Chapter 439
"11 hours, that's great. I finally have something to eat right away. Angie, adjust the course, and we'll go to that planet right away. Whether it's tree bark or grass roots, as long as it's food, I can eat it now." Hearing Anji's report, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes lit up, and he decided to change direction and go to the new planet first.

"Understood, adjust the route. Target, unknown planet X." Zhuang Xiaoyuan's order was issued, and Anji immediately began to adjust the route. With the refreshing of the screen in the control room, the original direct route to the music star changed slightly, from the original almost straight line to the broken line The picture suddenly outlines an abrupt corner, and the ultimate goal is still a music star, but it will first go to an unknown planet to go around.

At the same time as Anji's route diagram was adjusted, the propeller on one side of the cruise spacecraft that was originally flying directly went out quietly, and the propeller on the other side suddenly sprayed, and the spacecraft directly drew a huge arc in the vacuum of the universe and turned its direction. Go in the other direction.

After the spacecraft adjusted its course and started heading towards an unknown planet, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou returned to the state of salted fish again.Although the unknown planet is relatively close, and if there are humans living there, there will definitely be something to eat, but there are still eleven hours, and a whole day needs to be waited.

As time went by, the spaceship maintained the highest speed and moved towards the unknown planet. In the distance, the planet that was not shown on the star map gradually appeared on the screen of the spaceship.

It was a gray-green planet, without the large blue oceans like the earth. The planet as a whole showed a rocky gray-brown color, and large patches of green vegetation were distributed in some areas of the gray-brown color.This is a planet made purely of rocks, minerals, and forests.

"The spaceship is about to enter the atmosphere. Everyone, please prepare for landing. The automatic navigation mode is temporarily stopped, and the captain is required to perform a manual landing." Eleven hours later, the cruise ship arrived at the target planet on time. As the ship approached the atmosphere, Angie's Voices began to echo in the control room.

"Hey, wait, wait, manual landing? Angie, doesn't this spaceship have an automatic landing function?" Hearing the news that the spaceship had arrived at the target planet, Zhuang Xiaoyuan endured the hunger in his stomach and braced himself. But this is the news.

Looking at the control device that suddenly opened in front of him and stretched out, similar to the joystick of an airplane.Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't complain anymore.As for the high-tech spaceship that was promised, why did such a rustic joystick come out in the end?

"This spaceship is an old-style spaceship from 30 years ago. Although the automatic navigation mode has been updated, it is not equipped with an automatic landing function. Please captain to control the landing by yourself." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Anji's mechanical female voice replied coldly.

Although it is true that it is artificial intelligence, Anji is obviously not something advanced, but the lowest level of artificial intelligence, and even lacks its own evolutionary ability and thinking ability, and can only conduct simple communication and mechanical communication.This must also be supported by the database behind her. If there is no information in the database, she will not be able to respond accordingly.

"Boom." There was a violent tremor, and during Anji and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question and answer, the cruise ship had already broken through the planet's atmosphere, and rushed straight towards the planet's ground under the effect of gravity.

"Warning warning, please manually decelerate as soon as possible, and land at the current speed. There is a 90.00% chance that the spaceship will crash directly." Amidst the violent vibration of the spaceship, Angie's voice was still warning coldly.

"Ah, I got it, I got it. What slacker modified the spaceship, it is equipped with automatic navigation but not automatic landing. There is something wrong." Complaining loudly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and grabbed the control while the spaceship was shaking. Pull up the lever, and at the same time press the deceleration button.

Fortunately, the control device for the manual landing of this spaceship is this kind of rustic aircraft joystick, which is good news for Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who has Huang Weiyi's knowledge and has piloted mechas and airplanes.

Under Zhuang Xiaoyuan's control, the landing speed of the spaceship finally slowed down. As the speed slowed down, the violent shaking of the spaceship also reduced a lot. Moreover, as the spaceship continued to decelerate gradually, the shaking also gradually disappeared.

"Speed ​​calculation, the current speed landing is safe, and the crash rate is 1.4%. Distance calculation, it is currently 5000 meters from the ground. Please open the landing gear of the spacecraft before reaching the distance of 5000 meters. Start the distance countdown, and the distance from the ground is 4000 meters. 3000 meters..." Finally finished decelerating, before Zhuang Xiaoyuan could take a breath, Anji's cold voice sounded again.

"It's so troublesome, you know how to do it, why is there no automatic landing function. The landing gear is on." Following the actions just now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt that his stomach was even hungrier, and his body began to feel powerless , However, it was not long before landing, so she still pressed the button to open the landing gear of the spaceship.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan pressed the button to open the landing gear, the hatch at the bottom of the spaceship opened, and the landing gears stretched out one by one. However, they hit the damaged tail area before, and the hatches of the landing gear could not be opened due to the damaged shell. It just got stuck and couldn't get out.

"Warning, the tail of the spaceship is damaged, and the landing gear on the left side cannot be ejected. The distance from the ground is 500 meters, please be prepared for earthquakes. The crash rate of the aircraft is 67.4%" Ula Ula's alarm sounded suddenly, and the screen in the control room displayed In the structural diagram of the spaceship, the left tail part is highlighted in bright red.

"Pfft, that's too coincidental. It actually broke the landing gear." Hearing Anji's sudden siren, Le Youyou's face darkened, and she glared at Zhuang Xiaoyuan. Sure enough, since she met her, she often had bad luck. The feeling of being illuminated.

Although she was pleasantly surprised and happy by getting a lot of beautiful music scores, the luck of the two people after they met seems to have been plummeting. Half a month ago, the spaceship only collided once when it was retreating. It just happened to crash the landing gear.

"Anji, is there any good solution? Quickly repair the damaged landing gear, or reduce the impact on the ground." Although he didn't turn his head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan clearly felt the accusing gaze from behind, holding the joystick tightly in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan Ask the AI ​​Angie aloud.

"Unable to repair the landing gear, switch to the second plan. Landing route planning, please control the spacecraft to move forward according to the planned route, using the trees and vegetation in the forest as a buffer. After calculation, the crash rate of this route is 22.2%." After all, it is only a low-level intelligence , Faced with the possibility of a direct crash, Anji's voice was still cold and mechanical.However, he quickly planned a safe route to reduce the impact.

"It doesn't matter, Angie, show me the way." Although the crash rate of 20.00% two is not low, it is better than 60.00% seven.Gritting her teeth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan ordered loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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