Chapter 442 Panicked Black Panther
"Well, it's sweet and sour. It's refreshing and delicious. It's the original ecology of pure green food." I picked a few small red fruits and put them in my mouth, and crushed the outer skin of the fruits with my teeth. They were tender and juicy. The flesh burst open, leaving a trace of sweet and sour in the mouth.

Savoring the taste of the small red and green fruits, Zhuang Xiaoyuan squinted happily, and finally got something to eat.Although it's just a small fruit, but now it's in the forest. When it's full, I'll have the strength to go hunting, get a few hares and pheasants, and then it's time to really taste the delicious food.

"Wow, it's so sour." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan eating so happily, Le Youyou also picked a few fruits and put them in her mouth, and bit them expectantly.But the flesh that bloomed from the peel was so sour that her whole face was wrinkled.

"Idiot, don't eat the green ones, eat the red ones. In fact, the best ones should be the ones that have bugs or have been pecked by birds, but I always feel that it is not very hygienic. Maybe there are germs or something. Try this "Looking funny at Le Youyou who was frowning sourly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan picked out some red ones and handed them to her.

"Well, really, it's sweet and sour." After taking the fruit handed over by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, after a little hesitation, Le Youyou took a bite carefully, the sour smell just now is still vivid in her memory.But this time it is no longer as sour as before, but a little sour with rich sweetness, refreshing and crisp.

Handing the fruit she picked to Le Youyou, seeing her happily eating, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and continued to pick the fruit and stuff it into her mouth.She has been hungry for several days, and now even if she is asked to eat the whole tree, she can still eat it.

"Huh?!" However, just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were frantically sweeping this jujube-like fruit tree, the sound of inaudible footsteps approached quietly.Wisps of fierce murderous intent floated in the air, and something came over.

Glancing at Le Youyou who was unaware, Zhuang Xiaoyuan bit the fruit in his mouth while turning his head to look in the direction of the source of the murderous aura.It was a pitch-black leopard, also known as a black panther.

The streamlined figure shows a strong sense of strength, and the graceful steps are like a gentleman attending a banquet. The bright yellow eyes are hidden in the shade of the trees, as if emitting a little light.

The sharp protruding teeth on the mouth are shining with sharp knife light, and the tip of the tail swinging behind, a small hook is showing a strange deep purple.This is a strange black panther with the teeth of a saber-toothed tiger and the tail of a scorpion. This should be one of the unique wild creatures on this planet.

At this moment, the black panther looked ready to go, as if it would pounce towards Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou at any moment, its bright yellow eyes revealed a trace of ferocity towards its prey.

However, the moment he met Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze, the panther's movements froze slightly, as if he was surprised that his hiding place was discovered, revealing a trace of human surprise.

The eyes flowed over the black panther, and stopped for a while on her teeth and tail. Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't stop the movements of his hands and mouth, but his eyes met the black panther's eyes, with a trace of strong Murderous aura emerged in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes.

As I said before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan is no longer the ordinary otaku who lived in peacetime. After experiencing the baptism of the apocalypse, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has a trace of doomsday determination and murderous aura.After awakening the memory of the Circle of Principle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also faintly appeared the majesty of the Lord of Everything.

I may not be able to see it at ordinary times, because the peaceful mentality of the previous life is still firmly guarding my heart.Let Zhuang Xiaoyuan behave very peaceful and friendly, but when encountering a battle, the decisiveness and calmness learned in Doomsday Middle School will instantly emerge, bringing out the killing intent to kill countless demons and evil gods, making people feel the inhuman pressure.

At this time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan stared at the strange black panther that was so close at hand, as if it would pounce on him at any moment, and a strong murderous aura from the end of the world emerged in his eyes. Human beings with slow perception may not necessarily feel it.But animals with keen perception are very sensitive to such breaths.

Ahh~ The black panther, who had originally regarded them as prey, was startled by Zhuang Xiaoyuan's murderous eyes.His feet trembled and he fell from the tree he was hiding in.After falling, he didn't care about the pain of his body hitting the ground, so he got up quickly and fled into the forest in a hurry.

"Hey, what's the matter? Black Panther? When was it there?" Hearing the noise around her, Le Youyou still had a fruit in her mouth and turned her head to look over. What she saw was the one that fell from the tree and fled in a panic. The panther's eyes widened in surprise.

"It's really a cute little guy who fell from the tree by itself. Just like Yoyo, so stupid and cute." Watching the black panther leave, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Le Yoyo with a teasing smile on his face.

"Pfft, who are you calling stupid? Isn't it just flying a spaceship? It's just that I don't want to learn it. If I want to learn credits, I can learn it in minutes, okay?" He spit out the fruit core in his mouth, facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's teasing, Le Youyou blushed and retorted.She hasn't given up teasing about her inability to fly a spaceship yet.

Seeing Le Youyou blowing her hair, the smile on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face deepened.Although it is only the second world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has already begun to miss the friends in the main world.

It's been a long time since I saw my friends in the main world, and the parting with the friends I finally met in the first world made Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart full of reluctance and sadness.

But in the new world, new relationships, and new friends comforted Zhuang Xiaoyuan's heart again and again.This is also one of the important reasons why Zhuang Xiaoyuan can insist on going on a world tour.These emotions, which the Ring of Yuanli could not understand, have always supported Zhuang Xiaoyuan to move forward.

"Yuyou, keep your voice down, something is coming." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan teased Le Youyou, causing Le Youyou to blow his hair.The distant mechanical roar was keenly caught by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, his eyes were fixed, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out to cover Le Youyou's mouth, stretched out his index finger and made a small movement, and pointed the index finger to the sky above his head after the movement.

The emotions on his face instantly subsided, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.Le Youyou nodded and stretched out her hand to pull Zhuang Xiaoyuan's right hand off her mouth, and looked up to the sky, and was reminded by Zhuang Xiaoyuan that Le Youyou also heard the voice from the distant sky.

Fighting between the two is just fighting, but when encountering serious business, they can instantly restrain all their emotions and take it seriously.This is probably one of Leyouyou's strengths, calm, rational, and alert.

Buzzing, buzzing, as if the sound of an oversized fly flapping its wings quickly approached from a distance, and soon came to the tops of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou. Hiding under the shade of the jujube tree, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou carefully looked up at the sky. The purpose of entry was an old-fashioned helicopter, which was a flying tool that was eliminated decades ago.

(End of this chapter)

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