Chapter 429
"Whether it's excitement or reluctance, we've already set off now, and it's too late to regret. By the way, would you like me to write you the score of the few songs I mentioned before. You should be very interested " Without puncturing her words, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and changed the subject in a low voice.

"Okay, okay." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's suggestion, the reluctance in Le Youyou's eyes gradually disappeared, and the uncontrollable trembling on her body also stopped.He hurriedly called the flight attendant to come over with a pen and paper, and handed it to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

Taking the pen and paper handed over by Le Youyou, thinking of this strange world and Le Youyou around her, a song that made Zhuang Xiaoyuan very shocked, loved, and heartbroken in her previous life came to mind.

As the song he had heard emerged in his mind, Luo Tianyi's music comprehension ability quickly disassembled the song and turned it into a specific score that appeared in his mind.

Looking at the sheet music without the slightest sense of strangeness in his mind, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the pen in his hand and landed it on a piece of white paper. With the sound of the pen sliding on the paper, notes were born from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands one by one, neatly Arranged together to form a complete score.

"Speaking of which, do you understand the music score?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked suspiciously while handing the music score to Le Youyou after completing the last stroke of the song score to fill in the lyrics.

"Hmph, don't look down on people. Although I don't have as many songs as you, I can still do it just by reading the music. My mother used to be a singer of a music star." Taking the music score in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, she hummed lightly Said in one voice.

When talking about her mother, a trace of sadness appeared in her eyes. Her mother passed away when she was seven or eight years old. Otherwise, she would not need to go to the music star by herself. She believed that her mother would definitely Support your music dreams.

"Singer at the end of the world? This name seems a bit heavy." Looking down at the music score in his hand, the four words at the top of the song title first caught Le Youyou's eyes.

"Well, is it heavy? What I want to say is really true. This song is the end of the world that has endured countless infinite reincarnations. It is a very sad song." The memory of that song in my mind seems to be listening to it again The same thing happened again and again, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart heavy.

"Sad song, this lyrics... The rain of cicadas turns into light ink to paint the twilight. Penetrating, outlining footprints and ruts. Laughter, saturated with floating water vapor. Across the window, the same city is blurred. Fiddle Humming, old guitar, humming a song in four time..." Nodding lightly, Le Youyou kept focusing on the lyrics, and read the lyrics softly.

In the soft reading aloud, Le Youyou finished reading all the lyrics, closed her eyes as if composing a complete song in her mind.When Le Youyou opened her eyes again, there was a trace of sadness, loneliness and hope in her eyes.

"How do you feel?" Noticing Le Youyou's emotional changes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked.

"Well, it sounds good. But, my heart is heavy. Maybe this world without music is actually the end of the world. Such a beautiful tone can't be heard. I think everyone who can't hear music is too pitiful .The music that can't be heard is too pitiful. So..."

Clenching his right hand and putting it on his heart, this end-of-the-world singer made Le Youyou feel more and more abnormal in this world.It also strengthened her determination to go to the music star.

"Oh, it's fine if you like it. Let's do it for now. When you master this song and can sing it to my satisfaction, I will give you other songs." After a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan was immersed in the end of the world. The emotions among the singer finally recovered a bit, and he said with a smile on his face.

"Well, it will definitely satisfy you. Such beautiful music, such touching lyrics, and the emotions contained in the song make me feel the same. If I can't sing it well, I will have no face to ask you for another song." Gently nodding her head, Le Youyou looked at the sheet music in her hand with special emotion in her eyes, this end-of-the-world singer resonated with her.

"Ula Ula Ula Ula, please pay attention to the spaceship ahead, please pay attention to the spaceship ahead. This is the music arrest team, and this is the music arrest team. We suspect that there are spies from music stars on your ship. Please stay where you are for inspection. Please Immediately stay where you are for inspection."

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan had just recovered from the emotions of the singer at the end of the world, and when Le Youyou was holding the music score and looking at the memory carefully, a piercing siren sounded suddenly from the spaceship's horn, and there was also a warning sound with a strange tone.

"Music arrest team, is this..." Frowning lightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Le Youyou who was beside her, and met her gaze.

"Tsk, have you been discovered? They have already escaped from the moon, how did they find us?" Frowning also, Le Youyou quickly folded up the sheet music in her hand and put it in her pocket. "Could it be a problem with the identity certificate? Although he said that there is absolutely no problem, but after all, he is someone from the black street. Maybe we were deceived. That guy."

"Don't worry, let's talk about the situation first. It may not be that we were found, maybe we couldn't find us, so we started a carpet search for the departing spaceship. Moreover, it has been a while since we took off, and the people chasing us should not More." Frowning slightly loosened, Zhuang Xiaoyuan narrowed her eyes and comforted her.

"I hope so." He sighed softly, although he said so, Le Youyou was also mentally prepared to resist.Although she looks like a weak and weak girl, in fact, she has learned a little wolf defense and fighting skills from her tutor.

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were a little nervous because of the sudden inspection, the regular spaceship that was going along a fixed route also stopped under the order of the silent cruise ship.

After the regular spacecraft stopped, the cruise spacecraft quickly approached the regular spacecraft, and stretched out a special personnel channel to connect to the regular spacecraft.So, after the regular spaceship stopped for a few minutes, with the sound of the mechanical door opening, people from the Silent Race walked into the passenger cabin where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were.

This is the first time that Zhuang Xiaoyuan has seen the real Silent Clan. Although there were troops of the Silent Clan in the Moon Square before, those Silent Clan members could not see their bodies in the mechas at all. At this time, the Wuyin tribe who walked into the cabin finally showed their true face in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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