Chapter 436 Ushering in Everyone's Ending
The narrow space that was originally imprisoned by the clan disappeared, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou appeared in a square full of people coming and going.At this time, Le Youyou was still playing and singing the singer of the end of the world, as if she didn't care about the changes in the environment at all.

The crowd of people coming and going in the square didn't seem to notice the sudden addition of a few people, and hurried past on their own, as if there was something important waiting for them at their destination, and they had no time to stay Even one step.

"What's going on? Where is this place? Aren't we on a spaceship? Why did we come here suddenly? A hallucination?" In the calm and joyful and lonely singing of people passing by, a trace of noise suddenly mixed in.

On the opposite side of the square where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were, on the other side of the crowd, a large group of strange-looking silent people gathered together, either panicked, suspicious, or strange.

The sudden change in the environment made the people of the Silent Clan a little flustered. They were obviously still on the spaceship before, but suddenly appeared on this strange street in the next second.The gray sky, the gray earth, the gray tall buildings, the gray crowd, and the continuous gray night rain that never stopped.

The environment here gives people a very depressing feeling, as if there is no color in the world, only monotonous gray, this is a pure gray world with no future.

"Captain, look over there, those two humans." The staff member standing next to the captain of the Silent Tribe had brighter eyes, and when the surrounding people were flustered, he saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou on the opposite side of the crowd at a glance.

"It must be their fault, fuck them, kill them, don't let them play that hateful music again." Hearing what the staff said, he followed his instructions and saw two people on the opposite side of the crowd , there is no doubt that it must be their fault that he suddenly appeared here.Noticing that Le Youyou was still playing, the captain decisively ordered the attack to begin.

When the captain of the voiceless tribe noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou on the opposite side of the crowd, Le Youyou was still continuing the singer's singing at the end of the world, but the performance gradually came to an end.

"Please don't let me crawl alone in the torrential rain of the end of the world. With the sound of the rain, I sang the song of witnessing the end. People finally stopped looking and stood still. Crying, begging, miracle..." With high The tone of the singer sang the last paragraph of the end of the world singer, the sky became darker and darker, and the world seemed to gradually fall into silence.

Boom, a violent roar suddenly exploded, instantly covering up all the surrounding noises.But this violent roar was strangely blended into Joyful's singing, adding a touch of tension and sadness to the final singing.

After the first roar started, successive roars resounded in the earth, strangely blending into the melody rhythm of the melodious singing.And amidst the roaring sounds, the earth cracked, the sky collapsed, and this world entered the finale of the end.

The crowd who had passed by in a hurry began to panic and despair.The crowd fled and scrambled, but the cracked ground and collapsing sky still claimed their lives.

In the scene of the end of the world, the people of the Wuyin tribe also fell into panic and tension.Some of the voiceless tribe wanted to escape, some continued to approach Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others under the captain's order, and some knelt down in despair looking at the collapsed sky and the cracked ground.

Rumbling, the sound of the earth cracking can be heard endlessly. In the end of the world, no matter whether it is the Silent Clan who rushed forward to get close to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, or the Silent Clan who turned around and fled for their lives, they could not escape such natural disasters.

The collapsed sky sucked the people of the Silent Clan into the vacuum universe where creatures could not survive, and the cracked earth submerged the Silent Clan who stepped on the air and fell into the ground.All of a sudden, this gloomy world completely turned into a real apocalypse.

"...hold up your trembling hands and usher in everyone's end." Accompanied by the final melody, Le Youyou sang the last line of lyrics.When she finished playing the last melody, stopped playing the piano, and recovered from the immersed song, the doomsday was over.

Surrounded by a miserable doomsday scene, collapsed buildings, cracked earth, gray sky, and a barren surrounding.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were standing on a huge rock at this time, and the park seats behind them were still standing there quietly.

Except for the range of a few meters around the two of them, the surrounding ground dropped by more than ten meters during the earth-shattering just now.The end of the music ended, and in the doomsday scene, the breeze was still blowing, as if it was still reverberating the music that was played leisurely just now.As the music echoing in the breeze gradually extinguished and dissipated, the surrounding doomsday scene finally gradually blurred, returning to the metallic color of the original spaceship.

"Fufufu, what's going on, it's so difficult to breathe." Returning to the spaceship from the scene of the end of the world, Le Youyou, who was suffering from severe physical exertion due to playing the singer of the end of the world, suddenly felt that her breathing seemed to be inhaling. There is no air.

"The air in this area seems to be exhausted. We must find a way to get out of here, otherwise I'm afraid it won't last long." The black and white keys suddenly began to speak, and at the same time, white light bloomed from the black and white keys in front of Le Youyou, forming a ray The white shield wrapped Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou inside.

With the appearance of the white shield, the two people who had difficulty breathing finally breathed a sigh of relief. There is no feeling of difficulty breathing in the shield.

However, the shield consumes the energy of the music elves. When the energy is exhausted, the shield will disappear, and the energy of the melody will only recover a little, and it won't last long.Even adding Tiantian will only prolong the struggle time of the two of them, and they must find a way to get out from here.

"The people of the Wuyin tribe have all been wiped out just now, we just need to find a way to get out from here and it will be our victory." Wiping the sweat from his brow tiredly, Le Youyou patted the black and white keys in front of him to restore the melody to its original appearance , I also sat down directly on the ground.

As expected, the power of the singer at the end of the world is very powerful, but the consumption is also very serious. If it is a lullaby, regardless of the cooling time, Le Youyou can play it five or six times in a row, but the song of the singer at the end of the world , just play it once, Le Youyou has no extra energy to play it a second time.

"Well, leave it to me. If it's just to break the wall, I still have a solution, although it feels like a cannon to beat mosquitoes, and it feels like an overkill." After sitting down happily and tiredly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the microphone in his hand, The single wing on the back began to flicker again.

(End of this chapter)

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