Chapter 425 Please eat till you are full

"Hey, so you have a music elf. Are you kidding me? Didn't you just pretend not to know?" Seeing that the pendant on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's neck suddenly turned into a small, white , a music elf with a single wing, Le Youyou feels like being deceived.

"No, it's not. I don't know why it turned into a music elf. But, it's a strange feeling, I always feel that this elf is myself." Shaking her hand, she denied her accusation of deceiving her. Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at the Tiandian in his hand, with surprise in his eyes.

This musical elf that was supposed to be Luo Tianyi was completely under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's control, as long as Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted her to do, she would do it.Moreover, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled, she also laughed, and when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was sad, she also felt sad, as if she suddenly had a clone.

However, this avatar is different from Tokisaki Kurumi's completely independent avatar. The senses and consciousness of this avatar seem to belong to one person, Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself.This feeling is like a consciousness controlling two bodies at the same time, except that one is a human and the other is an elf.

"Okay, I believe you." I noticed that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was looking at the music elf in his hand curiously, not like a disguise.Le Youyou shook her head and believed her words: "How about it, after listening to what I said so much, do you have any plans?"

"Plan? What plan?" Hearing Le Youyou's question, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was slightly taken aback, with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Ah, of course the plan is to go to the music star. Do you want to go to the music star with me? We all have music elves, and it is too dangerous to live in the area occupied by the voiceless tribe. Only there is the safest place. Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's innocent and puzzled expression, Le Youyou scratched her hair frantically and asked.

"Oh, yes. Anyway, I don't have a place to go, so it doesn't matter where I go. But before that..." Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Le Youyou, holding Tian Dian on his right shoulder.

Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze, Le Youyou tilted her head strangely, and asked, "But what?"

"Can you have a meal first? I'm hungry. It has been gurgling non-stop since just now." Clutching her stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan made a painful expression, and her stomach was also very There was a grunting sound in coordination with the empty stomach.

"...You're so hungry that your stomach is screaming. How long have you not eaten? You can't...have no money." His eyes stared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan strangely, and Le Youyou's expression also revealed a strange smile.
"Speaking of which, you suddenly sang over there just now, is it to make money? Poof~" After speaking, Le Youyou noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's resentful expression, and knew that she had guessed right, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Hungry, hungry, hungry, I'm really hungry. I'm so hungry, so hungry, I'm really hungry..." Seeing that Le Youyou was still in the mood to laugh at herself, she touched her stomach that was grumbling again Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help singing Luo Tianyi's feeding song again.As a series of good hunger came out of her mouth rhythmically, little by little starlight began to emerge in the air.

"Okay, okay, stop singing, I'll treat you to dinner. You can sing a song even when you're hungry, and I'm convinced of you. If you continue singing, be careful to attract people from the voiceless tribe. Noticing the stars floating in the surrounding air along with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing, Le Youyou hurriedly stretched out her hand to cover Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth and comforted her.

"Really? Are you really willing to invite me to dinner?" Hearing Le Youyou say please eat, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes shone brightly, and she looked up at her expectantly: "My appetite is a bit big."

"Really, don't worry if you have a big appetite. I'm still relatively rich, just eat until you're full." Smiling and waving his hands, he said with a cheerful expression that I'm a local tyrant coming to hug my thigh.

"Boss, I will be the pendant on your lap from now on." So, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hung on Le Youyou's lap without any morals.


"Ah, ah, it's delicious, it's delicious. Waiter, I want another Yangzhou fried rice, as well as crystal wontons. By the way, are the steamed dumplings just ready?" A Chinese restaurant that looks a bit high-end In the shop, Zhuang Xiaoyuan kept stuffing the food in front of him into his mouth with both hands, and from time to time urged the waiter in the shop to add more food and speed up.

Compared with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's quick movements, Le Youyou fell into a complete silence.There was a cup of cold green tea in front of her, and she was completely dumbfounded watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan quickly sweep up the food in front of her, and the plates beside her were stacked high.

The waiters around and the chefs in the backstage were completely busy. All the waiters and chefs in the entire restaurant mobilized to keep up with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eating speed.

"Waiter, bring me another drawer of steamed buns." Half an hour later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was still eating, but many waiters and chefs had already collapsed to the ground, their hands and legs were weak, and they couldn't stand up anyway.

"Sorry, customer. The store's food reserves have all been used up, and I really can't make any dishes." Among the waiters who fell to the ground crying, the only one who can stand up is to join the ranks of waiters to fight in the later stage ' The restaurateur is gone.

At this time, he stood beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tall dinner plates with a complicated expression, and looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with admiration.No matter how I think about it, I can't understand how so many things fit into my stomach that is still so flat at this time.

"Hey, it's gone. Well, that's it for today. Although I'm only [-]% full." Rubbing her stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan licked her lips and said with an expression that was still unfinished.

"Seven, seven percent full." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer and taking another look at Zhuang Xiaoyuan's flat stomach at this time, the restaurant owner only felt his eyes go dark.The whole person fell backwards, and fell directly among the large waiters on the ground, and he didn't know whether he was tired or frightened.

"Hey, why did he pass out? The ability to bear it is too bad." Zhuang Xiaoyuan glanced at the restaurant owner on the ground strangely, turned to look at Le Youyou and said, "Yuyou, we're done eating. Are we leaving? But The boss fainted, it looks like we can evade the fare for this meal."

"Ahem, guest, here is your bill, please have a look. The total consumption is 23040 yuan. Do you pay in cash or by credit card." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan said the word fare evasion, the restaurant owner who had fallen on the ground before suddenly jumped up, With a serious expression on his face, as if he hadn't fainted at all just now, he took out an account book and handed it to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

 Thank you book friend [橴冰] for your support for more than 100 days, and the personal sign-in post has actually been signed in for [-] days.It was agreed to sign in one hundred, and the million words will be updated (five more).This is the second update today.Thanks

(End of this chapter)

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