Chapter 403 The Opening of the Port Melee

"That's right. Grandma won't come. This time it's me." When Odoragon and Zhang Wanquan were discussing Yun Yingxue's problem, a clear female voice suddenly sounded, accompanied by the faint howling of wolves and A trace of icy cold air appeared on the roof of a residential building on the right side of the port, a handsome girl riding on the back of a huge wolf.

"Oh, it's Mengxue girl. Come down and have a chat. Is your grandma still in the snow mountain?" Yun Mengxue's appearance undoubtedly confirmed Zhang Wanquan's words, and she shook her head regretfully, Odora Gong invited Yun Mengxue on the roof.

"No. I won't attend your old people's party. I'd better join our young people's party." While speaking, Yun Mengxue turned her eyes to the right and looked at the second floor of the small restaurant directly opposite the port. It was Zhuang Xiaoyuan and her husband. The window where Nina was sitting.

"That stinky girl must have done it on purpose." Sensing the many eyes following Yun Mengxue's gaze, Nina took a bite hard, as if the meat skewer she held in her hand was an enemy. Said depressed.After hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Nina still wanted to hide once more, and make a gorgeous appearance at the end, but now she is completely exposed.

"Hehe, forget it. In fact, we have been discovered a long time ago. It's just that they didn't point out because they didn't see us going out." She gave Nina a funny look.Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and waved to Yun Mengxue: "Come here if you don't mind. The barbecue in this store is quite delicious."

"Let's go, let's go, Xue Jia." Yun Mengxue gently patted the huge snow wolf under the seat with the corner of her mouth curled up.

"Ah~" Accompanied by a howling wolf, the huge snow wolf kicked its feet and jumped directly from the roof of the residents to the roof of the small restaurant.Getting off Snow Wolf's back, Yun Mengxue turned over and jumped into the window where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Nina were sitting.

"Want to eat?" Seeing Yun Mengxue jumping in from the window, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and handed her a few skewers of barbecue.

"Eat." Reaching out to take a bite of the barbecue that Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed over, Yun Mengxue sat in the remaining seat of the table by the window, but said with a brooding expression on her face, "Don't think Forget it, I am as strong as you now, and I will definitely find a chance to defeat you later."

"Equally strong? Don't be joking. It's just someone's forcibly raised strength. You're still far behind." With a cold snort, Nina also felt a little bitter about Yun Mengxue's exposure of her position just now. .

"So what, I can defeat you even if you are promoted by force." Yun Mengxue gave Nina a look, and Yun Mengxue did not forget the culprit who broke into Langying Village and made herself look ugly.

"Oh, that's right. Then, do you want to try it?" With a grin, traces of flames emerged from the corners of his mouth, and his eyes shrank instantly and turned into vertical eyes.With a heavy sense of oppression, Nina looked at Yun Mengxue.

"Come on, I'm afraid of you." His eyes were fixed, and a trace of electric light flickered in his eyes, and the faint air radiated from Yunmengxue's body, forming a thin layer of ice on the ground and on the table.

"Okay, let's stop here. If we go to the Eternal Battlefield, there may be opportunities for us to fight, so let's forget it here. Let's find a way to deal with others first." He stretched out his hand between Nina and Yunmengxue, and put the two of them together. The staring eyes were interrupted, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out his other hand to point to the port outside the window.At this time, the port side has entered a tense situation.

"Otos, he really appeared." Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's finger and looking towards the port, a young man in black appeared in front of the four of Odoragon.The moment she saw the man, Nina stood up from the table with a serious face.

"He is the dragon traitor Otos you mentioned. It's really strange. Why did he appear here?" Looking at the young man in black, Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned, always feeling that his actions were a bit weird.

As a traitor of the Dragon Clan, there is no doubt that he has a hostile relationship with the dragon king Odoragon of the Dragon Clan. According to the relationship between the previous few people, Odoragon, the Elf Queen Sylphy, and the human great magister Zhang Wanquan The relationship is not shallow, even with the Demon Grand Duke Lilith.

Facing the four peak-level powerhouses who can basically be counted as a camp, why did Ottos, who is also only a peak-level powerhouse, appear in front of everyone so directly.

He was able to steal the Dragon King Jade and escape from Long Island safely, and since he has not been found by the people of the Dragon Clan, it can be seen that he is not the kind of brainless person. Does he really believe that the people here will not fight him?Or, did he have other purposes for standing up so directly?
Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was wondering about the actions of Ottos and secretly guessing in his heart, the port had already started to fight, but it was not four-on-one or three-on-one as imagined, but Dragon King Odoragon and Ottos. one on one.Could this be the reason why Ottos dared to stand up?Will the Dragon King end up one-on-one with him?

"Xiaoyuan, let's go too. We must keep him here today. He injured his fellow clan, stole the Dragon King Jade, and even destroyed an important forbidden area of ​​the dragon clan. He can only apologize with death." Standing up, Nina pulled out the Fire Dragon Sword made from the dragon horns and scales she had shed from her back, watched the battle below and said to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Okay, since you have said so, I will help you." Although there are still many things that cannot be figured out, there are also things that can only be figured out after doing it.Since Nina is planning to make a move, Zhuang Xiaoyuan certainly won't stand idly by.

"Otos, die." Shouting, Nina rushed out of the window, holding up the fire dragon sword, and slashed at Odos who was fighting Odoragon from top to bottom.As for Zhuang Xiaoyuan, his right hand lightly touched the dagger on his back, and his whole body instantly entered stealth, and at the same time stuck to Nina's back, heading down.

"Hey, you guys." Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Nina moved too fast.Before Yun Mengxue realized the meaning of their words, the two of them went out from the window directly.When Yun Mengxue rushed to the window, all she saw was Nina holding the fire dragon sword and rushing towards Ottos.

"Ding, World Story - Invitation of Heroic Spirits. The faction mission is open, please choose a faction to join and then fight. You can choose the faction Human/Dragon/Elf/Demon/Traitor/Heroic Spirit (hidden, not selectable)."

Just when Odoragon and Orthos were fighting, and Nina and Zhuang Xiaoyuan also started to join the battle, all players in the Bihai City area received a system prompt to choose a camp at the same time.

(End of this chapter)

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