Chapter 440 Safe Landing

Amidst the violent friction sound, the spaceship slanted against the ground at an angle close to the limit. As the roulette at the lower end of the bow of the spaceship touched the ground, the lower body of the spaceship also began to touch the ground. The first step was perfect.

With a loud bang, accompanied by the sound of violent metal friction, the lower body of the spaceship finally came into contact with the ground. As the right roller touched the ground safely, the left tail was directly attached to the ground due to the failure of the landing gear.

As the tail wing rubbed against the ground, puffs of black smoke and traces of sparks rubbed out from here.At the same time, the strong impact pushed the spaceship straight ahead.

Bang, because the position was calculated before, the spaceship crashed into a green forest not long after it rushed forward. As large areas of trees fell, ugly dents appeared on the front of the spaceship.

After rushing forward for a distance of several thousand meters, the forward momentum of the spaceship was finally slowed down. Following bursts of thick black smoke, the spaceship stopped in a final violent shock.

"Huh, it seems to have landed safely. Angie, how's the situation?" With the final shock, the spaceship finally stopped, Zhuang Xiaoyuan let out a long breath, looked up at the screen, and asked at the same time.


"The damage is so serious? This is the end. I can't start again, that is, I can't fly, and I don't know if there is a spaceship repair place on this planet." After recovering from the shock, he was depressed when he heard Anji's report.

"Ah, ah, ah, the boat is straight when it reaches the bridge, the most urgent thing now is to get off the boat and go to eat. Now we are in the forest, and finally we don't have to face the unchanging metal walls. Haha, let's go."

Contrary to Le Youyou's frustration, after the spaceship stopped, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed an expression of anticipation and excitement, and pulled Le Youyou, who was depressed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan dragged her to the cabin door of the spaceship.

"Wow, the forest. Food, here I come~" As the hatch opened, the emerald green forest came into the eyes of the two. It was a pure forest that seemed to be untouched.Looking down from the spaceship, you can occasionally see a few cheetahs and wild boars flying through the forest.

"Wait a minute, don't go out yet." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was extremely hungry, saw the forest outside the door and couldn't wait to rush out.Seeing the natural scenery of the forest, Le Youyou, who had recovered from depression, grabbed her.

"What's the matter? I can't wait to eat. Let's not mention the trouble of cooking live things. At least let me get some fruit to fill my stomach." Le Youyou grabbed her and almost missed Fell on the ground.Zhuang Xiaoyuan stabilized her body, looked at Le Youyou and asked.

"It's too dangerous to go out directly like this. Let's not talk about whether those humans welcome us on this planet that is not on the star map. You can see that this forest is not very safe. Even the cheetahs and wild boars that have long been extinct on the earth survive At least take a weapon with you before going out." While speaking, Le Youyou opened a hidden metal door directly opposite the hatch of the spaceship, and the door was neatly filled with all kinds of beam weapons and live ammunition arms.

"I said, how do you know there are weapons here?" Seeing Le Youyou groping for nowhere and directly opening the hidden metal door in the metal wall, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at her with a strange look.

"Didn't I tell you that my house makes spaceships. The armory opposite the door is designed to make it easier for the marines to pick up their weapons when they go to battle. Except for the exit of the spaceship, if there is a special mecha There is such an arsenal as well if you export directly from the paratrooper library or paratroopers." Le Youyou said with a natural expression without complacency or pride.While speaking, he took out the weapon from the arsenal and stuffed it into Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand.

"No, that's not what I want to talk about. Since you know so much about the structure of this spaceship, and even know such a hidden weapon arsenal, why don't you know how to fly the spaceship?" He took the weapon that Le Youyou stuffed over in a daze , Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at her strangely and asked.

"Hey, that's it. Didn't I already said it before. Our family is a spaceship manufacturer, not a pilot, so how could we learn the driving skills on purpose?" The movement of reaching for the weapon froze slightly.Le Youyou said nonchalantly.

"However, when making a spaceship, the operating system is also included. If you don't know how to make the operating system." Tilting his head in doubt, Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he looked at Le with a hint of anxiety in his eyes. Yoyo: "Could it be because you're too stupid to learn?"

"Pfft, why, how is it possible. Okay, okay, aren't you hungry? Let's go quickly." With an obviously shaken expression on his face, Le Youyou shook his head in a panic, while raising the weapon in his hand to Walking outside the hatch, while changing the subject.

"Haha, didn't you say it's dangerous outside, don't go in such a hurry." Behind Le Youyou, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at her bluntly changing the subject with a funny look, fumbled for the weapon in his hand, and raised his heels up.

Stepping out of the hatch of the cruising spacecraft, a refreshing breeze blows over the cheeks, bringing a very comfortable feeling.Take a deep breath.The fresh air in the forest and the artificial air in the spacecraft are two completely different feelings. This is the place where human beings should live.

Going down the stairs of the spaceship hatch to the ground, the soles of your feet can clearly feel the unevenness on the ground which is completely different from the levelness in the spaceship.I have been living in the spaceship for half a month, and now I finally have my feet on the planet. Although it is different from the original planet, the feeling of stepping on the ground is really nostalgic.

"Chirp. Chirp." A few colorful pheasants hovered beside the passageway created by the friction of the spaceship, occasionally looking up at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou who got off the spaceship, and occasionally lowering their heads to peck on the ground, looking at ease and completely unafraid raw look.

"Pheasant, it looks very fat. Beggar chicken, roasted chicken legs, roasted chicken wings, I can't take it anymore." After getting off the spaceship, after feeling the solid earth for a while, Zhuang Xiaoyuan focused his attention on the roadside. On the pheasants, looking at the fatness of those pheasants, the corners of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth almost drool.

"Chirp, boom." A purple beam of light flashed past, accompanied by a crisp roar.Several pheasants gathered together were hit by the purple light beam, and then the pheasants hit by the light beam immediately carbonized and disappeared.

The nearby pheasants were also directly scalded into charcoal by the high temperature.The few pheasants that were far away were also taken aback by the sudden attack. They spread their wings and turned around and rushed into the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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