Chapter 437 You Can't Fly a Spaceship?

Boom, there was a loud noise, and a flash of arrow light pierced a huge hole in the thick steel gate in an instant.As the melody reverberating in the doors gradually subsided, Zhuang Xiaoyuan walked out from the last door along the hole pierced by the sharp arrow with a somewhat recovered sense of joy.

"Here we are, what should we do with this door, break it directly? Or can you open it?" After passing through the hole pierced by sharp arrows, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou have already arrived at the door of the control room of the spaceship. In front of them is also a silver door. Steel iron gate.

"Don't be so troublesome. There is an operating system here, and I can open it directly." Shaking her head, Le Youyou walked to the iron gate, found the control panel of the iron gate at the side, tapped it a few times quickly, and closed it in front of her. With a swipe of the iron door, it opened to both sides.

As the iron door of the control room was opened, the situation inside was clearly seen by Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.Sure enough, there was no one in the control room, and the cheerful Doomsday Singer directly pulled all the silent people on the ship into the Doomsday Singer's world, and they were all wiped out under the Doomsday .

"Ah, now I can finally set off with peace of mind. Just now, I really tormented me to death. I am obviously a beginner in music, but I was forced to use music to deal with people from the Silent Race." Seeing that there was no one in the control room, Zhuang Xiaoyuan breathed a sigh of relief. He relaxed and sat directly in the captain's seat.

"Beginner? This joke isn't funny at all. I'm a beginner. I can only sing a lullaby, and it's my first time to fight against the silent people." Followed into In the control room, Le Youyou sat on the table in front of Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"So, we two beginners have made a big splash." He and Le Youyou looked at each other and smiled, and there was a hint of joy of victory in their eyes.

"Okay, now that the spaceship has been captured, we are about to start heading to the music star. The time delay is too long, and it is not good to be discovered by the people of the silent tribe. It is only the people of the silent tribe that we can still Deal with it, if they bombard our spaceship directly, it will be over." Pushing Le Youyou, Zhuang Xiaoyuan signaled her to control the spaceship to leave, it's time to go to Music Star.

"Hey." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Le Youyou suddenly thought of something, and froze in place.

"Hey, what's wrong with you?" Pushing Le Youyou again, and noticing her obviously strange expression, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had a bad premonition in his heart: "You, are you going to tell me that you can't drive?"

"Hmph, how is it possible. My family makes spaceships. It's really unnecessary to ask." With a soft snort, Le Youyou continued to say with a blushing face, "Of course I can't fly a spaceship, and I'm not Pilot. Being able to know the control codes for spacecraft inspection is already very impressive, okay?"

"Cough, no, why didn't you say it earlier. If I knew it earlier, I should have left a voiceless person to sail the boat." Hearing Le Youyou's confident answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan almost choked to death with a mouthful of saliva.

"Then what should we do now? Why don't we go back to the regular ship and find someone to drive it?" Knowing that she was in the wrong, Le Youyou turned her head a little embarrassedly and asked.In any case, the important thing now is not the process but the result, as long as the spaceship moves to the music star, no matter who is driving it.

"Yeah, this is a good idea. Maybe there are people who can fly spaceships. But, do you know how to operate the connection channel to connect to regular spaceships. People who can't even fly spaceships." He glanced sideways at Le Youyou With a glance, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stood up from the captain's seat and walked towards the operating system that controls the spaceship.

"Then what do you say? The people of the Silent Clan have all been wiped out, and we can't get in touch with the people on the regular ship. Are we going to float here and wait for the pursuers of the Silent Clan to come over?" the words just said After that, seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan standing up from the seat and sitting in front of the operating system, Le Youyou's eyes showed a trace of surprise: "Hey, can you fly a spaceship?"

"No, I've never touched this kind of thing before. However, it can be learned. You may know how to drive it after a few more experiments." Sitting in the driver's seat, looking at the colorful buttons in front of you, There was no text mark at all, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan could only press the blue button casually based on his feeling.

boom.With the pressing of the blue button, a roar came along with the vibration of the spaceship.In the picture displayed at the front of the control room, it can be clearly seen that two missiles were suddenly fired from both sides of the cruise ship.Blast a small meteorite suspended in the distance into pieces.

"Hey, hey, don't move around if you don't know. If the self-exposure system is triggered or something, we will be finished." The sudden vibration and the blown meteorite in the picture startled Le Youyou , hastily jumped from the table and grabbed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand that wanted to continue pressing the button.

"Don't worry, I already know which one is self-exposure, so I won't self-exposure. At most, it will hit a small meteorite or something. Okay." Waving his hand indifferently, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pointed to the one in the upper right corner with a painted skull. , which is the only labeled button in the control panel.

"Even if you don't reveal yourself, don't move around. What if you accidentally blow up the regular ship." Before Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued to move, she grabbed her right hand again, and Le Youyou pointed to the screen that was still near the cruise ship. Said the regular ship that did not leave.

"That's right, it would be bad if you accidentally hit them." Following Le Youyou's gaze and seeing the regular ship on the screen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan nodded in agreement.When Le Youyou finally breathed a sigh of relief, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and pressed a black button.

"Hey, didn't it mean that it would be bad if you bumped into them? You're still pressing randomly." Unexpectedly, as soon as she relaxed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to move again.Le Youyou was so scared that she quickly looked up at the screen ahead, but this time nothing seemed to change.

"Hey, hey, can you hear me? Is it the cab of a regular ship?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't care about Le Youyou's accusation, and patted her arm comfortingly, facing a volume that emerged because the black button was pressed. The icon spoke.

"This is the wheelhouse of a regular ship. Do you have any other orders, sir?" As soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question was finished, a timid and fearful answer came from the opposite side.

"It's all right, the inspection is over. We're going to test the performance of the spaceship on the spot, you guys leave here quickly." Hearing the voice from the other side, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed such an expression on his face, and ordered.

"Yes, let's leave immediately." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words fell, the answering voice of the regular ship came from the opposite side, but this time the voice seemed a little strange, maybe he could already tell that Zhuang Xiaoyuan was not a voiceless family, after all Voiceless people have strange inflections in their speech.

(End of this chapter)

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