Chapter 404 World Class Purple Epic

"Faction mission, which one should we choose?" Just outside the port, among the crowd of idle players, Gangzi asked the shadow beside him with a cynical expression on his face.

"Do you need to ask?" Rolling his eyes at Gangzi, Shadow stared at the few people who started fighting in front of him, and chose human beings casually.

"That's really true. With such a firm position, you probably fell in love with her. Although she looks cute, she obviously doesn't look like she's grown up. Are you a Lolicon? And that's an NPC Ah, I think it’s better to be in reality if you want to find a partner. It’s not good to be addicted to online dating, brother.” Gangzi also chose the human camp, and after completing the choice, he patted Shadow on the shoulder sympathetically. road.

"You are so annoying. You are a lolicon. Don't think I don't know, your girlfriend is still a junior high school student. Be careful, I will go back and tell my uncle and aunt. I don't like her, but just to complete the task. Don't you I can't tell, the human camp has the most full-level masters." Slapping off his friend's hand, Shadow rolled his eyes in disgust and replied.

"Pfft, how do you know. And I'm not a lolicon. Xiaoying doesn't look like a loli anymore. Although she's still a junior high school student, she looks almost like a college student." Unexpectedly His brother would know the secret he had deliberately hidden, Gangzi almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"Yes, yes, you are not a lolicon. Don't talk nonsense, there are new tasks, and the domineering people have started to act." Perfunctory waved his hand, and the shadow saw the task prompt in front of him, His eyes fixed and he patted his friend to remind him.

"World-class purple epic mission: The first ring - the rebellion of the dragon clan: help the peak human assassin [Shadow Killer] kill the dragon traitor Otos. Task rewards: level up by five levels, 1000 reputation points in the human camp (camp reputation can be exchanged Skill books, equipment, special materials, etc.). Reduce and increase rewards according to the level of output."

"There is an extra faction reputation. I wonder if there are any artifacts or secret skills." Looking at the task bar and the newly added reputation bar, Gangzi looked up at the leader of the Domineering Wushuang guild who started to act. Member: "Which camp did the domineering Wushuang choose?"

"No, Gangzi, it's time for us to do something. Domineering Wushuang's mission is obviously hostile to us." Noticing the movement of the Baqi Wushuang guild, Shadow's face changed slightly, he urged his friends around him, and he took out the arms.

"Tsk, we still have to face each other in the end. Is the domineering man a brain twitch?" With a curl of his lips, Gangzi also took out his two-handed giant sword from his backpack, raised the sword to point forward and began to call out to his teammates: " Brothers, let's go, stop the domineering bastards."

"Oh." At least two-thirds of the idle players around responded to Gangzi's call, and they all raised their weapons and charged towards the domineering guild members.

"World-class purple epic mission: the first ring-the following: help the dragon traitor black dragon [Otos] to kill the dragon king, dragon princess, human title assassin. Mission reward: every time one person is killed, the level increases by five levels, and the reputation of the traitor camp 1000 points. Reduce and increase rewards according to the level of output."

Glancing at the tasks on the panel, the two vice-chairmen of the Domineering Wushuang guild showed a gloomy smile at the same time. One began to direct his guild members to separate a group to encircle the dragon battlefield in the middle, while the other directed Then the remaining group of people greeted the Alliance Brotherhood who started rushing in from the outside: "Hmph, let you stupid idiots and useless NPCs see the strength of our No. [-] Guild."


"Otos, die." In the loud and clear voice, Nina waved the flaming fire dragon sword in her hand like a rainbow, and slashed at Ordos who was facing Odoragon's blow.

"Boom." The black giant sword in his hand was split into two, one continued to withstand Odoragon's attack, and the other was pulled out to meet Nina's Flame Dragon Sword.Accompanied by a strong roar, the ground under Ottos' feet collapsed.Also as a peak-level powerhouse, it is still too reluctant to play one against two, let alone not just two.

"Desperate flash." The cold voice came faintly, and a white knife light appeared out of nowhere on the back of Ottos, cutting towards his vest.At the moment when Ottos' hands were entangled by the two Dragon Clan members, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also made a move.

Pfft, the sound of the sharp blade cutting the flesh sounded, accompanied by the sound of blood gushing, an arm soared into the sky, and with the word "cut" flashing on the arm, the arm burst into pieces in the air.

Staggering back a few steps, dodging the pursuit of Odoragon and Nina, Otos covered his bloody left shoulder with his right hand, and stared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with vicious eyes: "It's you again."

"Peak-level ones are really different, and they escaped." Looking back at Ottos, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes were a little surprised.This was the first time someone dodged Akatsuki's fatal flash, without even giving the subsequent slashing sword aura a chance to erupt on his body, and directly dodged the attack at the expense of his own arm.

"Hmph, don't think you just won like this. It's still 1 years before you want to defeat me." He gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan a sinister look, and then glanced at Odoragon and Nina who surrounded him. Said in a gloomy tone.

As the words of Ottos fell, the bright red blood flowing from his body began to gradually turn black and fade, and finally turned into wisps of black mist that gradually condensed in the air, forming an arm on his left shoulder again. .

As the black mist condensed into his arm, the half-weakened health bar on the top of his head recovered quickly. When the arm was completely condensed, the top of his head returned to its original full blood state.

"Black mist. It's exactly as I thought, you must have made that rock in Zhao Qianrong's house." There was a trace of expected certainty in his eyes, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan leaned over and prepared to attack.

"That's right, it was originally intended to let me come down through that stone. The body of this world is too narrow to fully accommodate my soul. But it was destroyed by the two of you in the end. But it doesn't matter, let you go to hell today , and then you can start over slowly." Resuming his left arm, he summoned the black giant sword again, Otos held a black sword in each of his left and right hands, and pointed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"Black mist, shouldn't exist in this world. You are the one who should go to hell." With his eyes fixed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a murderous look, and the figure disappeared in a flash. s.

If helping Nina kill Otos before was considered out of friendship, then after confirming that Otos is related to Black Mist Loki, Zhuang Xiaoyuan already has plans to kill him.

 =_= It’s already 11:30.I overslept this morning and forgot to set the timer yesterday.I read other people's novels and saw more than three o'clock.The alarm clock didn't wake me up.I found out that I have been lazy recently... Should I disconnect the Internet and turn off the mobile phone?
(End of this chapter)

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