Chapter 414 A Pointless Trial

"It's not good to expect others to be good. When you are doomed to fail, wouldn't it be good to let hopeful people go one step further. Besides, this time, I think it will be a good opportunity. They are as good as those who have come in the past. It's different." Gently turning around and looking at the silver wall behind him, Liao Yingjie's expectant voice came to Angola's ears.

"Different? Who are you referring to?" Frowning slightly, Angola recalled the few people who went in before, and found nothing particularly worthy of attention.

"Hehe, if you only rely on yourself and don't believe in others, you may have lost your expectations of others. Your desires have filled your eyes, making you unable to see the potential of others. This time, not only Alone." With a slight smile, the indifference on Liao Yingjie's face was instantly melted away by the smile, Liao Yingjie with a smile did not show any belittling emotions towards his companions, but simply stated the facts he had seen That's all.

"So, who are you talking about? Could it really have a different ending this time." Frowning tightly, Angola looked at Liao Yingjie.Although they have different personalities and different ideas, Angola believes in Liao Yingjie's words, and also trusts his vision very much.

"The little girl from before, there is a huge amount of pure energy hidden in her body. And the black guy who walked in from the other side made me feel a very strong sense of crisis. Your junior girl seems to have something special about her." Energy exists. In addition, the magister of the generation of the human race and the one of the elves may also have their own plans. The connection between them is very close, not only emotionally but also physically. Finally, the one from the demon race , don't you think her behavior before was a little strange, I'm afraid she has some relationship with that little girl just now."

"So, do you have expectations for them? But it's useless. Even if you expect them to succeed, you can't help anything. You are just a bystander, always staying in the middle If you are not at your peak, your expectations are worthless."

Shaking his head, even if what Liao Yingjie said made sense, even if those people really had that kind of potential, Angola still wouldn't have expectations of them.Because since coming here, what Angola has seen the most is failure, and he will not expect anyone, even himself.

"Yes, it's worthless. But there are ways to help them that can't be achieved at the peak. Let's not live here, Angola, this time I will start a long-lost activity." With a relaxed smile, Liao Yingjie loosened his muscles and walked towards the direction where the previous group of players left while holding the long sword in his hand.

"...This is a land of despair, Liao Yingjie, there is never any hope." Watching Liao Yingjie leave, Angola turned and walked in another direction, and the two parted ways here.


"Is this the so-called trial? It's really simple and rude. But isn't this so-called trial too contemptuous?" I have imagined countless trial situations in my heart, but when I walked into At the door, seeing the scene in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still a little surprised.Not because it is too difficult to surprise, but because it is too simple to be surprised.

Walking through the door frame on the silver wall, after pushing the door and entering, a silver empty room about the size of two basketball courts appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan, surrounded by silver walls on all sides, only the walls behind her and directly opposite were inlaid with White wooden door.

There was nothing in the empty silver room, only a heroic spirit dressed as a warrior standing in the center.When Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked in and the white wooden door behind him closed automatically, the heroic warrior in the center of the room also raised his head, his dull eyes flickered slightly showing the agility of human nature, his stiff expression relaxed, and at the same time he raised his hand Guns and swords.

'Battle Heroic Spirit - Weapon Master Lv990' In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes, golden words appeared above the heroic spirit warrior's head.This Heroic Spirit is a second job in the Warrior Department - Weapon Master, but he has not reached the peak full level.

"There is no name, and there is no hello. Isn't it a heroic spirit transformed from a real person, so it is just a man-made standard heroic spirit. If this is the so-called trial, I will laugh out loud." Looking up at the room Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the heroic warrior in the center, didn't pay attention to him. Instead, he began to look at the surrounding environment to see if there was anything that needed special attention.

"Trial challenger, step over my body and go to a higher level." As if not seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's absent-mindedness, the heroic spirit in the room attacked Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a sword in his left hand and a gun in his right.As soon as he kicked his feet, the weapon master with a spear and sword rushed straight forward, and the weapon in his hand attacked Zhuang Xiaoyuan's vitals mercilessly.

"It seems that there is nothing special. So, it's enough to defeat you in this boring trial." Facing the weapon master who was charging straight ahead, Zhuang Que walked forward lightly.

Step by step, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked towards the wooden door directly opposite with easy steps.Approaching the weapon master and walking past him, as if nothing had happened, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to move forward, and the weapon master continued to rush towards the target where there was no one left.

Withdrawing slowly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed open the wooden door directly opposite the right hand that was placed on the handle of the knife at some point and walked in.Behind her, a slender wound suddenly opened on the neck of the forward weapon master, poof, golden liquid sprayed out, and the forward body of the weapon master fell to the ground with the golden liquid, a faint golden light Powder burst from him and merged into the surrounding silver walls.

Pushing open the second wooden door, Zhuang Xiaoyuan appeared in a space that was exactly the same as the previous room.The only difference is that standing in the center of the room is no longer a weapon master, but another second-turn occupation of the warrior class - a qigong master.

"Tsk, it's really a boring trial. The difference between the full level and the full level is not just a difference of one or two levels. No matter how many times you come, if it's just this level of stuff, this kind of trial is meaningless Yes." Slightly frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickened her pace and continued walking towards the next room.

She can already foresee what will appear in the next room, and she is tired of this boring trick.Hurry up to the finish line, and let her see who the eyes that are hiding in the dark looking at her are.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who continued to move forward, also passed by the qigong master. There is no doubt that this qigong master followed in the footsteps of the weapon master.

(End of this chapter)

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