Chapter 416

Dozens of fighting spirits of different professions and forms surrounded Zhuang Xiaoyuan wrapped in thick black mist, blocking her path from the King of Heroes.

"The man-made heroic spirits from the previous trial." Looking at the familiar outfits of the besieged heroic spirits, Zhuang Xiaoyuan recognized them all at once.

It's just that these heroic spirits controlled by the black mist have all been strengthened at this time, and the data on the top of their heads is no longer the original 990, but can't be seen through, and they are at the same stage as themselves? ? ?up.

"Haven't you given up on resisting? Why don't you obediently become my carrier? No matter how much you resist, it's useless. Your heroic body is destined to be mine." Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to entangle with the strengthened professional heroic spirit. At that time, Domineering Wushuang came to the side of the King of Heroes, and as he approached, the black mist entangled on the King of Heroes became more and more dense.

"It's useless? Your stuff? I really don't know what it means. I'm just giving you a chance to try your tricks. You're too complacent. Idiot." The rough voice suddenly sounded, and the original blank expression of the King of Heroes After regaining his agility, the rich golden light on his body began to shine, and the black mist wrapped around his body actually dissipated under the shining golden light.

"How come, it actually dispelled my black mist. Didn't I just get corroded by the black mist without resistance? Impossible, unless it is a puppet without emotions, as long as there are negative emotions, they cannot resist my black mist." Foggy."

His eyes widened, Domineering Wushuang couldn't hide the shock in his eyes.As Loki's avatar, he has absolute confidence in his black mist. Black mist is the negative emotion of all creatures. It is impossible for anyone to resist this erosion, unless it is a saint without negative emotions.What's more, the heroic spirit who is a pure energy body has even lower resistance to the black mist.

"Hmph, I just want to see how you control the heroic spirit I created. I didn't expect it to be just a trick of an ant, and you dare to show off before you even reach the peak level. Get out of here." Anger With a snort, the King of Heroes stood up from the ground, and slapped Ba Qi Wushuang with a wave of his hand, turning him into a scattered black mist.

The scattered black mist with a bit of white light quickly floated aside to re-condense a domineering Wushuang figure whose level has been lowered by one level.The domineering Wushuang who reappeared gloomyly stared at the King of Heroes who stood up, and couldn't figure out why the black mist would lose its effect.

The silver knife light quickly circulated among the battle spirits wrapped in black mist. Although it was indeed a little trickier than before, it was only a little bit.When the King of Heroes stood up again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's last knife also successfully beheaded the last battle hero, turning into golden light spots that were sucked into the surrounding walls.

"Is this considered stealing chickens and eroding a handful of rice? Not only did it not erode the King of Heroes to let the main body descend, but now even the battle Heroes you controlled before are gone. Is there any other way, Black Mist." Solved the surrounding Zhuang Xiaoyuan withdrew his dagger from the fighting spirits controlled by the black mist and looked at Baqi Wushuang.

"Damn it..." He gritted his teeth gloomily, at this moment, the domineering Wushuang really had no means other than immortality.

"Boom." The huge fist hit the ground, blasting a small crater on the crystal floor. King of Heroes Ian raised his right hand and looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who reacted quickly and left the place, dodging his attack: " Don't worry about that trash, let's have a good chat."

"This so-called trial of the King of Heroes, are you the real trial? In other words, the previous ones are all arranged to make it easier for you to come to you." He raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked from the King of Heroes His fist moved to him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.The attack just now had a strong suction force, and it was almost hit.

"That's right, but the props in front are not just for you to play with. I have learned a little bit about each of you's fighting styles through them. It will make it easier for me to kill you." Withdrawing his right fist and standing up , The heroic spirit king Ian showed a cruel killing intent on his face.

"Kill us... Is this your purpose, but why, you shouldn't have enmity with everyone on the mainland. I can't feel the slightest resentment or anger from you."

Gently pulled out the dagger, since he had already shown hostility towards him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would fight back mercilessly.But before this inexplicable battle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to know more about the situation, and of course the real location of the World Crystal.

"My goal has always been only one, and that is to reach the highest peak. You are all my temptations. If I eat you who are at the peak of strength, I will be able to go one step further. It is only a little short. Zhengquan. "He raised his right fist and swung it forcefully towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan. With his movements, strong suction came from the fist, pulling Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body and hitting his fist.

"Flash of Destiny·Flash." Facing the powerful suction fist of the King of Heroes, the mechanical world card in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body flickered slightly, and the divine power was injected into the body through the transformation attribute of the mechanical world card.

With the change of the attribute of divine power, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's speed suddenly soared, and the silver knife light instantly broke through the suction force of the King of Heroes with extraordinary speed, avoiding his fist and cutting towards his throat.

"It's useless, I'm the strongest. I've seen through your attack pattern a long time ago. Negative fist." The hero king's left fist, which had not moved until now, raised to face Zhuang Xiaoyuan from the side, before the left fist made contact with Zhuang Xiaoyuan. , the strong repelling force directly acted on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, sending her flying far away.

"Relying on killing the peak level to enhance your own strength, all the heroic spirits outside were transformed into heroic spirits after you killed them. So, don't you know where the crystal at the core of the world is?"

Being bounced far away, Zhuang Xiaoyuan twisted her body in the air and kicked her feet on the wall. The speed of the flash of death exploded again, and she took an S-shaped route on the ground and continued to kill the King of Heroes.

"The core of the world? It doesn't matter if you can't find that kind of thing. Now I just need to kill a few of you, and my strength should almost break through. So, become a stepping stone for me to advance. Positive and negative fists." Double fist Attacking at the same time, the suction and repulsion contacted and twisted each other, and finally formed a strong twisted position in the air and began to pull Zhuang Xiaoyuan inward.

"Fairy Tale World - Proper Manipulation." A scarlet flash flashed across his eyes, and the Fairy Tale World card in his body flashed slightly. Suzuko Yuriko's moderate manipulation ability was temporarily borrowed, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly reversed all the vectors in the distorted position.

Boom, suction and repulsion were originally harmoniously balanced and distorted. Under the influence of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's proper manipulation, the two forces suddenly became unstable. The suction and repulsion became weaker and stronger, and finally the balance was broken. The surrounding air was attracted and repelled by the scattered force, forming a strange ripple.

 Yoho, May Day, happy Labor Day, fellow book lovers.Isn't it cool to have a rest?Although you may have started the holidays a few days ago.But the author has no vacation at all, because I am on vacation all year round (*^__^*) haha.Envy it, I envy you who also come to write novels full-time.It's so cool to be at home every day.Well, I'd better go to the code word honestly.For self-entertainment or something, you all went to play, I am still working hard to type...

(End of this chapter)

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