Chapter 432
"No, they really want to run. It's too late." Le Youyou's face became ugly when she noticed that there was still a passage door that was not a short distance away and was slowly closing to leave.

With their speed, it is too late. It seems that the plan to snatch the spaceship is going to fail this time, and they should have worked harder to get rid of those silent people before they knew it.Or pretend to be caught, go to their boat and then do it.

"Yuyou, how does your music work? Apart from your hypnotic ability, does music have any other abilities?" Also noticing the change on the other side of the passage, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes tightened, thinking of the Leyouyou music he had seen before The effect of the performance made my heart move and I couldn't help asking.

"Music effect? ​​As long as you resonate with them with the help of the music elves, you can produce the effect of music. The ability of each piece of music is also different. I have seen the music of the dawn band help others cure old diseases. You Why are you asking this all of a sudden now?" Although it felt like it was too late, Le Youyou didn't stop, but gritted her teeth and sped up her movements, pushing her speed to the limit.

"Sure enough, I can try it. Tiantian, musical instrument mode." With a bright light, Le Youyou's answer confirmed his guess. Although time is running out, if it really works, maybe it can catch up.

With a certain idea, Zhuang Xiaoyuan touched the blue world crystal on his neck and softly called out the name of the music elf Tianxuan who had one soul and two bodies with him, and imitated Le Youyou's words, and ordered.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice fell, Tian Dian, who had just transformed from a crystal into a music elf, turned into a blue microphone.At the same time, several rectangular light strips gradually enlarged from small to large on the back of Zhuang Xiaoyuan spread out to form a beautiful blue single wing.

"Quick, fast, fast, four-wheel drive fighters are in action. Driving a brave racing car, pursuing the journey of the championship. Quick, fast, fast, four-wheel drive fighters are in action. Along the speeding track, it is the inspiration of mysterious wisdom... ..."

Time was running out, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't bother to explain to Le Youyou beside him. He grabbed the microphone of Tiandian's avatar with his right hand and put it to his mouth. Songs full of childhood memories sang from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan sang the theme song of the anime Four Wheel Drive Brothers, the blue wings on her back flickered like the audio of a music player. Blinks quickly.

Although Zhuang Xiaoyuan sang the theme song of Four Wheel Drive Brothers directly from its chorus due to the urgency of time, it did not start from the opening "Looking Up at the Sky".However, the songs sung through the microphone of the music elf still exert the special power of the song itself.

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan sang 'Hurry up, hurry up', both she and Le Youyou felt that their bodies suddenly became lighter, and their forward speed suddenly accelerated, even after this accelerated forward speed was directly the same as the previous two. Triple it.

When the "Four-Wheel Drive Warriors" after "Quick, Fast, Fast" are in action, driving brave racing cars, pursuing the journey of the championship. Singing from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth, dense blue and white light spots suddenly appeared in the surrounding air, and the dense light spots quickly gathered around Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou. Driving a racing car with a very visual sense.

"Come on, whirlwind charge tornado." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished the first half of the chorus and sang the second half of the chorus, "following the speeding track is the enlightenment of mysterious wisdom".It was as if there was a childish but firm shout reaching his ears.

Following the shout that seemed to come from the void, piercing the barriers of countless worlds, it reached Zhuang Xiaoyuan's ears.Beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, the blue and white racing car - Whirlwind Charge, which was composed of blue and white light spots, suddenly jumped up from the ground.

With Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou wrapped in its body, it spun rapidly in the air, forming a violent small tornado, moving forward quickly, and rushing into the iron gate passage before the passage iron gate was about to close.

As the whirlwind charge composed of blue and white light spots rushed into the iron gate, with the heavy roar of the iron gate closing, the iron gate closed.Then with a click, the fixed shackles beside the iron door were released, and the moving pipeline linking the silent cruise ship to the regular ship was slowly withdrawn by them.

"Phew, it's really dangerous. I didn't expect it to be really successful." Carried by the whirlwind charge, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou directly passed the iron gate in the whirlwind, and rushed into the cruise ship of the Silent Clan through the moving pipe .Shaking his dizzy head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan got up from the ground, and said with some gratitude.

"What, what was that just now? Is it a new song again? Ah, I'm so dizzy, Xiaoyuan has become two, no, three." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice, Le Youyou fell from the ground in a daze She stood up, but it was obvious that she hadn't recovered, and after standing up, she staggered and almost fell down again.

"Haha, stand still and wake up. We've already entered." Seeing Le Youyou staggering, Zhuang Xiaoyuan laughed and reached out to support her, preventing her from getting dizzy and falling to the ground.

"Come in? Hey, did you really come in?! What happened just now? I seemed to see a car, and then I just walked around. Why did I come in? Is it the effect of Xiaoyuan's song?" Seconds, shaking his head, Le Youyou finally came back to his senses.

"It is indeed the effect of my song. The car brought us here before. Can we go? If we can go, let's go straight to Huanglong." Supporting Le Youyou, I noticed that her dizzy eyes recovered a little Qingming, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked with a smile.

"Huh, okay, it's okay, let's go." The dizziness in the brain finally recovered, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was regarded as three people, also returned to the original one.Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Le Youyou showed a serious expression on his face, and took the lead to walk in a certain direction.

"Wait a minute, are you sure it's this direction? Don't go the wrong way." Quickly followed Le Youyou, but couldn't find any similar road signs around her eyes. Seeing that Le Youyou chose this direction without hesitation to go forward , Zhuang Xiaoyuan said with some worry.

"Don't worry, you won't go wrong if you follow me. This cruise ship is manufactured by my family. I don't even understand the structure here, even the captain of the silent tribe." Le Youyou explained to Zhuang Xiaoyuan while walking forward , while she had already stopped at a three-way intersection, she reached out and knocked on the wall. Following her movements, a small operation panel popped out from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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