Chapter 444 Human Base
"...It's okay, let's go. They can't do anything else, escape is the best thing." Facing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's pointed words, the mechanical mouse was silent for a while, the light in the mechanical eyes flickered slightly, as if thinking for a while Shen Sheng replied.

"That's right, that's fine." He and Le Youyou looked at each other, confirming the meaning of the other party, Zhuang Xiaoyuan nodded and agreed: "However, wait a moment, let's rest our stomachs first."

"Huh?" Hearing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan promised to go to their base, the mechanical mouse started to lead the way, but Zhuang Xiaoyuan suddenly popped out such a sentence, and then started to pick fruits and eat them on his own, which made the mechanical mouse A Zhai at the other end couldn't react at all, and just froze there.


"This is your base?!" When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou followed the mechanical mouse to the base he mentioned, what Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others saw was completely different from what they had imagined.

Under the huge towering trees, equally huge tree holes were dug out one after another. Simple wooden furniture was placed in the tree holes. Through the tree holes without doors, the women and children living inside could be seen.

And above the tree hole, on the branches of the big tree, there are also simple tree houses built one after another.In the tree house, there are scattered dried fruit and animal skins, and there are similarly simple and rough bed furniture in the pile of animal skins.

When they noticed Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others coming, several vigilant heads popped out of the tree house. These heads may be young or old, but they all have a capable and vigilant expression.

In addition to tree holes and tree houses, there are also several rough but stable wooden houses surrounded by several big trees.At this time, there was a burst of cooking smoke from these wooden houses from time to time, and it was obvious that someone was cooking inside. According to the sun of this planet, it was probably noon now.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou approached this so-called base, more things came into their eyes, simple beds, no bedding, only piled up and dried vegetation, rough tables and chairs, it is obvious that artificial There are even a lot of crooked marks, and the shape has not been polished.

It was placed on the rough long table between the big trees, and the wooden bowls cut out of wood were neatly placed on it. Although they were neatly arranged, they still gave people a messy feeling.Because no pair of these wooden bowls is standard and symmetrical at all, all of them are crooked, with unknown water chestnut angles, big and small.

Look at the ragged, skinny people gathered here.Zhuang Xiaoyuan feels that this place is not so much a base, but a refugee concentration camp, or a place like a savage tribe.

Entering this crude base, the mechanical mouse suddenly sped forward, jumped to the feet of a young man in gray clothes, quickly climbed up his feet, and soon climbed onto his shoulders.

"Welcome to our base. I am the garrison of the base. As the logistics support department, I am the person in charge of protecting all logistics supplies and base security. My name is Jia Zhai, and the people here call me A Zhai very kindly. You can call me that too."

After teasing the mechanical mouse on his shoulder, the young man in gray clothes came to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, stretched out his right hand and introduced himself, his voice was exactly the same as the voice from the previous mechanical mouse.

"Hello, my name is Zhuang Xiaoyuan." Although he was surprised by the scene in the base, Zhuang Xiaoyuan responded politely to Jia Zhai's self-introduction.

"I'm Le Youyou." After Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou also reported her name.Of course, they didn't say anything except the names of the two people. Jia Zhai in front of him had already guessed the purpose of going to the music star. As for other things, there was no need to introduce them, right?

"Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, right? Welcome again. Please come with me. We are about to start lunch here, so let's chat while eating." After shaking hands with Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou respectively, Jia Zhai turned around, While stretching out his hand, he guided them towards the long dining table.

"Can I ask a question?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan frowned and asked after following Jia Zhai into the base and surveying the surrounding environment.

"What do you want to ask? The situation of this planet? Our situation? Or the situation of the silent people?" Come to bring the dining table, although both the table and the chairs here are very rough, Jia Zhai is still a very gentlemanly helper Zhuang Xiaoyuan He Leyou opened the chair and let them sit down.

"All of them." Nodding his head to express his gratitude, Zhuang Xiaoyuan sat down on the chair and replied looking at this young man whose behavior was completely out of tune with the surrounding environment.

"Oh, this is a long story to tell." After Le Youyou also sat down, Jia Zhai smiled and sat down opposite Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others.

"It doesn't matter, we don't lack time for the time being. If we don't figure out the situation here, our spaceship doesn't know where to go to repair it." I looked at Le Youyou and made sure that she was as curious about this place as myself Emotions, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked straightforwardly.

"Well, since that's the case, we'll tell you the situation here. On the contrary, we also need your help with some things. Well, just in time, they're back too, let's talk about it together so we can get a little clearer." Point Nodding his head, Jia Zhai agreed to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question.While speaking, he turned his head and looked towards the forest on the right.

Following Jia Zhai's gaze, three young men of different shapes came out of the forest.In fact, before these three youths appeared, Zhuang Xiaoyuan had already discovered them, because the faint smell of blood came over earlier than them.Sure enough, as expected, it was Jia's companions who came over.

"Hey, hello, Ms. Zhuang Xiaoyuan Leyouyou, I am the leader here. My name is Zhang Lin, you can call me Linzi directly. The tall one on the left is Zhao Fatty, and the short one on the right is Shleimeng. You can also just call me Linzi." Call them Fatty and Amon." As soon as the three approached, the young man walking in the middle waved the communicator in his hand, and introduced the few people around him simply and directly.

"Hello." Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou politely got up and said hello.After saying hello, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Fatty Zhao. On his right shoulder, traces of blood seeped from his clothes: "Are you injured?"

"It doesn't matter. The fat man has a special physique. He can recover after eating a good meal. The aunts who cook will definitely prepare a big one for him later. Let us first explain the situation on this planet to you." After listening to it, I believe you will know more about the Silencers, especially the cruelty and cold-bloodedness of those people.” Shaking his hand to indicate that it’s okay, Zhang Lin sat down next to Jia’s house, and stared at the opposite person seriously. Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou said.

(End of this chapter)

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