Chapter 438 Spaceship Artificial Intelligence

"Okay, now we can have a good experiment." Seeing the figure of the regular ship gradually disappearing on the display screen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled reassuringly, raised his hand and pressed a green button in front of him.

Boom, the cruising spaceship shook suddenly, and dazzling sparks around the spaceship erupted slightly.After the button was pressed, the cruise ship suddenly accelerated and took a step back, crashing into the small meteorite behind it with a bang.

"Warning, warning, the tail damage is 2.3%. It will affect the flight stability. Please go to the planetary repair station for repair as soon as possible." The spaceship stopped when it hit, and a mechanical alarm suddenly sounded in the control room.

"Hey, this siren? Does this spaceship have artificial intelligence?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up when he heard the mechanical siren, which obviously had a female voice, and he turned to ask Le Youyou beside him.

"Well, probably, maybe there is?" Although the family manufactures spaceships, apart from accidentally knowing the unified control code of the spaceship, Le Youyou really doesn't know much about other things, and all her attention is focused on Learning music.

"Probably, maybe, or a question sentence. Okay." Shrugged helplessly, it seemed that Le Youyou was completely unreliable, and gave up on her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said directly to the direction of the mechanical alarm sound just now: "Hey, What's your name? Can you do me a favor?"

"Artificial Intelligence, Anji is here to serve you." As soon as Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished speaking, as if she had been waiting for her to ask, the artificial intelligence claiming to be Anji immediately responded through the loudspeaker.

"Anji, show me all the function labels of the operating system. And also plan the route to the music star." Hearing Anji's voice, Zhuang Xiaoyuan narrowed his eyes slightly and ordered.

There really is artificial intelligence, but I just don't know how capable this artificial intelligence is.Is it loaded by Wuyinzu itself or it comes from the factory.However, judging from the fact that he immediately responded to this point after he opened his mouth, it may be the low-level intelligence that comes with the factory.Otherwise, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the culprit who killed the captain, would not be the crew member to answer.

"The operation function has been displayed, and the star map route to the music star has been planned for you, please take a look." Not long after Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave instructions, Anji projected a picture similar to a map on the screen. At the same time, the previously asked On Zhuang Xiaoyuan's incomprehensible operating system, every button has its own function.

"Ha, it's easy now. We're going to go, Yoyo." Glancing at the star map on the screen, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at the function buttons. With all the buttons clearly marked, it is already easy for Zhuang Xiaoyuan to control the spaceship. It was nothing difficult, just pressed the ignition start button casually, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan started to set the automatic navigation.

Although the technology of this spaceship is relatively advanced for Zhuang Xiaoyuan, after showing the functions of each button, the research knowledge inherited from Huang Weiyi and Shinozhishu made it easy for her to fully familiarize herself with the spaceship. The various functions of a spaceship are, after all, just manipulation, not research and manufacture.

Boom, accompanied by the roar of the tail propeller, it has been hit, and the slightly damaged cruise ship finally started to start.In the vacuum of the universe, he flexibly turned his direction, trembled slightly unbalanced, and went straight to the space jump point to the music star.


"Very hungry, very hungry, I'm really hungry. Because I didn't eat anything this morning..." Half a month later, Zhuang Xiaoyuan lay on the operating table, and began to mutter the melody feeding song again. .Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing, faint light spots kept floating back and forth in the control room.

"Xiaoyuan, can you stop singing? The more you sing, the more hungry you become. Sure enough, the effect of this song is to make people hungry." Also lying on the table with his stomach covered, looking at the music lights floating around, he was very happy. Yoyo said with a haggard face.

"But, I'm so hungry. I haven't eaten for two days." After stopping the feeding song that had been muttering in her mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said in a low voice.

"Whose fault is this all? I told you to save some food. But you didn't listen. You could eat half a year's worth of food, but you only ate for half a month. Ah, I'm starving to death." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Le Youyou slapped the table and stood up, but fell down weakly the next second.

"Oh, it's not my fault. It's because the people from the Silent Tribe prepared too little food. Besides, the promised thousand-year-old recipe can make delicious food. It's just a phantom, and you can only taste it. The taste is completely unsatisfying." Shaking his head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would never admit that he ate too much.

"Hey, that ode to a thousand-year-old recipe is actually a good song. You can eat a lot of delicious food without worrying about getting fat. But, right now, it's better to let me die of fat." He sighed helplessly. With a sigh of relief, Le Youyou fell down on the table again.When you're hungry, it's better to do nothing. You can save some energy, and the more you move, the hungrier you will be.

"Captain, a planet with human activities was found at the three o'clock direction, but no matching planet information was found in the existing star map. According to the monitoring, it is classified as a mineral planet. Do you want to adjust the course?"

Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, who hadn't eaten for two days, were crying out for hunger, the low-level artificial intelligence of the spaceship, Angie, suddenly made a sound and marked the position of the new planet on the star map.

Two days ago, after the last food was eaten, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had given Anji an order to report immediately if any planets with traces of life activities were found on the route to the music star during the automatic navigation.However, for two days, I have never encountered a planet with life.

Therefore, both Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou almost gave up on finding the living planet before reaching the music star.Unexpectedly, there was a discovery today, and what was discovered was a human planet that had already been developed.As for what An Ji said was not recorded in the star map, Zhuang Xiaoyuan directly ignored it.

Maybe the star map is missing, after all, there are several versions of the star map, just like the navigation map of the previous life, it may not be 100% correct, maybe a certain area has been rebuilt at some time, and The map is not updated, this is also the case, isn't it?

"Anji, report the time it takes to reach the music star at the current speed." Hearing about the planet with human activities, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou immediately cheered up.Returning to sitting upright from the prone position, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked.

"At the current top speed, there are still 86 hours, 27 minutes and 11 seconds left before reaching the music star."

"It will take three and a half days to get to the music star. I can't wait. How long will it take if we change the route to the newly discovered planet?" Shaking his head, he has been hungry for two days. If possible, Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't want to continue to suffer I'm hungry.

"Adjust the route, perform calculations, and the calculations are completed. It takes 11 hours, 41 minutes, and 33 seconds to travel to an unknown planet."

(End of this chapter)

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