Chapter 406 The same moves are useless to me

"You guy, how many clones have you created?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't stop moving, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared in various positions around Ottos, attacking quickly, looking for flaws, while gritting his teeth.

"Damn, maybe I can't even count the exact number of my own, hehe." With a sinister sneer at the corner of his mouth, Otos quickly crossed his hands to resist Zhuang Xiaoyuan's rapid attack.

"In this case, then I will destroy all your clones one by one. Now let's start with the one in front of you. The oral secret technique-Shadow Escape." The dagger returned to its sheath, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's clones appeared in Otto in the next second. Facing the vital points of his body in all directions, he pulled out the dagger in his lower back from different positions around Si.

Different from the previous fast attack that formed an afterimage as if it turned into multiple people in an instant, after using the oral secret technique, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's speed reached the extreme. Although there is still only one real body, this speed that breaks through the limit, but It can make her attack multiple different positions on the opponent's body at the same time in an instant.It seems that it has evolved from a rapid attack to a high-end attack ability similar to space folding.

"Do you think I will continue to get hit with the same move? Don't underestimate people." A trace of anger appeared on his face, but a sneer of triumph appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a thick black mist emerged around him.

Otos twisted and raised his double swords horizontally, and they spun quickly under the impetus of the black mist. The rotating body drove the two swords on both hands and the black mist around him, allowing Otos to create a sword in an instant. A black tornado storm blocked all Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attacks from the storm.

"Idiot, do you think I will use the same move to deal with you?" With a cold smile, facing Otos who created a whirling storm around his body, the divine power in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body was quickly mobilized and injected into a colorful world card During the process, the rule ability of this fairy tale world card was activated: "Secret Skill of Oral Tradition-The Seventh Bullet of Shadow Escape."

Vaguely, a fast-moving golden clock appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's lavender left pupil.The golden clock just flashed by, but the dagger in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand was filled with black and red strange energy, which belonged to the energy of Tokisaki Kurumi's seven bullets.

Ding, the first hit.There was a crisp metal chime.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's first attack collided with Ottos' spinning knives.So time stood still.As the dagger with the energy of the Seventh Bullet collided with Ortos, the Seventh Bullet on the dagger began to work and directly stopped Ottos' time.

At this time, Ottos still kept spinning, but whether it was his twin swords, his body or the black mist around him, although they all had a whirling trajectory, they were all still in time.

The second hit, the third hit, the fourth hit, the fifth hit... the eighth hit, the ninth hit.When the time of Ottos stops, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's time will not stop.The avatar Shadow Dun appeared beside Otos in eight different directions in an instant, and made different attack movements towards different vital targets.

After the attack was over, Zhuang Xiaoyuan slowly withdrew her dagger and stepped aside.Click, the dagger returned to its sheath, and the time that Ottos was stopped also resumed at this time.The black storm began to rotate again, but in the rotation of the storm, puff puff puff, the sound of the body being hit resounded in the storm, and at the same time a stream of blood spurted from the storm to the surroundings.

Crashing, the originally powerful storm quickly collapsed after the recovery time, blood, pieces of meat, stumps and broken arms were scattered and splashed.When the black mist rolled up by Ottos gradually dissipated, Ottos could no longer see his original appearance, and there were only a large pile of pieces of minced meat left in place.As Ortos was killed, he also recovered his dragon body.


"Roar, Nine-headed Dragon Flame Prison Slash." Accompanied by a dragon roar, the bright red flaming giant sword was inserted into the ground, and a huge large-scale magic circle emerged on the ground in an instant.In the next second, the earth broke apart, one head, two ends, three heads and four heads... A total of nine fire dragons shot up from the ground, and the bright red sword wrapped around the center danced around quickly, burning the entire area.

In an instant, with this sword, most of the port was surrounded by flames.In the burning flames, a tall and dignified young girl stepped out of the flames step by step.

When the girl stepped out of the flames, she waved down the bright red giant sword in her hand.As if receiving an absolute order, the raging fire burning behind the girl was instantly extinguished.

However, the flame did go out, and the players of the Domineering Wushuang guild who had been wrapped in the flame before were all reduced to ashes as the flame went out.Undoubtedly, walking out of the flames, the figure resembling the Flame Queen is the Red Dragon Princess Nina.

Here, surrounded by flames, when the bright red flames wiped out the Baqi Wushuang guild in an instant.Correspondingly, on the other side, a severe storm broke out in the area where the Brotherhood of Brotherhood and the Baqi Wushuang Guild fought.

In the fierce storm, the emerald green wind blade accurately killed the members of the Baqi Wushuang guild, and did not hurt the members of the Brotherhood of Brotherhood at all.For the control of the elements, there is no doubt that the Dragon King Odoragon who came here to help is better.

"Xiaoyuan, are you okay?" Nina ran over to Zhuang Xiaoyuan concerned and asked after extinguishing the flame behind her.

"It's okay, it's him who has something to do. I'm sorry, I didn't leave him a whole body." Pointing to the pieces of minced meat piled up high on the side.Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied calmly.

"Hey, this is what he deserves. If there is a cause, there will be an effect. After all, he himself is not up to date, so no one can blame others. But the dragon died like a lamp. Although he is a sinner of our dragon clan, I can't let his body be freed by others. Do you need anything from Madoka?" Without even frowning, Nina waved her hand to express that she didn't mind.While speaking, there was a trace of questioning in his eyes, and he pointed to the piled up pieces of meat.The dragon horns and dragon scales of the dragon clan are all rare and rare materials.

"It's okay, I don't need that kind of thing. If you want to recycle it, just take it all away." Shaking his head, the dragon scales and dragon horns that others can use are useless to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's most original ability comes from the unique ability of Two-dimensional beautiful girls after transformation.

"Well. Then I will take him away. If there is a chance in the future, I will let him return to the Dragon Tomb." Nodding, smiling at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the last thing that needs to be said between friends is thank you, So Nina didn't say those kind words either.Go straight forward and use the space storage equipment to put away all of Ottos' corpses.

Not paying attention to Nina's movement of collecting the body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned to look at the port.Ships from the Eternal Fields are already anchored there.

(End of this chapter)

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