Chapter 446 Mining Slave
"Fleeing slave?!" Zhuang Xiaoyuan opened his eyes wide in astonishment, and Le Youyou beside him had a surprised expression on his face.Although it has been heard that some human beings have been reduced to slaves at a lower level than ordinary people, Le Youyou has never seen it. At least there are no slaves on the moon and the earth.

"Ah, all of us here are slaves. It should be said that they are miners who escaped from the mines of the Wuyin tribe. Humans outside probably don't know our existence." Nodding with a wry smile, Zhang Lin continued Said: "Since our grandpa, grandpa has been a slave on this planet. The slaves here were originally federal soldiers who fought against the Silent Race from the Earth Federation."

"Federal soldiers?! Why did the federal soldiers become slaves? I remember that the Silent Clan said at the time that the federal army was disbanded and all the soldiers would become civilians. Why?" Hearing Zhang Lin's words, Le Youyou patted in surprise Standing up from the table, what he said was completely different from what Le Youyou knew in his impression.

"I also heard about this matter from my grandfather. It was true that some federal soldiers were sent back home, but more people were sent to Mineral Star, and many even their family members were forcibly sent in. "Nodding his head, he affirmed Le Youyou's statement, but he couldn't hide the bitterness at the corner of Zhang Lin's mouth, because it was all a trick played by the Silent Clan.

"That's why some people escaped because they couldn't bear to be slaves, and wanted to resist the tyranny of the Silent Clan. Are you here?" Nodding, Zhuang Xiaoyuan knew the origins of these people.

Because the original slaves escaped, they didn't have any self-defense. At the beginning, they probably had a hard time. After all, the forest is not as safe as imagined.

"Well, it's about the same. These silent people don't regard us as human beings at all. They eat two meals a day less than what we eat now. They work day and night and don't care about our life or death. The mine over there Every few days of work there are people who can't bear to be exhausted. It's as if they didn't keep us as slaves for mining, but to abuse us as slaves."

When it came to the situation of working as slaves in the mine, Zhang Lin and the others showed gritted hatred expressions on their faces.I'm afraid, among those exhausted people, there are many people they know well.

"In order to abuse you... I see. So what did Jia Zhai say before, what needs our help?" After hearing Zhang Lin's description, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a thoughtful expression on his face.

I always feel that the behavior of the Silencers is a bit weird. They don't seem to be acting for the goal of destroying human beings or ruling the world. They seem to have some kind of purpose that others cannot understand.

"Let me tell the story." Noticing that Zhang Lin's emotions have not calmed down from the previous narration, Jia Zhai took over the conversation and asked: "I heard that musicians of music stars can make their music have a certain quality through the music elf." Most of the abilities of this kind of music will cause great harm to the people of the silent tribe, I wonder if it is true?"

"Well..." Hearing Jia Zhai's question, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Le Youyou.After all, he is an outsider in this world, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan really hasn't had much contact with other people except Le Youyou, so he doesn't know if the music spirit and music power are things that need to be concealed.

"There is indeed such a thing, so, do you want us to help you fight against the Wuyin tribe together?" Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's gaze, Le Youyou nodded, directly affirming Jia Zhai's question.

"If possible, this would be the best. Judging from the fact that you were able to capture the spaceship of the Silent Clan, I'm afraid the power of that kind of music is very powerful. With your help, we can liberate more people."

After getting Le Youyou's affirmative answer, Shlemeng, who had never spoken before, pushed the eyes on his face and said what they wanted to do.However, after noticing the age and gender of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, the conversation changed and they talked about another plan.

"It doesn't matter if you don't want to. But I still hope that you can teach our children here. If you can become musicians, it will be good for their future. Even if we fail in the end, as long as they can leave here, He also has a skill, at least he can live a good life as a music star."

"Yuyou, what should we do." Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Leyouyou who was beside her and asked with a smile after hearing Zhang Lin's explanation and Shi Limeng's request.

"Hmph, why are you still asking me now? Isn't this a matter of course? Anyway, our spaceship has broken down, and I'm afraid it has been discovered by the Silent Clan. If you want to leave safely, you have to put Get rid of all the voiceless people here." With a soft snort, Le Youyou glanced at the children sitting beside her and replied.

"Have you heard, this is our answer. Before we find a way to get out of here safely, let us help you. By the way, I am also very interested in letting these children learn music." Stretched out and touched The head of the girl next to her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied with a smile.

"Really, thank you so much." Upon receiving the replies from Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, Zhang Lin and the others showed a hint of joy on their faces.Although several people have their own special abilities, and they can cause a little trouble to the Wuyin tribe from time to time, but they are just small troubles.

However, it would be different if there were musicians who were the nemesis of the Silent Clan, maybe they could wipe out all the Silent Clans at the mine one by one, and liberate all the slave humans.

"Don't thank us in a hurry, let's talk about your thoughts. Although our music can indeed bring great restraint to the soundless people, and even eliminate them directly, but this is only when the number of the soundless people is small. If There are too many of them, or they have super-standard combat tools such as mech airships, even our music cannot completely restrain them."

Although he agreed to help Zhang Lin and the others, Zhuang Xiaoyuan did not intend to blindly follow their arrangements. If the action was too dangerous and might cause harm to himself, Zhuang Xiaoyuan would not foolishly go to his death.

In that case, it would be better for me and Le Youyou to leave alone and find a way to solve the problem of the spaceship.After all, although I sympathize with their experience and feel heartbroken for the plight of the children here, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has learned to let go after going through so many things.Unless they are relatives and friends who are closely related to you, the safety of others is not as safe as your own.

"What's our idea? Let's go. Let's go to Azhai's office together. In recent years, he has figured out all the nearby Wuyin people's management areas. Our plan is to start from the smallest base and get the guns and ammunition. supply, and then gradually erode larger mine bases.”

(End of this chapter)

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