Chapter 428 The Fading Moon

"Cut, let's go in." Hearing this voice, the tall man called Heipi curled his lips, glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou unwillingly, turned and walked towards the other side of Hei Street.

"Grandpa, thank you for your help." After Hei Pi left, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou finally walked into this dark street.After entering, the two went directly to the old man's shop, and Le Youyou thanked him.

"You don't need to thank me, I'm not helping you either. I just don't want my storefront to be stained with blood." Looking at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with deep eyes, the old man shook his head and said.It seems that the change in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes was noticed by him.

"However, what Heipi said before is also reasonable. People like you should not come in here. The only women who come to the black street are those wandering warblers who sell their bodies. You came in because you want to buy something that is not available in the market. What did you get?" Looking away from Zhuang Xiaoyuan and shifting to Le Youyou, the old man asked with a predictable expression.

Slightly frowning and looking at each other with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou said directly what she wanted to entrust. After all, this old man is a kind person in the black street, and he helped out just now: "We want to go to Mingyuan Star by regular spaceship, but we accidentally lost our ID card. So we want to go there by boat through a channel that doesn't require an ID card. Does Grandpa know any place in Heijie that can help people do this? What about the matter?"

"I want to go to Mingyuan Star, but I don't have an ID card, so you want to sneak in?" Hearing what Le Youyou said, the old man shook his head and said, "Using this method, even if you succeed in smuggling, you can easily be smuggled in Mingyuan Star." People should find out. After all, compared to the moon side, identity certificates are used in many places on alien planets."

"Then, what does the old man mean?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked with a hint of doubt on his face, obviously hearing that there was another way from the old man's words.

"Using the method of smuggling people to take you on board, it is better to apply for a legal identity certificate. With an identity certificate, it will be convenient to go anywhere, isn't it?" With a kind smile on his face, the old man suggested.

"Then, how much does this legal ID card cost? Will it be seen through by others? Is there an expiry date?" The meaning in the old man's words is too obvious, not to mention Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou can also hear it completely, he It's just promoting your product.

However, although there is a sense of selling, the old man's words are correct. Compared with finding someone to sneak onto the ship and all kinds of troubles afterwards, it is more practical to get an identity card.Therefore, Le Youyou asked directly.

Hearing Le Youyou's inquiry, the smile on the old man's face became even brighter and brighter: "Don't worry, you get what you pay for. My ID card here is divided into three levels. The first level is for temporary use of deception machines, The second file is an absolutely true identity certificate, but it may deviate from the person. If you are unlucky, you will still be discovered, although the chance is not high. The third file is a perfect identity certificate, which will never be seen through, and Your information can also be found in the central master brain. How about it, as far as you are concerned, you should choose the third gear."

"Tell me, how much is the third gear. I hope you really get what you pay for. If it's not worth the money, I hope you think about the consequences." Squinting her eyes, Le Youyou took it out of her pocket His own black card shook and said.Although the old man helped out the siege before, but in terms of business and business, Le Youyou will not give in when it comes to price.This is the result of family education.

"Huh?!" Noticing Le Youyou's movements, the old man's eyes widened slightly, and surprise flashed across his eyes.Although it disappeared quickly, it was still captured by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, who nodded in satisfaction, and Le Youyou put it away.

"I didn't expect that people with this kind of thing would come to our black street. It's really an honor. Little girl, come and take a photo with me, and leave as soon as possible. I don't want to cause trouble." Shaking his head and sighing With a sigh of relief, the old man sighed that he had picked up a hot potato, and called Zhuang Xiaoyuan to the side to take a photo for registration.


"This is the ID card. It looks very ordinary. When I saw Yoyo wearing it before, I thought it was a sports bracelet." Coming out of the black street, Zhuang Xiaoyuan followed Leyoyo towards the regular ship port. Go, while looking at the blue bracelet on his left hand.

It is a wristband made of something like plastic, which is exactly the same as the sports bracelet used to count steps. It has no high-tech atmosphere at all. It is obvious that this world is already in the era of interstellar voyages. The identity made The proof is still so rustic.

"Okay, it's better than messy things. The blue ones match you very well. Now that we have ID cards, let's go and buy tickets. We can finally go." Shaking the red bracelet on his hand, Le Youyou took the lead and walked towards the ticket gate of the regular ship.

When verifying her identity, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was a little nervous. It would be troublesome if she was cheated.Fortunately, although the fee was expensive, at least there was no problem. Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou passed the ticket gate smoothly and boarded the regular spaceship to Mingyuan Star.

The appearance of the spaceship is nothing special, and it is similar to that seen in some sci-fi films. The whole spaceship presents an upside-down Y shape, and the propulsion device of the spaceship is at the branch of the Y shape. Two strokes behind.

The internal structure of the regular ship cannot be fully understood, but the cabin seats where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou are located are similar to the airship that Zhuang Xiaoyuan once rode in. There are rows of neat seats, and there are also glass windows that can see out of the window.

Originally, the plan to run away from home today was specially formulated by Le Youyou. Of course, she also carefully investigated the schedule of the regular boat.So, about half an hour after Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou boarded the boat, the regular ship took off on time.

As the propellers of the regular ship ejected fiery flames, the spaceship took off, and outside the window of the spaceship, the port of the regular ship gradually became smaller, followed by the moon, and the distance between the regular ship and the moon became farther and farther as time went by.

"What's the matter, are you reluctant to go home?" Looking away from the window, Zhuang Xiaoyuan noticed that Le Youyou's body was trembling slightly beside her with her head down, unable to see her expression.He couldn't help reaching out and holding her trembling right hand and asked softly.

"No, I'm just a little excited. I finally took the first step towards the music star." Le Youyou looked up with an expression of excitement on her face, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan could clearly see the flash in her eyes. The reluctance and nostalgia for passing away.After all, she is still reluctant to part with her own home, after all, she is a teenage girl who has never left the house.

 Today's fifth update is finally over, thank you for watching

(End of this chapter)

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