Chapter 441 Forest Fruit Tree
"Le Youyou, what are you doing?" She stared dumbfounded at the delicious food she had ordered, either turning into coke or turning around and running away.Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed some accusations and complaints, and he looked at Le Youyou who shot.

"Well, I didn't do it on purpose. I just wanted to knock down a few of them. I didn't expect this beam gun to be so powerful." Receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's accusing gaze, Le Youyou blushed a little embarrassedly, and lightly pointed her index finger The other poked and explained in a low voice.

"Ha, let's find some edible fruit to fill our stomachs first." Sighing helplessly, and looking at the empty place except for the coke, Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave up the plan of hunting, and took the lead in groping into the forest.

"Linzi, they don't look like people from the Silent Clan." On the opposite side of the forest where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou entered, on the other side of the long crack that was dragged out by the spaceship, there are three people with different shapes hidden. The people, the largest one among them, spoke to the young man who was clearly leading the charge.

"Well. It doesn't look like it. But the spaceship they got off is the spaceship of the Silent Tribe, look at that icon." The young man who took the lead called Lin Zi looked away from the back of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others, and glanced at the figure around him. The huge companion pointed to the sign on the spaceship and said.

"People who are not from the Silent Tribe, but they got down safely from the Spaceship of the Silent Tribe, I'm afraid they are traitors." The person who didn't speak in the end, looked at the mark of the Silent Tribe on the spaceship, and there was a trace of sympathy in his eyes. hate.

"That, Amon. I have never understood, what exactly does traitor mean? Where did this word come from?" It seemed that he didn't notice the hatred in Amon's young man's eyes.Fatty Zhao, who was the tallest, patted Amon on the shoulder and asked honestly.

"Han Xian, what is that? This is a name from ancient times. It seems to have come from... oh, why ask so many questions. Anyway, Han Jian is specially used to scold people who betray mankind."

When Fatty Zhao suddenly asked such a question, Amon couldn't help being stunned.I want to explain in detail but find that I don't know the origin of this word.I can only pretend to be impatient and explain a sentence casually.

"Traitor, originally refers to the scum who sells the interests of the Han nationality, and later extended to the unforgivable person who betrays China and seeks refuge with the enemy. In addition, the country of Hua here refers to one of the great powers of the original earth hundreds of years ago, and it is said that the founders of music stars also have descendants of the country of Hua."

As if deliberately dismantling the stage, when Amon's words fell.A communication device held by Lin Zi suddenly made a neutral voice.Explain in detail the meaning of the so-called traitor.

"A Zhai, you bastard. It's too disrespectful for me as a military adviser to dismantle my station every time." Hearing the voice from the communication device, Amon showed a trace of embarrassment on his face, facing the communicator complained.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally dismantled your station. I have a disease that I can't live without dismantling your station." Facing Amon's shameful accusation, Azhai on the other end of the communicator sincerely apologized.It's just that his apology is more like a joke.

"Okay, now is not the time to be noisy. Azhai, what do you say? Do you have any clues for the two girls who got off this fallen silent spaceship?" Lin Zi raised his hand to stop Amon from complaining. With a serious face, he asked Azhai on the other end of the communicator.

"Oh, my conclusion is exactly the opposite of Amon's. The two girls who came down from the Spaceship of the Silent Tribe alone have another possibility besides taking refuge in the traitors of the Silent Tribe." Reveal a hint of anticipation and activity.

"What's possible?" Amon frowned when he heard that A Zhai's conclusion was contrary to his own, but he didn't refute directly. very calm.

"They want to go to the music star, or they are musicians who just came out of the music star. However, they directly captured the spaceship of the voiceless tribe. I think the former is more likely. They want to go to the music star." Although it is only It was pure speculation, and Azhai was not at the scene, and he had never seen Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, but his tone was full of affirmation.

"Amon." Hearing what A Zhai said, Lin Zi squinted his eyes and asked Amon beside him.

"Well, there is such a possibility. No, this possibility is very high. Because there are no voiceless people on the spaceship except them. Sorry, I seemed to be affected by my emotions before."

Seeing Lin Zi's eyes, Amon nodded slightly in thought, affirming A Zhai's guess.Thinking of the scene of seeing them before, Amon's eyes flashed and he was more sure of A Zhai's guess, and at the same time apologized for his previous emotions.

"Okay, since you both said that, let's get in touch with them. If they are really music stars, we can't let the soundless bastards find them." After receiving Amon's answer and apology, Lin Zi's eyes were fixed, and he determined the next course of action.

"Wait a minute, Lin Zi. Let's go and install the interference device made by A Zhai on the spaceship. Such a big movement may have attracted the attention of the Silencers. We must not let the rare spaceship fall into the hands of the Silencers. "Before Lin Zi was about to take action, Amon stopped him, pointed to the spaceship that was still parked at this time and said.

"Well, let's go." Nodding, Lin Zi took out a metal-colored sticker-like thing from the backpack behind him and took it in his hand. He took the lead and rushed towards the spaceship in front of him, followed by Amon and Fatty Zhao.


Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan into the forest, not long after walking in, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stopped and looked back.Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's line of sight, there was nothing.Le Youyou asked with some doubts, "Xiaoyuan, what's the matter?"

"Well, it's nothing, let's go." With a slight smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked back and walked towards the depths of the forest.Just now, I seemed to feel some kind of malicious gaze.

However, the malice didn't last long before it became friendly.I'm afraid that the two of them have already been discovered by someone.I don't know who it could be, that kind of sight, at least it can be sure that it is not from the Silent Clan.

"Xiaoyuan, there is a fruit tree over there. Let's go there quickly." Following Zhuang Xiaoyuan and continuing to walk deep into the forest, the sharp-eyed Le Youyou suddenly spotted a fruit tree with small red and green fruits, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. Surprised, immediately reminded Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Jujube tree? There are bugs, and there are traces of birds pecking. This is edible." Hearing Le Youyou's reminder, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also saw the fruit tree.After carefully looking at it, it was determined that this fruit tree is a non-toxic fruit tree similar to a jujube tree.

(End of this chapter)

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