Chapter 431 The Power of a Lullaby
As Le Youyou beckoned to the void, faint white light spots quickly condensed in the void, and soon, the little unicorn-shaped music elf that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had seen before appeared in front of Le Youyou.

"Is it finally time for me to appear on the stage? I have been waiting for a long time, Yoyo." As if not noticing the surprised eyes around, Leyoyo's music elf unicorn named Melody appeared and flew directly to Leyoyo's palm , spoke up.

"I'll talk about the gossip later, let's solve these troubles first. The melody, the instrument mode." Without any intention of chatting with the melody, Le Youyou ordered directly.

After the melody appeared, the door of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's cabin was opened, and through the door, a large number of silent people and the rifles raised in their hands could be seen.

"Understood, look at me." He raised his hoof and pretended to salute. Melody turned into a white light around Le Youyou, and as the white light gradually converged, what appeared in front of Le Youyou was a black and white Alternate floating keyboards, and huge loudspeakers floating on both sides of her body.

"Give me a good night's sleep, and usher in a beautiful end in your sleep." Muttering softly, Le Youyou put her hands on the piano keyboard in front of her, and with her fingers beating fast and nimbly, a string of familiar music came from The sound from the two huge loudspeakers was the lullaby that was sung when helping Zhuang Xiaoyuan before.

Amidst the beautiful and serene lullaby, a little bit of white starlight began to twinkle in the cabin.As the lullaby sang from Le Youyou's mouth, the worried and frightened passengers all fell silent and fell into the enjoyment of the wonderful music.

In contrast, the silent people outside the door backed away in panic after hearing Le Youyou's performance.The lullaby music continued, facing the retreat of the silent tribe, Le Youyou raised her footsteps and chased after them step by step.

"Shoot, shoot me all. Those who have music elves are our enemies, don't hold back, kill them for me." When forced to retreat step by step by the cheerful music, the Silent Race team obviously The man dressed as an officer looked at this side with a vicious face, and directed his subordinates to open the bumper on the rifle.

Following the order from the general of the Wuyin tribe, all the strange asynchronous guns in the hands of the Wuyin tribe soldiers shot out purple beams of light, aiming at Leyouyou who was closest to them and was still playing.

Facing the attack of the voiceless tribe, Le Youyou's face tightened, but she didn't make any moves to evade and continued to play her own music steadily.When the purple light beams from the Wuyin tribe's rifles shot to a range of about one meter in front of Le Youyou, they were all blocked by a white barrier.

That is the energy protection of the music elves. The music star can block the entry and exit of the soundless people because of the combination of the energy protection possessed by countless music elves.

However, this kind of energy shield is not invincible, otherwise the Music Star and the Silent Clan would not be in a stalemate for such a long time. You must know that music is the nemesis of the Silent Clan. If this defense is really invincible, no attack can break it Otherwise, the Silent Clan would have been wiped out by the music star's counterattack long ago.

As a wave of purple energy beam attacks were resisted by the white energy shield, it was visible to the naked eye that the white energy shield dimmed a bit after being attacked, not as bright as before.

Especially when the second wave of purple energy beams hit Le Youyou's protective shield, the protective shield had already started to flicker, as if it would be broken in the next moment.

However, although it withstood two waves of light beam attacks, Le Youyou's music energy shield was almost broken.However, the loss of the Silent Clan was even more serious. The originally tens of troops had been quietly reduced by half in just ten seconds of Le Youyou's performance.

Facing the cheerful music, although the people of the voiceless tribe backed up and fought back, and they all wore special earplugs that could weaken the effect of the music, half of them were still affected by the cheerful music.

Affected by the melodious lullaby, the people of the voiceless tribe just seemed to be hypnotized and weak at first. He lay down on the ground and fell into a deep sleep.

When the voiceless people fell into a deep sleep, a little bit of gray began to spread from the soles of their feet.During the continuous music, the gray dust spread very quickly, from the feet of the voiceless people to their upper bodies.

When the people of the Silent Clan were completely surrounded by the gray dust, as if they had reached the limit of their endurance, the gray dust collapsed without a sound, and the people of the Silent Clan disappeared in place, as if they were originally composed of such dust. The human figure was beaten back to its original form amidst the music and finally disappeared.

So far, humans don't know the origin of the Silent Race, and they seem to be basically the same as humans except for their ears.Except that music is their nemesis, they seem to be similar to humans.

However, the soundless people would turn into dust directly in the music, which also made humans who knew about this situation think that the soundless people were not the same creatures as humans.This is also one of the most important reasons why music stars resolutely fight against the silent people.

Noticing that the Wuyin tribe turned into dust and crumbled under the cheerful music, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's thoughtful eyes stayed on the dust left on the ground, although the dust quickly disappeared as if it didn't exist.However, it turned into dust and disappeared, which reminded Zhuang Xiaoyuan of his long-standing enemy.

Le Youyou's music continued, and when the purple light beams from the Wuyin tribe finally broke through Leyoyo's music protection for the third time, none of the Wuyin tribe was left, and all of them turned into dust.

"Hoohoo, let's go quickly. We wiped out so many people from the Silent Clan at once, I'm afraid they will escape." Panting for breath, Le Youyou tugged Zhuang Xiaoyuan with excessive force and sweating profusely. He ran towards the direction where the silent soldiers came.

"Quick, quickly remove the connecting channel for me. Those wastes can't be dealt with by one person, don't let them run to the boat." As if to prove Le Youyou's words, the intercom that Zhuang Xiaoyuan had held in his hand before came. There was an awkward command voice from the voiceless tribe.

Following his order, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had already appeared in sight. Next to the passage connecting the two spaceships, the originally open iron gate began to slowly descend and close, and the fixed shackles near the iron gate began to twist and unlock in advance, as if Always want to get out of the general.

(End of this chapter)

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