Chapter 405 Wow, there is a bug in the game

Although Loki has been weakened a lot, if he keeps it, it may become a major hidden danger in the end. After all, the black mist is a negative emotion.

As long as there is emotion, negativity will not disappear.This will provide Loki with endless energy.Maybe the negative energy can't be killed, but at least, the soul and consciousness that Loki possesses can be killed.

"Ding ding ding ding." The clear and crisp weapon chimes sounded in quick succession. Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared in various positions around Otos as if in an instant, and the dagger in his hand slashed at Otos's vitals, but they were all caught by the gun in his hand. The two swords danced quickly and took over.

"Madoka." Seeing Madoka and Othos fight again, Nina raised the fire dragon sword in her hand and rushed towards Otos, and at the same time Odoragon also raised the weapon in her hand and rushed forward .

But just as the two started to move, a group of people inserted into their battlefield.Players in uniform lined up in front of Nina and Odoragon, blocking Zhuang Xiaoyuan from them.

The first-turn warriors holding shields stood in front of Nina and Odoragon, behind them were weapon experts who used spears or giant swords, and behind them were archers, priests, and magicians.Behind the magician is also a row of shield warriors holding giant shields to defend Zhuang Xiaoyuan's direction.

As if they had been trained a long time ago, this group of players wearing uniforms and belonging to the Domineering Wushuang guild stood between Nina and Zhuang Xiaoyuan with this neat lineup.

"Give it to me, get out of here." Her eyes widened, turning bright red as if they were about to burst into flames, Nina swung the flaming Fire Dragon Sword in her hand and slashed at the shield warriors standing in front.

"Destrength, Slow, Plague, Weakness." Layers of negative spells were released from the hands of the priests behind the shield warriors to Nina. When the priests used weakening spells, magicians and bows The hands also started their own attacks one after another, and a dense barrage of magic and arrows smashed towards Nina and Odoragon.

But all the spells against Nina and Odoragon were directly ignored. Dragons have extremely high magic resistance, so how could such low-level spells be effective against them.Before the spells approached their bodies, they were all annihilated by the magic power surging around them.

"Boom." The ferocious red flame burst into brilliant brilliance.Bright red flames gushed out from the fire dragon sword in Nina's hand. In the gorgeous flames, the shield warriors in the front row were wiped out directly, and all the warriors farther away were blown away by the flames.

"Boom." Almost at the same time that Nina's flame erupted, a violent storm erupted near her. Dragon King Odoragon is a more experienced powerhouse than Nina. The soldiers were blown away.

In the face of Nina and Odoragon's attack, the originally seemingly solid defense was easily pierced like a piece of paper. The players of the Domineering Wushuang guild could hardly hide the shock and shake in their eyes.At this time, they deeply realized the gap between the full-level masters and them, which was like a natural moat.

"Sure enough, they are all waste, but these wastes are not unusable. Stand up and block them." Seeing that the shield warriors in the front row were easily knocked into the air, the vice president who led the blocking Nina disdainful He curled his lips, and a thick black mist spread from his body, enveloping all the surrounding guild members in an instant.

"Oh~" The inhuman roar came from the mouths of these players wrapped in black mist.As the black mist poured into their bodies, the agility in the eyes of these players disappeared instantly, as if they had turned into irrational monsters, their eyes gradually turned bright red, and wisps of black mist permeated around them.

"Boom." The flame-flaming Yanlong Sword swung out again, hitting the shields in the hands of the two shield warriors who charged up.Unlike before, the two people who were supposed to be knocked into the air actually only took two steps back after being hit, adjusted their body posture slightly, and rushed forward again.

"Tsk, what's going on, these black mist." Nina's face changed slightly, and Nina stepped aside, and an arrow with thick black mist shot past her, and the black mist corroded by the black mist arrow hit the ground. In an instant, a large pothole was melted on the ground.This scene made Nina's face gradually become serious. Even the Dragon Clan would be injured at this rate of corrosion.

When Nina sideways avoided the arrow attack, the two people who were repelled surrounded her again, and at the same time came the spear and sword fighters behind them.The flame rose suddenly in her hand, and Nina exuded a dignified aura.

Even if it is strengthened by the weird black mist, it's just some low-level ants.Even strengthened ants are still ants.Lifting the Fire Dragon Sword that was burning with more vigorous flames, Nina rushed into the crowd of the Domineering Wushuang guild again.

Boom, the bright red flame erupted again, surrounded by a pitch-black mist, but, even surrounded by the pitch-black mist, the flame that Nina ignited was still as gorgeous as the original flame.


"What's the matter with these people? Suddenly they became more powerful, and their levels and blood bars were gone." The giant sword in his hand caught the opponent's attack, kicked his foot and used the forward kick skill to kick the opponent into the air , Gangzi slashed at the opponent's crotch with a backhand sword.

With this sword, the opponent was split into black mist scattered in all directions, and a white light shot up into the sky in the black mist and disappeared, as if returning to the temple to be revived without leaving a corpse.

"These people seem to... have been forced to disconnect? Is there a bug? Or is it a specific plot?" The sword flashed, and the shadow appeared behind the enemy.The enemy who ate his backstab also turned into black mist and dissipated, and a white light of death also rose and disappeared.Looking at the quite a few members of the Domineering Wushuang guild surrounding them, there was a hint of surprise in Shadow's tone.

"Forced disconnection? It seems to be true, have all the domineering Wushuang been recruited." The eyes swept over the surrounding enemy crowd, and sure enough, all of them were blind-eyed, as if there were no players controlling them.

"No, Shadow, be careful of the black mist. Don't get caught up in it." Withdrawing his eyes, he habitually glanced at his attribute panel, and a misty mark appeared in the status bar, which made Gangzi's face change slightly.

"It's too late, I've already been in that state, and it's actually a forced relegation. This is really..." With a wry smile, he killed another person, and the shadow appeared beside Gangzi.

"I can't help it, try to get rid of all the levels before the level is gone." Shrugging helplessly, Gangzi raised the sword in his hand seriously.

"Ha, it's easy to say, but that's the only way to go." With a slight smile, the shadow's eyes also showed persistence and seriousness.

(End of this chapter)

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