Chapter 445 'Delicious' Lunch
"Eat~" Accompanied by a gentle greeting, the wooden house that had been smoking before was opened, and two middle-aged women dressed as women came out of it carrying a huge wooden barrel.

This huge wooden barrel is covered with a wooden lid, but it still can't stop a trace of heat and strange smell from leaking out of the wooden barrel. As the wooden barrel approaches, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can clearly smell the emanation The taste that comes out is mushroom, meat and I don't know what mixed taste of vegetables.

"Wow, it's time to eat." As the middle-aged women carried out the wooden barrels and scattered them in the tree holes among the surrounding towering trees, several young children soon sprang out.

They were barefoot, their thin bodies were wrapped in a suit of obviously ill-fitting clothes, and they greeted the middle-aged woman carrying the wooden barrel with expressions of anticipation and excitement.Behind these children, women in ragged clothes and patches all over their bodies came out of the tree hole, and on the tree house, some of the men who were vigilant around them also climbed down from the tree.

"Since the meal is ready, let's eat first." Zhang Lin, who was going to explain the situation to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, was interrupted by the sound of the meal, and noticed the eyes of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou looking at the children, Zhang Lin slightly With a smile, he greeted Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou to eat together.

Soon, as the adults approached, the children who had been gathered together obediently sat down on the long table, and turned their heads expectantly to see the middle-aged woman holding the wooden bucket standing in front of everyone. wooden bowl for lunch.

Although the wooden bucket carried by the middle-aged woman is very huge, and it looks very difficult for both of them to carry it, but there are many people who can't bear to eat. As they fill each wooden bowl with lunch, the wooden bucket Barrels are also getting lighter.When everyone's bowls were filled with lunch, there was not much left in the barrel.

"Okay, let's start eating." During the process of filling the meal, although the children had expressions of anticipation and eagerness to eat, none of them started to eat first.

After the wooden bowls in front of everyone were filled with lunch, following Zhang Lin's order, these children couldn't wait to reach out and grab the small wooden spoons in the wooden bowls.Regardless of the heat of the lunch, they scooped up a spoon and put it in their mouths. As the lunch entered, all of them had happy smiles on their faces.

Seeing the happy children eating around, scooping up a spoonful of soup in front of him and putting it into his mouth, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a complex expression on his face.This so-called lunch was actually just a bowl of vegetable soup.

All kinds of weird vegetables are mixed together, even with Zhuang Xiaoyuan's tongue and cooking knowledge, he can't fully recognize how many weird vegetables are put in it. The only things he can recognize are mushrooms, asparagus and a little bit of meat that can't be found at all. Subtle meaty taste.

In fact, the ingredients for this lunch are not a problem, what matters is the taste and quality.A spoonful of the bitter taste in the mouth is also accompanied by a hint of grassy earthy smell, mixed with a hint of mushroom fragrance and subtle meaty fragrance, forming a very strange taste.

The spoon flicked in the soup, and most of the bowl was full of soup, and there were very few grass leaves and mushrooms that could actually fill the stomach.So, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan was in a complicated mood because of such a bowl of lunch, seeing the excited children who were eating with relish, these children had already finished their bowls quickly.

"Sister, don't you want to eat?" Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan was stirring the soup bowl in his hand in a complicated mood, a girl sitting next to Zhuang Xiaoyuan just now looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan with a puzzled expression on her face and asked.While speaking, she secretly glanced at the soup bowl in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, with a trace of salivation in her eyes.

"My sister doesn't have much appetite, do you want to eat?" Noticing the longing in the girl's eyes, she was obviously not full from such a bowl of clear soup, Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed the wooden bowl in front of her and said to her.

"No appetite?" She tilted her head in doubt, the girl obviously didn't know what it meant to have no appetite.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to give her his share, she could tell.

A trace of longing flashed in her eyes, but she quickly restrained herself, turned her eyes away to look at the wooden bowl, and the girl shook her head seriously and said, "No need, Niuniu is full." While speaking, her stomach groaned. The grunting sound made her blush all of a sudden.

"Hehe." Hearing the girl's body reaction which was obviously completely opposite to what he said, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help showing a smile on his face.

However, even though she blushed because of her stomach, Niuniu still did not accept Zhuang Xiaoyuan's lunch after all.Being rejected for the second time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't say anything to let her eat, but scooped up a spoonful of soup and put it into his mouth.

The taste of the soup was still bitter, and the thick earthy smell couldn't be ignored, but in this smell, Zhuang Xiaoyuan felt something different.Maybe it's human nature, maybe it's innocence, maybe it's Niu Niu's words that she's full.

"Have you been eating this kind of thing all the time? Why? In the forest, there should be a lot of food, such as pheasants and hares." Gently put down the wooden bowl with no soup left, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Zhang Lin was sitting opposite him.

Looking at the people around him, Zhang Lin showed a wry smile on his face: "Perhaps if we continue to live like this for decades, many people will be able to learn the correct hunting skills. But now we can only rely on simple tools. If you can’t catch prey, you can only use traps, but not every trap will have prey falling into it.”

"No firearms? Xiaoweili's beam gun, or a live ammo gun?" Thinking of the flexible mechanical mouse controlled by Jia Zhai before, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Jia Zhai with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"Don't look at A Zhai, his mouse was brought back from outside. He is not a local, and his experience is actually similar to yours. A few years ago, a spaceship crashed and landed on this planet. He was The only survivor. In fact, we still have some firearms, although they are not many, but firearms cannot be wasted on hunting. Our firearms can only be used to deal with those bastards of the Silent Clan."

"You guys, who are you?" Living in such a predicament, eating such things every day, but keeping important firearms to fight against the silent people.Moreover, maybe their firearms were also taken from the Silent Clan.Such a situation made Zhuang Xiaoyuan think of those awe-inspiring ancestors.However, Zhang Lin said something surprising.

"Are we? To put it bluntly, if you put some gold on your face, we are the rebels. To put it bluntly, we are actually runaway slaves of the Silent Clan..." With a bitter expression on his face, Zhang Lin slowly Said.

(End of this chapter)

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