Chapter 421 I'm going to starve to death as soon as I arrive
"Gululu." There was another cry from an empty stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked away from the earth above her head, touched her hungry stomach, and sighed helplessly.Regardless of whether she is on the moon or not, the important thing now is that she is about to starve to death.

"Very hungry, very hungry, I am really hungry. Very hungry, very hungry, I am really hungry... Obviously, I ate five bowls of noodles this morning..." Touching his empty stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shouted The hungry voice involuntarily transformed into a melody of music.With the melody of the music formed by the cycle of hunger, faint seven-color light spots faintly emerged in the air.

"Ha, food feeding song, why did you start singing this all of a sudden, obviously this morning, I didn't eat anything. Isn't this the more you sing, the hungrier you are?" After singing a few words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly stopped, smiled wryly and touched Touch the stomach that is getting more and more hungry.

"Let's find out if there is any place to get food. It's impossible for a person to starve to death." Shaking his head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan endured the hunger in his stomach and mustered up his energy to stand up, facing the front door. Walking, although some limbs are weak because of the feeling of hunger, it is better than staying in place and finally starving to death.

"Oh, I went the wrong way." Not long after walking into the street, Zhuang Xiaoyuan regretted it a little.This street that I walked in casually turned out to be a food street.There are restaurants on both sides of the street.

Meat buns, soy milk, and fried dough sticks at the breakfast stand.The kebabs at the barbecue stand, the grilled squid, and the teppanyaki in the shop, the aroma of rice mixed together, was inhaled by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, and the already hungry stomach was almost to the limit.

"Gululu." Looking at the nearest breakfast stall, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's stomach groaned again. It is almost noon now, and the owner of this breakfast stall is cleaning up the stalls, selling the leftovers one by one. The steamed buns are still warm in the steamer.

"Little girl, do you want to try our big meat buns? The skin is thin and the meat is delicious." Hearing the sound of gurgling suddenly coming from nearby, the boss who was cleaning up the booth looked up and saw standing near his booth Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan here, seeing a little girl, the boss greeted her with a warm smile on his face.

"No, no need. I don't have any money." Shaking his head lightly, his salivating gaze was withdrawn from the big meat bun in the boss's mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan refused.As soon as he finished speaking, his stomach made another rumbling sound.

"Haha, did you run away from home secretly? Here you are, I don't charge you, anyway, it's the leftovers. Go back early after eating, your parents should be worried about you." Hearing the conversation with Zhuang Xiaoyuan Rejecting the completely different sound of an empty stomach, the boss laughed, took a bag and filled three meat buns and handed them to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Hey, ah, thank you boss." Wei Wei was stunned for a moment, and the bag containing the steamed buns was directly stuffed into her hands by the boss, Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly bowed her head and thanked.Already unbearably hungry, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't have the hypocrisy to politely refuse the boss's gift.

"You're welcome, go back early after eating. I'm going to close the stall and go home. My daughter is still waiting for me to go back. I really hope she can grow as cute as you in the future. Just don't run away from home like you Already." With a kind smile on his face, the boss waved his hand with a smile, cleaned up his booth, pushed the trolley and left.

Watching the boss's back disappear around the corner, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lowered his head and opened the bag in his hand.Ahhh, I took out a bun and stuffed it into my mouth.Woohoo, it's delicious, it's really delicious.

I don't know whether Luo Tianyi's taste is different or the boss's craftsmanship is really so good, Zhuang Xiaoyuan just feels that these buns are particularly delicious.It tastes completely different from cooking by myself.

Ahhh, ahhhh, ahhh, after wolfing down a few mouthfuls, the three buns were wiped out by Zhuang Xiaoyuan in an instant.After rubbing his stomach after eating three big meat buns, Zhuang Xiaoyuan let out a long breath, finally he was not so hungry, although he was still very hungry.But at least there is no longer the feeling of weakness in limbs like before.

With these buns to fill his stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan finally had the strength to use his brain to think of a solution, how to solve the current problem of food and clothing.As a newcomer who has just arrived in a strange area, unfamiliar with the place, and still has nothing in his pocket, he still needs to make money first.

If you have money, you can eat, if you have money, you can live, if you have money, you will not be hungry, if you have money, you will not sleep on the street.Sure enough, the most important thing now is to make money.But how to make money.

Robbing a bank?Obviously not, Luo Tianyi has small arms and legs. Although he has good physical strength, he will definitely be subdued in an instant when facing tall security guards.So, go for a scam?Well, well, maybe he will be tricked into selling it in the end, and maybe he will help count the money by the way.

After thinking so much, now that she can't use her transformation ability and the fairy tale world card is temporarily sealed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seems to have no other way except to use Luo Tianyi's own ability to make money.

Hey, speaking of it, the magical girl world card seems to be able to summon characters related to the transformed character to perform a rescue or attack.If you summon in Luo Tianyi's form, there is a high probability that it will be Le Zhengling, or else, summon her and ask her to borrow some money...

Well, this is just whimsical.Leaving aside whether the Lezheng Group has been bankrupted or not, and whether the summoned Lezhengling will bring a wallet, the most important thing is that even if Lezhengling is summoned, the money from their world may not be used here Bar.Two completely different worlds.

Sure enough, you can only rely on yourself.Still, it's kind of embarrassing to make money that way.Although she once transformed into Yuxiao Miku and performed on the stage during the Chuangshen Festival, but now she is selling and singing on the street, in order to make money, I always feel that the feeling is different, and some people can't let go.

Although, there is still a trace of awkwardness in my heart.But this is something that has to be done, after all, there is no money.Now I can only hope that the people in this world can be as kind as they were in the previous life, and will contribute a little money for food to me who sings.

Having already made a decision in his heart, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked towards the other side of the street. There is a small flower bed where three different streets meet, and the flow of people is also the largest. Many people hear their voices.More people will donate more money.

Walking briskly forward, Zhuang Xiaoyuan soon came to this flower bed.Forcibly ignoring the curious eyes of the people around, Zhuang Xiaoyuan jumped lightly, stood on the edge of the flower bed, and turned to look at the dense crowd.

(End of this chapter)

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