Chapter 418 The Unexpected Crystal

"I said, why does this gun look so familiar? I destroyed my avatar again and again before. It turned out to be you, the Ring of Principle. Hey, why did it become like this now? By the way, because Isn’t it in the world you already controlled? How does it feel? As the first god of the world, is it uncomfortable to be bound by the world born after you? Hehehaha, I’m so lucky. Seeing you like this, can I Complete a feat of killing a god."

Exploding from the inside of the Heroic King's body, taking the opportunity to control the Heroic King's body, Loki's eyes stayed on the Gungnir in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand. The familiar scarlet spear had already let him know Zhuang Xiaoyuan's real body , when Zhuang Xiaoyuan called out his name, she was completely sure that she was the enemy who had driven him away like a mouse.

Noticing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's state is different from the past at this time, the soul beyond this world allows Loki to easily discover the power of rules bound to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan who seemed to be bound by countless shackles, Luo Ji's face showed a vicious, sinister and proud expression.

"God killing, although I'm not a god or not, but if you want to kill me, do you want to try it?" With a light smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt the fairy tale world card in his body that was completely dimmed and unusable. Almost made up his mind.

Now that Loki has appeared, there is no need to save energy for the Crystal Throne. Facing Loki who has completely descended and seized the body of the Hero King, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has decided to temporarily abandon the World Crystal of this world.

She plans to directly and remotely transfer part of the power of Yuanli recovered from the Crystal Throne of the main world, and use this part of the power of Yuanli to directly destroy Loki through her connection with the Crystal Throne.

It's just that doing so is not free, and the power of Yuanli that was finally recovered will be exhausted.More importantly, after communicating with the Crystal Throne of the main world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's rules will be broken and he will return to his original appearance.

Without the shackles of the rules of this world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own existence will be rejected by this world. I am afraid that after breaking free from the shackles of the rules, Zhuang Xiaoyuan will be directly kicked out of this world.

At that time, there was no time to continue looking for the world crystal, since it was already close at hand.Although the exact location is not known yet, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has vaguely sensed the aura of the world crystal, which is somewhere in this eternal battlefield.

"Hmph, it's useless to put on airs, I won't be afraid of you. Just stay where you are, Circle of Law." The disappearing gravity reappeared. Compared with the gravity of the King of Heroes before, this Once the gravity became heavier, it was so heavy that it was difficult for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to raise her head.

"Sure enough. That's it, that's it. The Ring of Yuanli is lying in front of me. What a useless guy. Go to death without any power to fight back." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan really didn't resist, he was crushed by the original The gravity ability belonging to the King of Heroes overwhelmed the ground, and Loki was finally completely relieved. The thick black mist quickly rolled in his hands and formed a spiral spike towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the ground.

Gritting her teeth lightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was suppressed by gravity on the ground, found the causal line connecting her body to the void, and was about to connect to the Crystal Throne through this causal line, when a small frame suddenly popped up in front of her, causing Zhuang Xiaoyuan to stop. action.His eyes sparkled with surprise, and the corners of his mouth curled into a smile.

"Ding, the player shadow has completed the world-level task - the trace of the world crystal (purple epic). The task item has been submitted: the world crystal, whether to teach him the ultimate reward: oral secret technique - shadow escape (uniqueness) and collect the task item."

"Yes." After stopping the action of connecting the causal line, Zhuang Xiaoyuan decisively chose yes.Under the pressure of gravity, Zhuang Xiaoyuan only felt a slight trance. The memory of the oral secret skill Shadow Dun was copied and sent to a distant place. At the same time, a blue crystal appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Seeing the blue crystal appearing in front of his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stretched out his hand to grab it without hesitation.The brilliant blue world light burst out from this blue world crystal.

Loki raised the spiral spikes and stabbed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, only felt a flash of blue light in front of his eyes, and a crystal full of strong regularity appeared in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan. He knew that crystal, and it was exactly the same as the emerald green crystal in the elf world. Also full of dense rule power, it is undoubtedly the world crystal of this world.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the crystal, Loki's face changed drastically, and his attacking action accelerated instantly, stabbing at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with all his strength.However, before he poked it, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and grabbed the world crystal, and the blue light suddenly burst out, instantly dyeing the whole world blue.

As soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan grasped the world crystal, a blue light burst out, and the spiral spikes condensed by the black mist in Loki's hand were directly dispelled in the blue light, and the blue light shone on Loki's pitch-black body, a trace of A thread of black smoke emerged from his body, and at the same time, Loki let out a shrill scream.

Under the blue light, as if being put into a sea of ​​flames, Loki rolled and struggled on the ground with black smoke rising from his body.When Rocky was struggling and rolling, Domineering Wushuang on the other side also made the same movement.

However, no matter what kind of reflection they make, they cannot block the damage caused by the blue light of the world.In the blue light, Domineering Wushuang was the first to be unable to hold on, after all, it was only a part of the black mist, Loki's clone.

The thick black smoke on the body gradually faded, and finally no trace of black smoke came out, leaving only the body lying there motionless, and the body did not stay for too long. After a few seconds, it turned into a pure white light and soared into the sky , as a player, Domineering Wushuang finally returned to his original state and went to the temple to be resurrected.

Not long after Domineering Wushuang disappeared, Loki, who had been rolling for a while, finally stopped.The last puff of thick black smoke emerged from the body of the King of Heroes, forming Loki's original figure in the air.

"Damn Circle of Principle, don't think that everything will be fine if you eliminate me. There will be more half of me waiting for you later, and one day, you will be dyed black by my half. I look forward to Waiting for that day to come, hahahaha, hahahahaha." In the last sound that sounded like a vicious curse, and howled like a defeated dog, Loki finally completely disappeared in the blue light of the world.

With the disappearance of Loki, the blue light of the world gradually converged, and the body of the King of Heroes on the ground continued to turn into golden light spots and blend into the surrounding walls.With Loki and Heroes gone, the nearby gravity returned to normal.

(End of this chapter)

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