Chapter 433 My Family Builds Spaceships
With his right hand, he swiftly pressed a few times on the operation screen that popped up from the wall. Following the joyful movements, Zhuang Xiaoyuan only felt the lights above his head flicker as if the voltage was unstable, and then a mechanical notification sound spread all over the place. The entire spaceship: "Didi, the control code is entered correctly, and all control functions of the spaceship are locked."

"You actually know the control code of the spaceship? How did you find out that there is such a mechanism here?" He looked at Le Youyou with surprised eyes, as if he didn't know her anymore.Le Youyou understood Zhuang Xiaoyuan's previous operation. After all, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has good scientific research knowledge, but she didn't expect that there would be an operating system hidden in the corner wall.

"Oh, didn't I just say that this spaceship is made by my family. I know the code is not very normal. Let's go, I have temporarily locked all the control devices of this spaceship, before they completely crack it We don't have to worry that they will lock us in a certain area by controlling the door lock device of the spaceship. Now we only need to deal with the people who have no voice."

The corner of her mouth was slightly raised, and a complex smile appeared on Le Youyou's face, beckoning Zhuang Xiaoyuan to run towards the spaceship control room.Although it is temporarily locked, there is no guarantee when the controller on the spacecraft will unlock it, so it is necessary to race against time to accelerate forward.

Noticing the complicated expression on Le Youyou's face, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook his head and followed, without asking any more questions.However, judging by Le Youyou's appearance, the background of her family is probably not simple. The black card that surprised the people on the moon before, and what she revealed was the spaceship manufacturer.

"You bastard, why was it suddenly locked? I haven't figured out a way to unlock it yet." In the control room of the cruise ship, the captain of the Silent Tribe sitting in the center angrily beat the table in front of him and shouted angrily.

"Captain, this is the control code for spaceship inspection. I'm afraid it won't be able to be deciphered in a short time." A staff member sitting in front of the console was sweating profusely while operating the control panel in front of him, reporting to the captain behind him. road.

"If it can't be cracked in a short time, how long will it take?"

"Give me 10 minutes, no, 8 minutes, 8 minutes will definitely complete the cracking." While frantically operating, beating desperately on the console in front of him, the staff assured him.

"8 minutes, hmph, I hope you can really finish it within 8 minutes." With a cold glance at the busy staff member, the captain turned his head and picked up the communicator in front of him and began to issue orders: "Everyone in the ship obeys the order, All go to the B24 area, stop the spies of the two music stars, allow to use all means, stop them for 10 minutes."

"Yes." "Received." "Promise to complete the task." The other end of the walkie-talkie came the answers of the heads of each area one after another, followed by the sound of messy and orderly footsteps, and all the silent soldiers in the ship began to move towards Area B24 converges.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan followed Le Youyou and moved forward quickly, and the two of them went straight to the control room along the passage in the cruise ship.However, just when the two of them passed through two turns, and there was still a third of the distance from the control room, a large number of silent soldiers appeared in front of them.

At the same time, behind them, the sound of neat and loud footsteps is also approaching quickly. It seems that not only the people in front, but also people from behind.Glancing at the silent soldiers who seemed to be waiting for a long time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached Le Youyou next to him when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching quickly: "It has already been discovered by others, and when he comes, he will be attacked from both sides."

"I knew it would happen a long time ago. Although the control device of the spacecraft is locked, the surveillance camera cannot be turned off. It is too easy for them to find our location." Frowning, although it has been expected, but Le Youyou frowned that the Wuyin clan came over so quickly.

"So, now we can only break through head-on. Can your lullaby still be used?" Although there was a hint of doubt in what he said, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tone was not doubtful, only affirmative.

"Haven't you already discovered that this can be regarded as the shortcoming of the music elf. The same song cannot be used multiple times in a row, there must be a certain interval. And the interval between my lullabies is one hour. In addition, so far I only know one lullaby left by my mother. So, I can only rely on you." Patting Zhuang Xiaoyuan on the shoulder, Le Youyou dug out the sheet music that Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave her before from her pocket, and quickly remembered it.

"Ha, I knew it. So are you going to learn it now? How long will it take?" The single wing on the back flickered slightly, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the microphone in his hand.

"Seven or eight minutes, if you want to play it completely, seven or eight minutes is enough." Without raising her head, Le Youyou's eyes still stayed on the sheet music in her hand, she wanted to learn this end-of-the-world song as soon as possible By.

After reading the lyrics and score, she realized that, regardless of how good the song is, I am afraid that this song far surpasses the lullaby in terms of power.After all, it is a song about the end of the world, maybe it will have world-class power.

"Seven or eight minutes, it doesn't sound too difficult." Smiling lightly, the single wing behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan flickered quickly, and a lively and lively melody with a hint of parting and sadness came out from her single wing.

"Everyone of the Voiceless Clan, let me sing a song for you." Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou stopped where they were, and gradually approached behind them In the sound of footsteps, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the microphone in his hand to his mouth.

"The night crow rises, the night rests, the night crow silences, the night rests, I accompany you and wear light clothes for you, and leave. But day and night, it seems like three seasons. Snow, flying willow banks
.Look, whose paper kite is looking forward to..."

Amid the flashing accompaniment of single-wing audio, the lyrics of "Three Thousand Worlds Kill Crows" sang from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth with a little anticipation, nostalgia, and nostalgia for the song.As if immersed in the artistic conception of the song, the expression on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face became soft and nostalgic, revealing deep reluctance.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing sounded, the faces of the Silent soldiers who were blocking the road in front of the two of them changed drastically, and they did not dare to stay where they were and wait for Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others to enter the range.They all got up and rushed towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, raising the beam guns in their hands at the same time.

When the silent soldiers in front got up and approached, planning to start shooting, they were behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.The originally neat footsteps also became a little messy, but although the footsteps were messy, it was obvious that they were moving forward faster.

When the Wuyin tribe started to move, around Zhuang Xiaoyuan, little black and golden light spots gradually gathered.

(End of this chapter)

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