Chapter 423 I was scolded just after I ran out
As the lullaby sounded, pure white spots of light appeared in the surrounding air. All the floating spots of light gathered in front of the three humanoid mechas, and the white light spots surrounded the humanoid mechas. When I got up, the three mechas actually started to wobble, and fell from the air to the ground as if hypnotized.

"Now, let's go quickly." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped and watched in amazement as the white dots emerged in the air and leveled the three mechas, a red-and-white girl with black ponytail suddenly rushed out from the side, He grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and ran towards the depths of the narrow street.

Behind the two, more humanoid mechas rose from somewhere and flew towards this side. If it was a step later, they might be surrounded by those humanoid mechas.

"Phew, it looks like we haven't been spotted. It's really dangerous. How could there be so many strange mechas suddenly." In a dark alley, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou hid here panting, flying in the sky from time to time. A humanoid mecha passed by, but none of them noticed them.

"You idiot, looking for death for no reason. Why are you singing when there are so many people, and you haven't made any preparations. Do you want to go to prison for ten or eight years in a labor reform?" Calmed down his haste Panting, Le Youyou pointed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and cursed.

"Well, to be honest, I haven't figured out the situation at all. Why am I being chased by those things just to sing a song? You all seem to know the reason? And the person who helped me just now seems to have been shot, although It's an anesthesia gun, will it be okay?" I didn't expect to be scolded by Le Youyou as soon as I opened my mouth, but after all, it seemed that I had done something that I shouldn't have done, so Zhuang Xiaoyuan just scratched her cheek in embarrassment and asked .

"Hey, are you an alien? Even aliens know about it. Music in this world is forbidden." Rolling her eyes at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou folded her hands on her chest with dissatisfaction and disbelief The expression on his face: "That person just now, you don't have to worry, he will be released after being locked up for a few days at most. It's not that he is singing."

"A world where music is forbidden? How could it be? Then why am I Luo Tianyi? Could it be that the music in this world is the key?" Hearing what Le Youyou said, the surprise on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face flashed across, and she frowned slightly Frowning lost in thought.

"Luo Tianyi? Is your name Luo Tianyi? I hope you won't act like this in the future and cause trouble for others." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's self-talk, but not hearing everything clearly, Le Youyou looked up The humanoid mecha still hovering in the sky sighed.

"No, my name is not Luo Tianyi, although I look like Luo Tianyi. My name is Zhuang Xiaoyuan, you can call me Xiaoyuan. I am lucky to meet you for the second time. We are destined. Let's make friends , Le Youyou." Shaking his head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't care about Le Youyou's attitude, and stretched out his right hand to her.

"Hmph, you troublesome guy. But, seeing that the song just now is so good, I'll just make it harder. You can also just call me Yoyo, Xiaoyuan." Le Youyou curled her lips helplessly, and stretched out her hand Hold Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand.

"Wow, I'm so touched, I'm so touched. Yoyo finally made her first friend. Even if I'm an elf, I'd be moved to tears." Just when Le Yoyo shook hands with Zhuang Xiaoyuan awkwardly .

A small sharp horn suddenly appeared from behind her, and a little unicorn exuding pure white light jumped onto her shoulder, and said with exaggerated tone, while speaking, he pretended to lift Kicked forward and wiped his eyes.

"Hey, this is a unicorn? So there are such fantasy creatures in this world. Did he make those white light spots just now?" Seeing the unicorn suddenly appearing on Le Youyou's shoulder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was surprised stared at him and said.

This world is breaking Zhuang Xiaoyuan's view of the world again and again. He thought it was just an ordinary world, but he found that he was actually on the moon, with the earth above his head.

Originally I thought it would be a peaceful world, but I didn't expect a lot of humanoid mechas to come out suddenly.I thought it was a world of pure technology, but I didn't expect to see a fantasy creature like a unicorn.

After all, what is this world like, and there is still that weird music ban.Why is music banned in this world, what a strange world.

"No, I'm not some fantasy creature. I'm Yoyo's partner, her music elf, and my name is Melody. It wasn't me who created those white light spots just now, but Yoyo's music. Isn't it very Awesome, hehe." Seeing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan's surprise was obviously helpful, Melody explained with a smile.

"Music spirit, was it caused by Yoyo's music just now? Didn't you say that music is banned, what is going on in this world?" The more he knew, the more doubts Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt in his heart.

However, based on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own understanding and what he has seen and heard so far, I am afraid that the banning of the concert should have something to do with these music elves. Could it be that the music elves will cause any disaster?

"You really don't know anything. Could it be that it came out of some valley? But there are no remote villages on the side of the moon. Even the earth has already been urbanized." She looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan strangely. At a glance, Le Youyou felt a little helpless about Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ignorance.

"Well, the place where I come from is indeed relatively remote, at least for you. So can you tell me, what is going on in this world, why music is banned, and what is this music elf? Does it have anything to do with the music ban?"

Shrugging, Zhuang Xiaoyuan clasped his hands together as if begging.After the short period of communication before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has fully understood Le Youyou's tough mouth and soft heart.

"Ha, there is really no way. Then I will tell you about the music in this world, the disasters of human beings in this world, and the birth of these music elves." Sighing again, Le Youyou's face showed a trace Seriously, staring at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and said.

"First of all, you need to know that human beings have failed. In the era of interstellar navigation 200 years ago, human beings and the newly discovered voiceless race fought a race-to-race interstellar war, which ended in the complete defeat of human beings. "

"The weapons owned by human beings are restricted, all the occupied planets have become colonies of the Silent Race, and even the earth has fallen into the hands of the Silent Race. Human beings have completely become the low-level civilians ruled by the Silent Race , even slaves."

"Among them, the most serious destruction is not self-defense arms and human dignity, but human music civilization. All music is banned, and all musical instruments are destroyed. Even if there are remaining music scores It is also incomplete, and even 200 years later, most human beings can't even understand music scores, let alone play musical instruments." With the melodious and clear voice, the historical evolution of the world in the past 200 years was slowed down by her. Slow down.

(End of this chapter)

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