Chapter 426

"Hey, don't show me this one, give it to her, she treats you." With an embarrassed smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and pushed the bill in front of Le Youyou.

"Oh, let's swipe the card." Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and sighing, Le Youyou took out a black card from her pocket and handed it over with an unfriendly expression.

"Okay, please wait a moment, customer." Seeing the black card that Dole Yoyo escaped from his pocket, the restaurant owner's eyes flashed with reverence, and he turned around and took the POS machine and began to swipe the card for him.After swiping the card and paying the bill, the restaurant owner respectfully sent the two of them out of the restaurant: "Welcome to visit again next time."

"Hey, Yoyo, the service attitude of this restaurant is very good, and the food is also good, let's continue to eat here next time." He Leyouyou left the restaurant side by side, and heard the farewell from the restaurant owner behind him voice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and suggested to Le Youyou beside her.

"Okay, there is a chance." For Zhuang Xiaoyuan's suggestion, Le Youyou shrugged her shoulders and responded casually.

With a plop, I heard the question and answer of the two people in front.The restaurant owner's eyes darkened and he passed out again.


"Ah, I'm finally full. I'm so happy." In another restaurant, after sweeping wildly again, after stacking thick plates on the table, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was finally satisfied and leaned on the back of the chair stroking her stomach.I didn't expect that I would become so edible one day, but this feeling of being full is really refreshing.

"It's really edible. Are you really a human being? Could it be some kind of human transformation?" Having shocked Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appetite in the previous restaurant, leaving so many empty plates again, Le Youyou was a little numb.

"It's really rude, I'm not a reformer. Ah, please give me another sundae, thank you." Facing Le Youyou's slander, Zhuang Xiaoyuan denied with a dissatisfied expression on his face.But when he saw the waiter who had finished eating here come to clear away the plates, Zhuang Xiaoyuan immediately recovered his smile and took advantage of the opportunity to order another sundae.

"Aren't you full? Do you want more?"

"Heh heh heh, this is different. Isn't there a saying that snacks and desserts are for another stomach." Slightly shaking her finger, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said to Le Youyou with a smug expression.

"This is not something you should be proud of at all. According to the way you eat, no one can afford you." Le Youyou said with a look of unbearable anger after glancing at Zhuang Xiaoyuan lightly.

"Who said, there is Yoyo here, you don't need others at all. Ah, thank you. Well, it's delicious." Smiling, he took the sundae from the waiter, scooped up a spoonful and put it in his mouth. It was cool and sweet The taste melted in the mouth, it was so delicious.

"It's useless for me to be here. I'm afraid I won't be able to afford to invite you to dinner soon." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, a trusting smile appeared on Le Youyou's face, but it soon dimmed, revealing a smile in her eyes. Show a complex look.

"It's okay, I'll treat you to eat when the time comes. I will definitely find a way to make money." The movements in my hands didn't stop, and soon a large glass of sundae entered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's stomach: "Waiter, Have another one."

"You want more. Eating too much ice is not good for your health." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's assurance, the complexities in Le Youyou's eyes instantly disappeared, and she looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a funny expression and said.

"Originally, there was only one cup. Since you can't eat it after you said it, I'll eat more when I can eat it now, and eat all the future portions in advance, hey."

"You, how obsessed are you with eating?"

"I used to like to eat delicious food, but I didn't have such a big appetite. The one with the big appetite is another friend of mine. But now I'm a little different. Well, let's not talk about me. Let's talk about you, before Yoyo In a hurry, is it just to prepare for leaving?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked after taking the second cup of sundae they had prepared before with an expression of "sure enough" on the waiter's face.

"Well, I want to go to the music star. I have always wanted to go to the music star since I heard the performance of the dawn band when I was a child. But you know in this world, it is not that simple to go to the music star. And, at that time, I It's still very young. Dad won't agree." His hands were clasped together, as if expressing the complex emotions in his heart, his fingers moved back and forth irregularly, and Le Youyou's eyes were fixed on his own fingers all the time.

"I see. I know the general situation. That is to say, as an adult, you ran away from home because of your father's opposition and planned to go to a music star alone. But where did you plan to go in a hurry? Are you catching a plane?" Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said that she already understood, scooped up a spoonful of sundae and put it in her mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to ask.

"No." There was a trace of embarrassment on her face, she hesitated for a moment and Le Youyou continued to say: "At that time, I just came back from the regular ship port, because I forgot to bring money, so I couldn't buy a ticket, so I was in a hurry I went back. In order not to be discovered by my father, I was in a hurry."

"Pfft, haha. I forgot to bring money. Are you an ancient lady who forgot to bring money when she ran away from home? Hahaha, Yoyo, you are really cute. Haha." Hearing Le Youyou's explanation, Zhuang Xiaoyuan He almost spit out the sundae in his mouth, and couldn't help laughing.

"Oh, what's so funny, you don't have any money with you. You just don't have the right to laugh at me." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan laughing backwards, Le Youyou pouted her mouth unhappily, and said with some dissatisfaction .

"Haha, stop laughing, stop laughing, haha." Seeing Le Youyou's unhappy pouting, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped laughing, but the curvature of the corner of her mouth couldn't be calmed down.There was a smile on the corner of her mouth, but there was a trace of seriousness in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes: "It's great that Youyou forgot to bring money, otherwise I wouldn't have met you. This is fate."

"That's right, if I hadn't forgotten to bring the money and ran home, you wouldn't have met me. If you hadn't met me, you might have been arrested by the Silent Clan and sent to a labor camp. Even if you hadn't been arrested, maybe you I also starved to death in a corner. So, you have to thank me well."

"Oh, I will definitely thank you very much. So, how do you want me to thank you?" Smiling and looking at Le Youyou's expression of "thank me", Zhuang Xiaoyuan put the last bite of sundae in his mouth and asked road.

"Teach me to sing, the song you sang in the square before is very nice." Taking a deep breath, Le Youyou asked seriously.

 Hmm, today's third update.

(End of this chapter)

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