Chapter 413 Flesh Pile Feed
"Oh, indeed, it seems that there is a very huge conspiracy that has attracted us here." Unexpectedly, as soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished speaking, Angola at the side agreed with her conspiracy theory.

However, even though she agreed with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Angola's face showed no trace of frustration at being plotted, and she didn't even show any other expressions at all. She still kept her previous smile and continued to say unmoved: "But, even if Knowing that it is a conspiracy, we will come here too. Because compared to the sinisterness of being plotted, the pursuit of higher power has long overwhelmed all emotions."

"Hehe. Nina, I'll take a step ahead. Be careful. I'll be waiting for you at the finish line. Prepare my special dishes." With a slight smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan took a deep look at Angola, then turned her head to face behind her. Nina said goodbye.

"Hey, I'm good at cooking." Nina's eyes flashed, and Nina felt the saliva in her mouth start to secrete quickly.Nina is already looking forward to the delicious dishes that will appear at the end.

You know, ever since I tasted Zhuang Xiaoyuan's improved dish in Hai Yueyan's shop, Nina has been very interested in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cooking, and has been pestering her to find a chance to try it, and this time I finally have the chance Yes, it was Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own promise.

Smiling at Nina and Yunmengxue beside her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned around and chose a door at random and walked in. After passing by Angola's use, she gently left a sentence, pushed the door and walked in: "Let Let me see what the so-called conspiracy is. You must know that in the face of absolute power, any conspiracy is nothing but a dream in a mirror."

"Oh, absolute power. I just don't know if your self-confidence is truly absolute." Angola narrowed her eyes slightly as she watched Zhuang Xiaoyuan disappear into the door.

"Damn guy, I'm leaving too. Don't die, and Dad too." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan walk into the door, Nina turned her head and glanced at Yun Mengxue beside her, and looked at Dragon King Odoragon After saying hello, she turned and walked into the door frame on the right of the door that Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered.

Without saying anything, Yun Mengxue also chose a door to enter.After that, several peak-level powerhouses also chose a different door and walked in one after another.

"Wait a minute, you can't go in." Just when several peak-level powerhouses all went in, and the group of players Gangzi and Yingying also planned to choose the door frame to enter, Angola's face changed and blocked them.

"Hey, why. They all went in." There was a noisy voice from the crowd of players, obviously dissatisfied with being intercepted.

"There is no reason, you don't even have the qualifications to enter the trial of the King of Heroes, Franny, take them to where they should go." With a cold snort, a powerful momentum erupted from Angola, and the suppressed players stopped instantly sounded.

Although Angola's momentum is strong, what he is facing is not ordinary people on the mainland, but a group of players who come to play the game. Although he was startled by his momentum at the first time, these players quickly changed from He recovered from his aura.

"I don't agree, mere NPC, if you say you are not qualified, you are not qualified. We are players. I want an explanation. Is the GM here? Come out." So, the next second when Angola's momentum exploded and suppressed them, The previous noise resumed again, and some people even started to shout unconvinced.

The aura he erupted didn't work, which made Angola feel a little embarrassed. After all, he was also the former Black Dragon King.The anger on his face flashed across, Angola waved his hand at the shouting player, swish, the palm of his hand cut through the air and formed a slender air blade that flew out instantly, and the player who shouted dissatisfied directly Split in half.

This sudden blow made the players completely quiet.Glancing at the finally silenced crowd, Angola frowned, waved to Franny behind her and continued, "Take them away. If they weren't needed in that place, I would have crushed all these ants. .”

"Follow me honestly. Don't worry, I won't let you go to die." That's right, it is indeed not to let you go to die, if you can live to the end.With a weird smile on her face, Franny beckoned the players to follow her.

Looking at each other, Shadow and Gangzi followed, and behind them, the players also followed one after another.Although killing a person with a single blow really surprised the players, but this is not the reason for their obedience.

Players are not afraid of death. Anyway, they can be revived infinitely. At most, they will lose some experience points, and they will be able to level up again soon. The only thing they worry about is returning empty-handed and dying in vain.But judging by Franny's expression at this time, it should be beneficial if she follows her, and the players won't refuse if it is beneficial.

In fact, what is more important is the performance of Angola before, and it actually killed people directly.Many of the players present are proficient in the game. Although the reality of this game makes them almost forget that it is a game, there are still some things in common with other games.

Faced with this kind of plot where you will be forcibly killed if you want to break through, it is obviously telling you that your level is not enough and you will not be allowed to pass. It is the same as the traditional RPG routine. At this time, you need to detour to solve a certain Only clues or organs can pass.Many of these players are clear.

"Hmph, a lot of fodder came this time, and I should be able to train a few of the same level." Watching the players being led away by Franny towards the underground palace, Angola said with a slightly gloomy expression.

"Are you still going to challenge the King of Heroes? You have already failed five times." After everyone left, Liao Yingjie, who had been indifferent and reticent before, finally spoke, his voice was hoarse and magnetic.

"Isn't it natural? Even if I fail fifty times, I will continue. Pull that bastard off the highest throne with my own hands, and that place belongs to me." There was a hint of ferocity on his face, and the expression in Angola's eyes It is full of murderous resentment.

"Relying on the chances piled up by other people's flesh and blood, time and time again, every time you challenge you, you are weaker than the last one. You should also know that you are just his fodder." Noticing Angola's distorted face, Liao Yingjie sighed softly.

"So what? Do you want me to stay in the same place for hundreds of years like you, waiting for someone to redeem me? Don't be stupid, no one in this world can rely on you except yourself." The resentment and murderous look on his face slowly Converging, Angola's face gradually returned to calm.

(End of this chapter)

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