Chapter 420 Knocked Down Someone Right After Entering

Fast forward in the blue ring, Zhuang Xiaoyuan once again traveled through the starry sky composed of countless worlds, and entered into one of the shining stars under the guidance of the blue crystal pendant on his chest.

Same as the previous time, because the blue crystal pendant just obtained was used to guide the direction and could not protect Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, so when entering this new world, the rules of this world appeared around Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body again.

As the rules that belonged to this world poured into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, the star disk in her body emitted dazzling golden light again, and countless cards emerged from the star disk.

It took only a short time for the cards to appear until they disappeared, and there were only two cards left in place, one was a completely blank card, and the other was a card belonging to the spirit of music, Miku Miku .

The rules of the world first flocked to Yuxiao Meijiu's card, some of the rules were injected into it, but another part was excluded, and finally Yuxiao Meijiu's card trembled twice as if unwilling to return to the starry sky Among the discs.

With the disappearance of the card that lures Xiao Meijiu, all the rules of this world flow into another blank card. With the infusion of rules, a delicate young girl gradually appears in the card.

Afterwards, the girl-like card flew out of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's body, and gradually expanded to envelop Zhuang Xiaoyuan's whole body.Under the familiar golden light, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's form changed again.

His body shape gradually changed, his height seemed to grow a little bit, but not much, his hair gradually turned light gray, his eyes were dyed emerald green, and his hairstyle gradually became a classic figure-eight hairstyle.

The clothes on his body were also replaced by a set of blue and white off-the-shoulder outfits, one long and one short dark blue stockings, and a red Chinese knot hanging from his waist.Two strands of slender hair hung down over her cheeks and fell on her chest, Zhuang Xiaoyuan changed into a new shape again under the influence of the power of rules.

At the same time that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's form changed, the blue ring finally disappeared into the end of the void.The world he traversed this time did not appear in the sky, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't see the overall shape of the world either.With a little regret, Zhuang Xiaoyuan passed through the last ring and appeared in this world.

"Ah." As soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan passed through the last blue circle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt his eyes go dark, as if he had bumped into something, soft, soft, this soft touch and the sound that sounded just now The exclamation sounded like a person.After rubbing against it, it was really soft. I always feel that I have felt this kind of touch there before.

"I said, how long are you going to lie on me. Are you a slut?" A crisp voice came from the top of the head, with a hint of embarrassment in the tone.

Hearing the clear girl's voice from above her head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was sure that she had indeed knocked someone down, and she was still a young girl, but she didn't know what kind of person she was.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up, and what caught his eyes was a delicate face, black twisted ponytail, and a red and white dress, blinking in surprise, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked tentatively: "Le Zhengling?"

"Who is that? Get off me quickly. I don't have so much time to waste here." Frowning slightly, she gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan a strange look, and the girl who seemed to be Le Zhengling pushed the girl sitting on her body. Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Oh, are you sure you're not called Le Zhengling?" Getting up from the girl, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes still stopped on her. Although the two-dimensional picture is obviously different from the real one, seeing the girl in front of him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's first Immediately, I would think of Le Zhengling.

"You mistook me for the wrong person. I am not Le Yue Zhengling. My name is Le Youyou. I still have something to do. I'll go first. I won't pursue the matter that you bumped into me. Goodbye." Get up from the ground, pat Patting the dust off her body, Le Youyou turned around and ran away hastily after leaving a word. Seeing her eagerness, it seemed that she really had something urgent to do.

"Oh, no. I was really shocked. I thought I saw a virtual singer in reality, or I traveled to Luo Tianyi's world... Eh? Luo Tianyi???"

Shrugging his shoulders in disappointment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan watched Le Youyou run away, talking to himself while turning his head to look around, but when he saw the figure reflected on the glass of the clothing store beside him, Zhuang Xiaoyuan widened in surprise eyes.What I saw reflected in the glass was Luo Tianyi's appearance.

"Luo Tianyi? Luo Tianyi, Luo Tianyi! It's really Luo Tianyi. Ahem, ah~ her voice has also changed. It really is. However, I always feel that something is missing." Standing in the clothing store In front of the glass, Zhuang Xiaoyuan carefully looked at his current form, no matter how he looked at it, he looked like Luo Tianyi.But it always feels like something is missing.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to come in and try it on?" Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking at herself through the glass of the clothing store, a face of Obasan suddenly appeared on the other side of the glass, with a strange expression on her face. asked with a smile.

"Wow, no no no, no need. I'm sorry, goodbye." Startled by the sudden head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook his hands in a panic, bowed and apologized, turned and ran away.

"Huh, alas, I just ran away in such a hurry. What am I doing? Why are you guilty? You obviously didn't do anything." After running across a street, Zhuang Xiaoyuan panted lightly , patted his forehead a little annoyed, a little speechless at his stupidity for being speechless.

However, Luo Tianyi's physical strength is surprisingly good.As expected of a virtual singer, she has to sing and dance, which is why she has such excellent physical strength.But it's still a bit uncomfortable in this world.The ability to attack directly is restricted. Is this world so peaceful?

"Gululu." After running for a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's stomach suddenly growled.Caressing her empty stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan leaned against the wall beside her and looked up at the sky.

I'm hungry, but I have no money...

When she was looking at herself at the door of the clothing store just now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan rummaged through her body by the way. There were two small pockets on Luo Tianyi's skirt, but there was nothing inside, let alone money. This world doesn't even have an identity card.It is obvious that the surroundings look like a modern society, and it is difficult to move without money, let alone a black household without an ID card.

"Huh? That's...the earth?" Enduring the hunger in his abdomen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at the sky and suddenly found something strange.A round blue sphere is actually hanging in the sky. Looking at the appearance of that sphere, why does it look so much like a globe that I have seen before?A sphere like a globe, suspended in the air... Am I on the moon now?
(End of this chapter)

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