soup that was protected by him just now and did not give Odoragon a chance.Compared with the golden color of fried crab in curry, this hot and sour shrimp soup glows red like lava in a volcano.

Putting down the chopsticks in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took the spoon on the side and went deep into the soup plate, scooped up a spoonful of bright red soup, which was mixed with shrimp and tomato, smelling the spicy and sweet sour lingering around the tip of his nose, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not hesitate He bit the spoon in one bite.

With the entrance of hot and sour shrimp soup, the volcano erupted.The hot and sour shrimp soup was put into the mouth, and the first thing Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt was that it was hot. It wasn't so hot that it would burn his tongue, but he could clearly feel the tingling of his tongue, and then the spicy breath erupted in his mouth.

In an instant, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's entire face was flushed red, and beads of sweat floated on her forehead.The pungent smell comes and goes quickly, as if to pierce the whole body, the pungentness gradually subsides after a few seconds, leaving only a strong aroma in the mouth, mixed with the strong aroma of curry and the fresh aroma of sea prawns And the fragrance of lemon.

The teeth are gently closed, and the shrimp and tomato that are sent to the mouth along with the soup are crushed by the teeth.Streams of soup splashed out from the shrimp and tomato, allowing the taste buds in the mouth to experience the second spiciness and aroma.

"Huh, not bad. The taste is very good. It's a pity." He let out a long breath, and the rich aroma mixed with a trace of residual spicy spit out from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth. With this breath, the residual aroma in his mouth And the spiciness seems to have passed in an instant, gradually dissipating.

"It's a pity? Why are you talking like this again? What's the pity?" Hearing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan said the pity after drinking the soup, Dragon King Odoragon no longer competed with his granddaughter, and turned his head. Look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.He wanted to know why this girl repeatedly said it was a pity.

"I'm also very curious. There are still some deficiencies in my cooking. I wonder if I can give some pointers." As soon as Odoragon finished speaking, a voice sounded from behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Hai Yueyan, who just served food to the next table, just heard Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sigh this time.

"You want to know? To be honest, your cooking has actually reached a certain extreme in terms of taste, but it is only in terms of taste. It could have been further improved. Unfortunately, it is still close, and I am afraid that it is not as high as yours. It must be related to the pursuit of the goal. Because I didn’t see a higher scenery, I thought I had already stood at the top. That’s why I lost the motivation to move forward, and finally stagnated at this step.” Turning to look at Hai Yueyan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued After trying a mouthful of hot and sour shrimp soup, he shook his head and said.

"Listen to you, are you already standing on a higher ground?" Although she knew that her cooking skills had stagnated for several years, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's obviously young child, even the always gentle Haiyue Yan couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm and disbelief.

"It's probably useless to just talk about it. Let's try it. Let's take a look at the higher scenery. It's rare to meet someone with such superb cooking skills. It would be a pity to stay at this step." With a slight smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up from her seat, with a calm and calm expression on her face. Cooking is her most confident ability.

"Please. There are all the basic things in the kitchen. If there is anything missing, I'll send someone to buy it." There was a hint of disbelief in her eyes, but Hai Yueyan didn't say much.Just pointing to the kitchen with a proud expression, at this moment Hai Yueyan looked like a city lord.

(End of this chapter)

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