Chapter 430

It was a weirdo who looked similar to ordinary humans. Why are they called weirdos, because these weirdos have very big ears.Originally, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought that the so-called silent race would be a race without ears, but unexpectedly they had big ears instead.

Their ears are very big, almost half the size of their own head, and two of them together may be able to block their own head, and their ears are still erected upwards, which looks like it grows on the top of the head.

At first glance, their ears look a bit like bat ears.I also heard from Le Youyou that the soundless people are very good at using and manipulating sound waves.From the looks of it, this voiceless tribe might be a mixture of humans and bats.

Wearing a black uniform, holding a rifle with a strange shape and a sci-fi feel in his hand. After the first person from the silent tribe walked into the passenger cabin, two or three more came one after another. walked in.

Walking into the cabin, the people of the Silent Race began to walk along the aisle towards the bottom, and looked at the passengers sitting on both sides of the aisle while walking.As the Wuyin tribe advanced, they gradually began to approach the area where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were.

When the voiceless people approached, both Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou became a little nervous.Clenching his fists tightly, he kept his eyes on them, and was mentally prepared to do anything at any time. After all, they suddenly appeared here to stop the spaceship, it couldn't be just for fun.

"You, come out." The Wuyin clansman who had been advancing at a constant speed finally stopped, and stopped right next to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, pointing the strangely shaped rifle at them.

"Me?" Frowning slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed at herself and asked.

"That's right, it's you, come out for me." Raising his hand, he opened a signal terminal and looked at the image inside, comparing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appearance.The leader of the Silent Clan nodded affirmatively, and waved the rifle in his hand at her.

"Tsk, alas. I don't know what this lord wants from me?" Standing up from his seat, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lowered his head and looked at Le Youyou who was sitting beside him.

"Don't talk nonsense, come out as soon as you are told. We suspect that you are the criminal who spread music in Yuecheng." He raised the rifle in his hand and pointed at Zhuang Xiaoyuan. But not vigilant, but with a trace of relief.

The music arrest team is to arrest humans who spread music among the crowd, and except for the Tianlai organization of music stars, most musicians have little combat effectiveness.Therefore, he didn't pay too much attention to Zhuang Xiaoyuan who seemed powerless.

"Okay, okay, I'll come out immediately." Raising her hands and agreeing sincerely, Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly flicked her right hand, and the pen that had written the music score before returning it flew out of her hand in an instant, inserted into the silent In the right hand of the person behind the clan leader.With a scream, the man dropped the rifle in his hand.

"You..." Unexpectedly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would actually resist with his hands, which made everyone in the Wuyin clan startled in surprise.During this stunned moment, Le Youyou also made a move.

He stretched out his left hand to hold the silent captain's rifle which was close to him and pushed it towards the ceiling, and his right hand clenched his fist directly at his heart and punched him hard, making him stagger.Repelling the captain of the Wuyin tribe with one blow, Le Youyou stood up and quickly got close to his arms, smashing his hands into his chest and abdomen quickly.

Just when Le Youyou started, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't stop at the same place, and threw out the pen and pierced the right hand of a voiceless person. Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and patted the seat in front of him, jumped directly onto the seat, kicked hard with his feet In the meantime, he had already rushed towards the remaining two silent people.

Before the two voiceless people could react and shoot, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already jumped in front of them, with both hands sticking to the rifles in the hands of the two of them, Taijiquan was used vigorously with strength, and the two people didn't know how to do it. What happened, I just felt my hands tense and loosen, the rifle in my hand had already dropped into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands.

Grabbing the barrels of the rifles with both hands, he snatched two rifles from the hands of the two people from the Silent Clan. Zhuang Xiaoyuan hit them on the head with his backhand like a stick. Knocked directly to the ground.

"You're skilled. I didn't expect that not only music, but also you are better than me in fights." Finally defeated the captain of the Wuyin tribe and knocked him out, Le Youyou, who was about to continue fighting when she turned around, saw that she was knocked down by Zhuang Xiaoyuan of two people.

"Hey, compared to music, I'm actually better at fighting. I was born out of a crowd of monsters." With a smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan casually hit the soundless tribe with a broken right hand on the head, hitting him too. Fainted, he replied with a relaxed smile.

"Cut, just blow it up. It was killed by monsters, and you can deal with such emergencies with just a few hands." Standing up, you clapped your hands smartly, as if you didn't notice the passengers around you at all. With a stunned expression, Le Youyou and Zhuang Xiaoyuan joked and complained to each other.

"I know if you don't believe it, it's fine if you don't believe it. What should we do now, we seem to be unable to sit on this boat. Otherwise, we will fall into the trap of ourselves, and, it seems that someone is coming again."

A communicator was pulled from the body of the voiceless tribe at the foot, and the voiceless and awkward voice of the voiceless tribe came from the communicator, as well as the voice of ordering troops to invade and control the interior of the regular spaceship to suppress them.

It was indeed the same as what Zhuang Xiaoyuan said, following the order on the other side of the communicator, the orderly footsteps of the Wuyin army could be vaguely heard from a distance.Moreover, in the current situation, even if the cruise ship of the music arresting team here is solved.If they continue to go to Mingyuan Star in a regular spaceship, what awaits them will definitely be surrounded by heaven and earth.

"Tsk, these people are really annoying. However, it might be an opportunity. Madoka, why don't we grab the spaceship of the Silent Clan and go to Music Star by ourselves. Then we don't have to worry about how to get from Mingyuan Star to Music Star." Yes. If it’s just the patrol spaceship of the music arresting team, there shouldn’t be too many people.” When his eyes rolled, Le Youyou suddenly had a flash of inspiration and thought of a good way.

"Good idea, but how do you plan to deal with the people from the Silent Clan. You said that there won't be too many people, but there are not many. Hearing the footsteps coming this time, there must be dozens of people. Now I But I can't beat so many people." Pointing to the approaching footsteps outside the door, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked.

"As musicians who are going to be a music star, our way of fighting is of course music. This is the nemesis of the silent people. Come out, Melody." With a confident smile, Le Youyou waved to the void.

(End of this chapter)

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