Chapter 415 The Undead After Trial

Weapon Master, Qigong Master, Assassin, Thief, Pet Expert, Marksman, Elemental Magus, Contractor, Cleric, Blasphemer, and heroic spirits of various professions appeared in the subsequent rooms.

After going through ten identical rooms, room No. 11 finally showed a slight difference. In this room, there are two people, a weapon master and a qigong master. Room No. 12 is more than the previous one. An assassin, No.13 rooms have an extra thief...

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan entered Room No. 19, all the second-turn professionals who had experienced before gathered together.Faced with ten people alone, Zhuang Xiaoyuan remained indifferent, because the difference in strength was too obvious.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked from one end of the room to the wooden door at the other end, the ten heroic spirits of different professions undoubtedly fell to the ground.None survived, and none made Zhuang Xiaoyuan strike a second time.

Open the wooden door and enter the No. 20 room. There are nine people inside, one less than the previous room, and one less blasphemer who is good at curse spells.

However, these nine people were a little weird. Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan who came in from the front, these warriors, mages and archers all immediately used curse spells on her.The profession of the blasphemer is actually integrated into all other professions. The nine people here are all warrior mages and archers who are also part-time blasphemers.

No. 20 is a room with only eight people in it, but these eight people are not only part-time blasphemers, but also part-time priests who can summon angels and restore their lives.

No.20 is a room, there are only seven people in it, but all seven people have four occupations, No.20 has two rooms...

There are seven rooms in No.20, and only one person is left in the end. He is still a 990-level professional who has not reached the peak, but this professional is all-encompassing, and one person has ten occupations.When seeing him for the first time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was speechless for a while with the thick and long professional title on top of his head.

Facing this undoubted strongest professional, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still walked past him indifferently, and made him fall to the ground with a simple stab.The more occupations, the better. If you haven't reached the peak of the full level, no matter how many occupations you work part-time, it's useless.

Walking past the heroic spirit who integrated all professions, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed open the wooden door behind him, and finally what appeared behind the door was no longer an unchanging silver-white space, but a huge circular square, a place covered with transparent bright lights. The huge square of the crystal.

In the center of the square, a huge crystal throne can be seen at a glance. On the throne, a dark figure stands upright in it, and on the ground slightly in front of the throne, a huge figure is prostrate on the ground.

What fell on the ground was a heroic spirit with a huge body and a crown on his head. The golden halo faintly revealing from this heroic spirit was brighter than all the heroic spirits I had seen before-'Heroic King Ian Lv? ? ? '.

But at this time, Ian, the King of Heroic Spirits, did not have the bearing to match his name at all, and fell to the ground with a blank face. A trace of black mist wrapped around him. The source of the black mist came from the man in black on the throne. .

The line of sight moved from the King of Heroes who fell on the ground to the man in black on the throne. There were still question marks above his head. He could not see his name or rank. He was wearing dark clothes and covered with a cloak. He blocked his head so that people could not see his face under the shadow clearly.

"It's finally here, the first one. I've been waiting for you for a long time. You ruined my good deeds again and again. This time I want to settle the previous accounts at once." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at him, he was in the shadows. His lower gaze also looked over, and a hoarse and haughty voice came out of the shadows.

"Hei Wu, you are also his avatar. I have long felt that there is something wrong with you, and it is really not what I expected. But, what is the purpose of your coming here?" The right hand has already touched the lower back The man in black in front of him was a mysterious man standing at the bow of the boat who came with Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"Avatar? Don't worry, it will be gone soon. As for my purpose, I can..."

The silver knife light flashed by, and the moment the man in black spoke to answer Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Zhuang Xiaoyuan launched an attack directly, and the ghost gate came behind the man in black, and directly cut off his neck.

"Tsk, you're really impatient. If you say do it, do it. Don't you have any interest in my purpose?" The black mist spread, mixed with a trace of white light, flowing under the crystal throne, recondensing into the figure of the man in black, looking up To Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the throne.

"I'm not interested. No matter what your purpose is, I just need to kill you." Standing high on the throne, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at the man in black on the ground. The blow just now had clearly cut his neck, but this The man in black is still alive, and the recovery ability of the black mist seems to be stronger this time.

"That's a pity, you won't be able to kill me this time." There was a sound of tearing the cloth, and although the severed neck was restored with black mist, the cloak that covered the head and face of the man in black could not be restored.

That cloak has the unique rules of this world, and it used the cloak's hidden ability to hide from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's sight before, so the cloak was not corroded by the black mist, and of course it cannot be restored.

With the shattering of the cloak, the man in black revealed the slightly mature face in the shadow, and at the same time the data on the top of the head that was originally hidden by the ability of the cloak also appeared 'Domineering Wushuang Lv[-] (Possession)'

"I see. Is that why you have no fear? You can't kill him, because the person possessed by someone from another world has the ability to resurrect from death." Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned when the data of the man in black came into his eyes.

"Haha, that's right. With such an immortal body, you can't do anything about me. It's really amazing, these so-called 'outsiders'." There was a hint of pride on his face, and the domineering Wushuang didn't take any precautions at all. looked up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Indeed, the ability to resurrect from death is very troublesome. I'm afraid I won't be able to kill you before I find that thing. However, I choose to kill him." With a kick, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped off the huge crystal throne. The short knife dragged the slender silver light and slashed straight at Ian, the King of Heroes who was on the ground.

"Pfft." With the sound of the sharp blade piercing through the body, accompanied by the gushing of blood, Domineering Wushuang once again died and turned into black mist and white light to condense a new form in front of the King of Heroes: "I will not give you such a chance of."

"If you can block it, you can block it." With eyes wide open, Zhuang Xiaoyuan once again attacked the King of Heroes who fell on the ground.

"Come out and block him." The black mist rolled, and Domineering Wushuang waved his arms. In the dark fog, fighters, thieves, archers, mages, and priests rushed out of the black mist. out.

(End of this chapter)

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