Chapter 402 Gathered Blue Sea Port

"Chew, there have been more people recently, Gulu." Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Nina sat at the window on the second floor of a small restaurant near the port of Bihai City, looking at the port with people coming and going.Nina said while chewing on the squid skewers and swallowing.

"Don't talk when you're eating, especially don't talk to me, be careful when you spray it out." He tapped the plate in front of him with his chopsticks, making a crisp tinkling sound. Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at Nina and continued to turn his head to look out the window: " The number of people has indeed increased, and many players have come.”

"Player? Someone from another world. Indeed, even with such low strength, you still dare to join in the fun." Swallowing the food in her mouth, Nina looked out of the window, and the only people passing by on the street were this Besides the natives of the world, there are more players wearing messy equipment.Of course, there will occasionally be players in uniforms.

"I dared to come here because of my low strength. I can't die anyway, maybe I can get a big advantage if I'm lucky. Now when I'm at a low level, I die a few times and recover quickly." Looking out of the window, But when the waiter brought a new meal, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and took a bunch of them and bit them into his mouth as if he had eyes in the back of his head.Well, the charcoal-grilled small yellow croaker seems to be quite tasty, so why don't you try it next time.

"That's true, but so many people seem really annoying. I really want to blow a dragon's breath at them, and they can be cleaned up at once." Each hand grabbed a bunch of grilled squid and grilled yellow croaker, Nina said while eating left and right.

"Okay, when the ship comes over, if they do something, you can just give them a shot. However, I think that most of them will be killed or injured before you do it. It seems that this time it will not go well. Let's go." Although I don't know the specific reason, seeing the uniformed players gathered around the port to disperse the idle players, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt a hint of unkindness in his heart.

Not uneasiness, but unkindness akin to hostility.It's like seeing someone you hate.When seeing those uniformed players, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help feeling disgusted.Even if all these people died, Zhuang Xiaoyuan wouldn't feel any different, maybe he would be happy instead.

This is a little strange, you know, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has never hated people for no reason.Unless this is a warning from the world, or one's own instinctive rejection of something.No matter which one it is, it means that these people have problems.

However, although it feels problematic.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan has no plans to do it directly for the time being.Because there are already several peak-level powerhouses in this city.

Who knows if there are any of these strong people who like to meddle in other people's affairs and have a sense of justice? Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't want to provoke an opponent for no reason.It's too troublesome, she just wants to take the world crystal and get away.Well, by the way, throw Lilith and Nina to the main world.

"Ah, it seems to be here. I don't know if Ortos has arrived." Looking out of the window, Nina's eyes lit up slightly, and Nina suddenly accelerated her eating movements, sweeping away the leftover food on the table as quickly as the wind swept away. .

"Don't worry, let's go after everyone else comes out. That ship is still far away." Glancing at Nina, Zhuang Xiaoyuan persuaded her to slow down while looking towards the direction of the sea. A large silver ship was heading towards the port of Bihai City - the Ship of Glory Lv900.

However, as soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished speaking, there was an extra person at the port of Bihai City.It was a familiar middle-aged man, and he was the Dragon King Odoragon of the Dragon Clan.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I would be the first to come out. Hey, hey, old friends, come out when you arrive. Maybe we can have a good chat before going." Just standing at the port, Odoragon Just laughed and invited around.

"Hey, you are still so impatient. Mingming is the oldest among us, but also the worst in patience. I am really curious how you have stayed in Long Island for decades." The sound of the crutches tapping the ground Echoing around, accompanied by a faint wave of magic power, Zhang Wanquan, the old village head of Blue Lake Village, stepped out of the crowd step by step.As he moved, the players around couldn't help but recede towards the surroundings uncontrollably.

"Of course I'm idle and bored and sleeping. Aren't the dragons eating and sleeping? They can endure loneliness after sleeping for decades." A gentle female voice came from the other side, with long emerald green hair and pointed ears. With pointed ears, a neat team of elf guards inserted into the crowd and separated the player crowd forcefully. The elf queen Sylphy walked over through the passageway expanded by the elf guards.

"It's such a big show. As expected of the elf queen, the older you get, the more tempered you become. Hee hee. It's really enviable." When the elf queen appeared, a charming voice sounded, and people around heard The person with the voice couldn't help but fell into a daze.When the voice fell, a girl in a black dress exuding a poppy-like seductive aura appeared beside the Dragon King, the Demon Grand Duke Lilith.

"Older? You're not much younger than me, right? You've been pretending to be young, and your skin is getting thicker, Lilith." With a cold snort, walking through the passage formed by the guards, the elf queen Sylphie had already Came to Odoragon and Lilith.

"That's not it, it's different from you. I'm forever. Both body and soul are in the youngest state." Faced with the elf queen's ridicule, Lilith seemed unaware and still had a look of sadness on her face. Said with a smile.

"Hey, why do we get into a fight once we meet again, and I'm not afraid of being laughed at by the juniors. It's obvious that the demon race and our human race have enmity. But why do Sylphy and Lilith quarrel first every time they meet?" With a helpless expression, Zhang Wanquan also walked into the circle of the older generation.

"Huh? Why are there only four of us? Where's the old witch?" His eyes swept over the three people around him. Dragon King Odoragon continued to look around, but the old witch he was talking about did not appear.

"She won't come, you should all know. This rare opportunity, she is different from us, after all, it is passed down from generation to generation. Compared with a higher realm, she values ​​the future more." Shake Shaking his head, Zhang Wanquan answered.

Also as a human race, Zhang Wanquan has a better understanding of the traditions of the snow mountain witch clan. I am afraid that Yun Yingxue has fallen from the peak level a few days ago.

(End of this chapter)

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