Chapter 424 This is a world where music is forbidden

200 years ago, the development of human beings reached its peak, and countless mechs and spaceships were manufactured.The population of the whole world has already made the earth overwhelmed, so human beings began the journey of expanding outward, to the entire galaxy and the entire universe.

The original goal of mankind was the moon. At that time, human technology had long had the ability to transform the environment.As a result, the moon was transformed, and the first human colony base was established on the moon. After that, countless countries began to build their own bases on the moon one after another.At that time, human beings still owned many countries, and everyone was building their own bases clearly.

After the moon, there is Mars, and after Mars are other planets in the solar system.After that, the pace of human expansion did not stop.After the expansion and transformation, human beings finally left the solar system and expanded towards the entire galaxy.

However, just when the footsteps of human expansion were about to touch the edge of the galaxy, they discovered a new kind of humanoid life form.That is the Silent Race. Of course, this race was not called the Silent Race at first, but now people have long forgotten their original name, and now they are always called the Silent Race, because they are a race without music.

When humans discover new humanoid species, they are also discovered by the other party.There was no negotiation and no compromise, so the war broke out abruptly.

In the first war, human beings suffered a crushing defeat. Because of the inferiority of human beings, every country wants to get information about the Silent Race and understand this new racial structure, so everyone hides it, and there is no information sharing. , all the battles are just in charge of each other, so, in the initial battle, human beings were undoubtedly defeated.

After that, human beings still haven't learned the lesson, thinking that it was just a moment of carelessness.However, in the subsequent wars, human beings lost a large part of the Milky Way and were pushed back into the solar system.

It was not until this time that various countries realized that the situation was not right.All countries can finally sit down and talk about the issue of jointly resisting the voiceless people.However, it was too late at this time. Even if the human beings were united in the end, they still failed in the end. The failure of human beings also meant the victory of the Silent Clan.

As a result, the entire Milky Way was occupied by the Silent Race.And the first thing these soundless people did after occupying the entire galaxy was to destroy all human music data and musical instruments. Only then did humans know that music was the nemesis of these soundless people, but it was too late up.

After destroying all the music, the entire universe seemed to lose its vitality.But it has become a paradise for the silent people.The Silencers did not continue to kill humans cruelly, they raised humans in captivity and let humans work for them.Because the soundless people's reproductive ability is not strong, compared to the human population is not large, in order to manage the entire galaxy, they need human labor.

In this way, 200 years have passed.Facing the music prohibition order of the Silent Clan, most human beings gradually lost their ability to make music.Not only the ability to create music, but also the ability to play music, and even the ability to appreciate music, because many people have never heard any ballad that can be called music from birth to death.

During the 200 years without music, it was not that no one resisted, but they were all suppressed in the end.In the end, the only thing that rose up was a music performance organization called Tianlai Organization.

The Teana organization was also the first to discover the existence of music spirits. They discovered that the world had undergone some strange changes due to the loss of music.In this world without a complete score, as long as you sing a complete song, you can awaken your own music spirit.

This music elf will be your most important partner, as well as your most important musical instrument, because music elves are special existences that can turn into your musical instruments when you need them, and they were born for music.

Because of the discovery of the music elves, human beings finally have a little bit of power to resist the Silent Clan.But it is too difficult to obtain a complete score and sing it in a world without music.Moreover, not everyone will successfully awaken the music elf, and there will be people who have no musical talent and finally give up their music path sadly.

Therefore, in the past 200 years, humans who have awakened the music elves successively gathered together. They gathered in the Tianlai organization, occupied a planet on the edge of the Milky Way as the base camp of the Tianlai organization, and named it Music Star.

After the music star was established, countless musicians in the Tianlai organization formed various bands or solo singers and began to wander throughout the galaxy.They avoid the protection and surveillance of the soundless people, and will raid the planets where the soundless people are weaker in defense to hold a surprise concert, bringing new music seeds to mankind.

They hope that humans will not give up the music in their hearts.As long as the seeds of music in their hearts do not wither, one day, human beings will take back their own music and drive all these voiceless people out of their homes.

After the music star was established, there was a long-lasting fierce confrontation between the music star and the silent people.The Voiceless have always wanted to wipe out the entire music star.And the music star's Tianlai organization is conducting surprise concerts again and again, awakening the soul of music in mankind, and allowing more humans to join them.

Because the soundless tribe occupies a large area, and its own armed technology level completely surpasses the music star, and the music star, as a music-based planet, certainly does not have an arsenal for making various weapons.Therefore, due to the gap in armed technology, the music star has no ability to confront the silent people head-on, and can only conduct guerrilla warfare in the form of surprise concerts.

Because of the unique music atmosphere of the music star, there are countless musicians who have awakened the music elves. The unique energy emitted by these music elves forms a solid protection around the music star. There is no problem for ordinary humans to enter and exit, but However, the people of the voiceless tribe could not break through this layer of energy protection to enter the music star.

Because both parties have their own reasons, the Silent Clan and the Music Star ended up in a stalemate.No one can break this balance. Perhaps one day, when a special genius appears among human beings, or when the voiceless people develop a way to break through that energy barrier, this fragile balance will be broken. .

"So that's how it is. This world is like this. So, do I still lack a music elf? Speaking of which, Luo Tianyi seems to have his own music elf, what the hell...Tian Dian ?”

After listening to Le Youyou's explanation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan muttered to himself the name of Luo Tianyi's music spirit.As these two words fell, the blue world crystal on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's neck suddenly burst into a faint light, and with a bang, the blue crystal turned into a little elf.

(End of this chapter)

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