Chapter 427 A Destined Couple?
"The one on the square before, the Ode to the Millennium Recipe." Putting down the sundae cup in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a trace of thought on his face.

"How about it? Can't you? I know that complete music scores are rare and precious, but I really like singing. However, if it makes you difficult..." With anticipation and apprehension on his face, Leyouyou's eyes watched Zhuang Xiaoyuan waited for the answer.

"No, it's not that you can't, it's just that it feels weird to make you sing the ode to the thousand-year recipe. If it were you, you might be very suitable for singing Jiujiu81, Battle Fox, Singer at the End of the World. After all, it looks like They look very similar, and their voices sound similar too." Tapping his lips with his index finger, seeing the very similar faces of Le Youyou and Le Zhengling, several songs lingered in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mind.

"Nine Nine 81, Battle Fox, Singer at the End of the World? What is that? Is it also a song? You know so much?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Le Youyou's eyes widened in surprise.

"As you said, the music scores in this world have been destroyed. However, there are countless kinds of music in my mind. Whether it is passionate, united, sad or friendly, I have both love and family affection. That's why I said that our meeting is a kind of fate." Pointing to his head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Le Youyou and said with a smile.

"Really? This is not a joke. However, if it is true, it is indeed a kind of fate. It is like destiny. If you didn't meet me, you might have an accident. If you didn't meet you, I would Can't hear the music in your head."

The suspicion flashed across his face, and was quickly replaced by trust. Although it was only the first time they met, for some reason, Le Youyou felt that he could trust Zhuang Xiaoyuan.She has this intuition, and she trusts her intuition.

"So, my predestined partner, I've eaten and drank enough, what should I do next?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou looked at each other and asked after rubbing their stomachs that were completely satisfied.

"That's needless to say, of course I'm going to leave here by boat. I've made up my mind." Standing up, Le Youyou had a firm expression on her face, and for a moment, there was a hint of heroism style.


"Actually, you are really an alien. Or a modified person who escaped from the laboratory. I always feel that everything will not go well after I meet you." Near the port of the regular spaceship, a certain remote small At the entrance of the alley, Le Youyou has long lost her previous heroic demeanor, and now only helplessness remains on her body.

"What did you say that things didn't go well after you met me? You even said that we were a destined couple before." Compared with Le Youyou's helpless look, Zhuang Xiaoyuan seemed a little leisurely, as if the reason for not being able to get on the boat Not that she made it so.

"Wh, what a predestined couple, I never said such shameful words. I just said that I was destined to be with you." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's intentionally emphasized words, Le Youyou retorted with a blushing face.Nothing about a couple.

"Isn't that the same meaning? Cough, well, then what are you going to do? You can't get on a regular ship without an ID card. Are you going to be ruthless and abandon me here alone, or look for the legendary underground organization? Smuggling onto a boat." Smiling secretly, seeing Le Youyou's squinting eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan restrained the smile on his face, and asked with a light cough.

"Hmph, it's really unnecessary to ask. Of course I'm abandoning you, I'll go alone first." With a soft snort, Le Youyou turned around with her arms folded and walked towards the depths of the alley.

"Hey, hey." Eyes widened, Le Youyou's answer was completely beyond Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expectations.

"Hey what, hurry up. Let's go find the local snake, if you don't come over, I'll really leave you behind." After walking a few steps, I found that Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't follow up, and was still standing there in a daze.Le Youyou couldn't help grinning, beckoned to her, and continued walking towards the depths of the alley.

"Oh. Here we come." Le Youyou actually still had such a side, and she suddenly teased herself, which surprised Zhuang Xiaoyuan.After all, from the time we met until now, Le Youyou has been considered a serious personality, so it's no wonder that she would be fooled if she came here suddenly.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou headed deeper into the alley, a completely different world unfolded in front of them.Dilapidated, dirty, with a little bit of rust and the smell of fireworks, this is the first impression of the dark street deep in the alley to the two of them.

"Hey, brat. This is not a place where people like you can come in casually." Just as the two were about to leave the alley and enter the Heijie, a tall figure stood in front of the two of them, completely isolating the scene of the Heijie. out of sight of the two.

"Who are you?" Some vigilantly took a step forward to stand in front of Le Youyou. Although Luo Tianyi's state did not have the power he once had, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still habitually turned his back to him when he encountered possible danger. The young girl stood behind her.

"Who am I? This should be me asking you. Who are you? Not just anyone can enter the Black Street. Brats like you are not welcome here." The figure blocking the intersection did not give way at all. open plan.

"Little ghost, I'm so annoying, you are the little ghost, and the whole family is a little ghost. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions about everything, let me get out of the way." Standing up from behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou puffed up her chest, He stared angrily at the person blocking the way in front of him.

"Adult, I can't tell at all. No matter how you look at it, you are just a kid. If you want to go in so much, take it off for me to prove that you are an adult." Hearing Le Youyou's adulthood, the tall man standing in the middle of the road There was a flash of light in the man's eyes, revealing a hint of lewdness.

"You bastard..." Hearing this tall man's words, Le Youyou's face showed a trace of anger.And the eyes of Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was beside her showed a trace of murderous intent.

Even if Luo Tianyi doesn't have the powerful combat power of other characters, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has lived in the last days for many years, can be considered to have experienced real killings. The murderous look in his eyes when he is secretly angry is definitely something ordinary people can't possess.Moreover, even without the strange power of other characters, Zhuang Xiaoyuan still has knowledge about fighting.

"Hei Pi, don't provoke trouble. Let them in, they are my guests." Just when the atmosphere between the two sides was tense, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan was about to start a fight, a somewhat old voice suddenly intervened among them.In the shop across the street from the exit of the alley, an old man waved towards him.

 Hmm, the fourth update?
(End of this chapter)

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