Chapter 417 Sharpshooter Gungnir
"Well, it looks like you don't know either. In the end, I still need to find it myself." The diffused suction and repulsion blow Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the King of Heroes away at the same time, and they landed lightly on the ground. Zhuang Xiaoyuan sighed softly. .

"Xiaoyuan." It wasn't long before landing, and before she even breathed out a sigh, Nina's voice came from behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Nina also found this circular crystal plaza through the front rooms.

"Are you the first one? Tsk, you're a step late." Not long after Nina came out, Yun Mengxue also came out from the other side.After that, several people who came on the same boat came out of the white door frames one after another.

"What's going on here? Did we miss something?" Several people who came out of the door gathered together, glanced at the King of Heroes who was confronting Zhuang Xiaoyuan and then looked back at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and asked in doubt .

"Well, you just caught up with me. I heard from the guy on the other side that we came here to give him experience so that he can upgrade to the top. What do you think?" Shrugging, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said simply and clearly. The situation here is summed up in one sentence.

"Oh, interesting. Is this the real purpose of this so-called trial?" Grinning, Dragon King Odoragon looked at the King of Heroes in front of him.There was a hint of anger in the eyes of being provoked.

"Who is this guy, what a big tone." Frowning, Elf Queen Sylphy also showed some displeasure.

"Well, this guy is Ian, the King of Heroes, and he should be the real master of this eternal battlefield." Looking at the people around him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan focused his attention on Ian, the King of Heroes again, and made an attack with a little dignity. Prepare, there is no doubt that he is better than everyone present.

"Your chats are almost over here. Now that you've all come out, let me deal with you all at once." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others gathered together, Hero King Ian showed no fear, on the contrary, He had an expression of victory on his face.

"One-time solution? Arrogance." Odoragon stared, a strong magical breath erupted, and the wind elements in the air began to gather rapidly.In the wild storm, Odoragon has already begun to attack the king of Heroes.

"Hmph, double-heavy fist." As if he didn't see Odoragon rushing towards him, Ian, the King of Heroes, raised his hands and yelled, and slammed it heavily towards the flat ground.Boom, strange ripples erupted from between his hands and spread to the surroundings.

Odoragon, who was rushing forward, was the first to be hit by the strange ripples. He only felt a weight on his body, and the surrounding wind elements seemed to be disobedient, lost control and disappeared in all directions. When he recovered, he had already maintained his forward momentum. The state was directly crushed to the ground.

It wasn't just Odoragon, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Nina, Yun Mengxue, Sylphy, Lilith, Zhang Wanquan, and Domineering Wushuang who had been playing soy sauce were all crushed to the ground after the strange ripples spread out.

"This... actually affected the gravity of the earth." Being crushed to the ground, Nina raised her head with difficulty and looked at Ian, the King of Heroes, with a hint of surprise in her eyes.

"Tsk, so you hid such a trick. No wonder you look confident. The people who came to the trial before were able to succeed because of this ability to control gravity." Putting his hands on the ground, he raised his body while struggling , Zhuang Xiaoyuan narrowed his eyes slightly and said.

"That's right, you can't do anything in this gravity zone, and the last ones will become my stepping stones. No one can break my gravity zone. This time, let's start with the nearest you. Don't worry, even if you die Now, with your strength, you will soon be resurrected as heroic spirits in this land." There was no complacency on his face, it seemed to be a matter of course.He has already succeeded countless times. At the beginning of the battle, Ian, the King of Heroes, was sure of his victory.

"Ha, I'm really overly proud. It's just that I haven't met anyone who broke your gravity, so I thought no one could break it. This trial of lies that has lasted for hundreds of years will come to an end here. Fairytale world - just the right amount of manipulation."

Raising his hand and slapping the ground vigorously, the moment his body was lifted up, he kicked his feet, directly transforming the gravity exerted on his body into the power of forward rushing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan rushed forward from the original place to the heroic spirit at a speed that he himself could not surpass in an instant before the king.

"Let's stop here, I don't have time to stay here with you, I'm going to find the world crystal. The fairy tale world card is fully output-Sharp Gun Gungnir." The divine power in the body poured into the fairy tale world on a large scale In the card, colorful light burst out suddenly, and under the effect of the fairy tale world card, a scarlet spear appeared in her hand.

Puff, the sound of the spear piercing through the body sounded.Probably never thought that someone would break their own gravity zone.The King of Heroes, Ian, was defenseless against Zhuang Xiaoyuan's attack, and was directly pierced through the heart by Gungnir.

"Ahem, no, it's impossible. I'm the strongest... I can't... stop here. Uh." The golden liquid sprayed out and flowed down the scarlet spear, with the final difficulty With a confident expression, the body of Hero King Ian began to emit golden light spots and floated around.

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan shot through the heart of the King of Heroes, and his body began to turn into golden spots of light, a thick darkness suddenly emerged from his body that was about to dissipate.

"Hehehehe, hahahaha. Thank you so much. Finally, I finally came in. This world is about to enter the real darkness in my hands. Feel the purest despair."

Taking advantage of the near-death state of the King of Heroes, the dense darkness gushed out from his body and covered his whole body in an instant. The original golden body quickly dimmed and was soon stained black.When the body of the King of Heroes turned completely black, the scarlet eyes opened, and a completely different voice came out of the King of Heroes' mouth.

"It's you again, it's really entangled. Just now the King of Heroes broke free from the black mist easily, did you do that on purpose, Loki." With a strong pump, Gungnir was drawn from the chest of the King of Heroes. It came out, and with the last few drops of golden blood dripping on the ground, Gungnir in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand also turned into a red light and disappeared.

At the same time that Gungnir disappeared, the Fairy Tale World Card in her body also dimmed. The blow just now was too powerful, forcing Gungnir to be summoned, and the Fairy Tale World Card could not be used for a short time.This is really a big crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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