Chapter 443 Planet Humans
"That's..." Slightly narrowing his eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the black icon on the side of the helicopter fuselage that was exactly the same as the snatched spaceship.

"People of the Silent Clan, as expected, there is no possibility that there is no Silent Clan on this planet. There is no information about this planet in the star map, so it must have been missed." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan saw the icon, Le Youyou of course also Take it into your eyes.

"Not necessarily, I think, maybe the Silent Tribe hid it on purpose. Don't you think the Silent Tribe's attitude towards humans is a little too strange?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan watched the helicopter fly overhead. He blinked lightly at Le Youyou, and said with a hint of thought in his eyes.

"Strange?" He glanced at Zhuang Xiaoyuan suspiciously, and while cooperating with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, he looked along the position where Zhuang Xiaoyuan blinked.Le Youyou's doubts were not only because of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's pointed expression, but also what Zhuang Xiaoyuan said made Le Youyou feel a little confused.

Living in this world, Le Youyou, who has become accustomed to the existence of the Silent Race, has never observed the Silent Race, so she has not noticed the strangeness of the Silent Race.

"Well, what is the purpose of the Silent Clan? If you want to ban music, wouldn't it be more convenient to kill all humans at the beginning. But they spend time and effort managing humans. I found it strange when they were on the moon. Except for the absence of music, and the addition of a strange voiceless race, aren’t the human beings in this world the same as before? They live the same way, and nothing seems to have changed for ordinary human beings.”

Gently nodding her head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan continued speaking as if nothing had happened.Based on what he has learned so far, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can't guess the plan of the Wuyin Clan at all. Zhuang Xiaoyuan herself is not a think tank type of person, she is actually better at breaking tricks with strength.

"There are changes, the biggest change is that there is no music." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's nonchalant look, Le Youyou also put aside the confusion in her heart for the time being, and continued to cooperate.

But Le Youyou didn't agree with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words.Compared with Zhuang Xiaoyuan who just came to this world, Le Youyou understands this world better. She understands how miserable and gloomy the world without music is.When she said this, Le Youyou couldn't help showing a strange look in her eyes.

"Music..." Noticing the persistence and sadness in Le Youyou's eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't understand it at all, because she had never experienced what a world without music would be like, because Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew a lot of music herself, so she couldn't understand it. A world without music.

"Speaking of which, do you know how people from the Silent Tribe were born? Have you ever seen a child from the Silent Tribe?" Shaking his head, as if to get rid of this incomprehensible feeling, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked, changing the subject .

"Hey, a child of the Silent Clan? I don't think I've ever seen a child of the Silent Clan. Speaking of which, I've only seen adult males from the Silent Clan. Not just children, I've even seen female ones. The Wuyin people have never seen it before." When asked by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou had a strange expression on her face, after thinking about it carefully, she seemed to have never seen a child, not even a woman.

"There are no children or women, are they hiding it on purpose, or is it asexual reproduction?" Originally, it was just a question that was asked casually to change the subject, but unexpectedly, he discovered the strangest thing about the voiceless tribe, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan feel unintentional. The feeling of willows and willows.

"Hehe, how can there be asexual reproduction? It's not a cell, it can be divided." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Le Youyou began to imagine that a person of the Wuyin tribe would be divided into two people, and the two identical people looked at each other. A funny smile.

"Not necessarily. Asexual reproduction is not just a kind of cell division. Taking other people's body with spirit can also be regarded as a kind of asexual reproduction." Speaking of this, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help thinking that the main world had been repulsed, and that in the upper A black mist Loki whose world was finally wiped out by himself.Demons and evil gods are actually a kind of asexual reproduction.

"That's very reasonable. Maybe the Silent Race is really asexual reproduction. Otherwise, I can't explain my strange discovery." Just when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were discussing the issue of the Silent Race , A somewhat vague male voice suddenly inserted into the conversation between the two.

"Have you finally opened your mouth after listening to so much? I'm still thinking about how long you plan to hide. Can you tell me which faction you belong to. A music star? Or an indigenous human on this planet?" As expected, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression did not change at all when the male voice suddenly interrupted the conversation, and he turned to look at a mechanical mouse hiding in the grass.

"Sneaky, you must not be someone who has taken refuge in the Silent Tribe. Do you want to keep us from contacting the Silent Tribe?" I was reminded by Zhuang Xiaoyuan before and also noticed the mechanical mouse in the grass, so for him Le Youyou wasn't particularly surprised by the sudden intrusion of the voice.It's just that she is very upset about this sneaky and eavesdropping behavior.

"Which faction is it? If we want to count, we should be regarded as indigenous humans. In addition, I didn't mean to eavesdrop on your conversation, I was sent to contact you, in order to help you not be caught by the silent people Here, I will take you to our base by the way." While answering the questions of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, the mechanical mouse crawled out from the grass.

Although it is a mechanical mouse, at first glance, I am afraid no one will regard it as a mechanical product, because this mechanical mouse looks exactly like an ordinary mouse in terms of appearance, except that the mouse's Limbs look weird, with obvious metallic luster and exposed joints.

"Indigenous humans, it seems that on this planet, the relationship between you and the Wuyin tribe is very tense." He and Le Youyou looked at each other, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes showed a hint of understanding.

From the male voice of this mechanical mouse, one can clearly hear the rejection of the Silent Clan, and it actually has its own base. I am afraid that the relationship between them and the Silent Clan is not just tense, maybe they have already entered a hot state Bar.

"So, do you believe me? If so, follow me back to the base. You should be very curious about this planet, but I am also very curious about you. Come to the base, how about we exchange information by the way? Miss musicians." The mechanical mouse narrowed its eyes very flexibly, showing a sly expression, and revealed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others' identities as musicians.

"Is it really possible? Aren't your people fighting fiercely with the Silent Clan? It doesn't matter if we leave them like this." Eyes narrowed slightly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth slightly curled up, pointing to the direction where the spaceship fell, with a smirk asked.

(End of this chapter)

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