Chapter 447 Strategy Plan
"This mining and logging plant is the closest to us, and it has the least troops. In fact, even with our own ability, we can handle it, but at that time, I'm afraid our side will suffer serious damage. But now with you guys If so, it should be able to greatly reduce our damage."

In Jia's office, on a very high-tech touch screen desktop, Zhang Lin pointed to a red area near the forest on the map displayed on the touch screen, and explained to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.

After entering Jia Zhai's office, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were sure that Jia Zhai was different from Zhang Lin and the others. Jia Zhai was the same distressed people as themselves, because Jia Zhai's office was actually underground in the forest.

Judging from the previous corridor and the current layout of this room, it seems that this underground base was remodeled from the cabin of a spaceship.Whether it is the various screens and high-tech operation panels scattered around, or the touch-screen desktop map in front of him, they are probably all modified by using the original configuration equipment of the spacecraft.

Speaking of which, Zhang Lin and the others seem to have said before that Jia Zhai is a powerful technical house, and this technology is really powerful enough.And Jia's office can also be said to be the highest crystallization of the technology of these rebels. Surveillance, communication, and maps are all here. This is also the safest place, and everyone can hide in when it is dangerous.

"Then, how many Silent people are there in this location, how much combat power do you have, and how many combatable firearms do you have?" Looking back from the surrounding environment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked down at the map on the table. The area is surprisingly in the southeast of where they are at this time, and the place where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others made an emergency landing was directly south.

"We have about 40 people who can participate in the battle now. However, we must arrange people to stay at the base. After all, there are many women and children there. Therefore, there are probably less than [-] people who can actually participate in the battle. And the guns are probably only enough to equip ten Several people."

Since he decided to ask Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others to help, he couldn't continue to hide his own predicament. Therefore, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked about his own combat effectiveness, Zhang Lin didn't hesitate, and said it directly.

"Although there are only a dozen or so people, and there are only a dozen or so people with guns, each of these people is a master, whether it is close combat or long-range shooting. To be honest, if it is not for their own strong combat power, It is impossible to keep them alive by taking turns hunting in the forest every day, and those who are incapable will die long ago.”

After Zhang Lin told his side's fighting power, in order not to let Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others worry about their own safety, Shlemeng specifically emphasized his own fighting power.Although there is some bragging in it, what he said is indeed the truth.

"In fact, there is no need to worry about our attack being frustrated. Although we are only a dozen or so people, the number of silent people stationed in this mine area is not large, and the maximum is 50 people. If we do mental calculations or not, we can Cannibalize them gradually, not to mention having your help now." After Shlemeng, Jia Zhai also comforted him.

"Hehe, you underestimate us too much. If there are really only 50 people, the two of us alone can pull out this base directly. However, if we go in head-on, maybe those silent people will jump over the wall in a hurry I want to take the humans there. So, I think, if you discuss how to deal with the silent people, it is better to discuss how to protect those humans."

With a slight smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan showed a confident expression on his face, and said to Zhang Lin and the others.Half a month ago, there were more than 50 voiceless people in that cruise ship, and not all of them were wiped out in the end.

Therefore, there is no need to take into account the silent people with such a small number of people. The only thing they need to care about is the safety of those humans in the mine.After all, it is not easy for music to eliminate the voiceless people. Most of the music needs to be sung to the climax to highlight the strongest effect.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's confident words, Zhang Lin looked at Le Youyou in disbelief, and found that she also had an expression of approval on her face, which surprised them.Can't help but look at each other with the companions around him, and all they see are the same surprised expressions of the companions.

"Well, is the music really that powerful?" Even if Zhuang Xiaoyuan said that, Le Youyou still agreed.But Zhang Lin and the others still couldn't believe it.

After all, they have never heard music, nor have they seen the effect of music.On the contrary, they have a lot of understanding of the combat effectiveness and technological level of the Silent Clan.

"There's no doubt about it. Music is the nemesis of the Silent Clan. Besides, we won't make fun of our own lives." Le Youyou frowned dissatisfied with Zhang Lin and the others' distrust.

After finishing speaking, noticing Zhang Lin's tangled and dubious expression, Le Youyou shook her head and pointed a certain position on the touchscreen map with her finger and continued: "Besides, before going to conquer the mines and liberate humans, I think it is better for us to attack this place first. It should have been occupied by the Silent Clan."

"Here? Why do you want to go there? Didn't you say that the spaceship is no longer able to fly? Moreover, before we left, the place was indeed occupied by the Silent Clan, although there were not many people there."

The suspicion on the face did disappear because of Le Youyou's words, but it did not mean trusting them. At this time, because of the location Le Youyou pointed out, Zhang Lin and the others showed a trace of doubt again.

Because of the position pointed by Le Youyou, they couldn't figure out that there was a need to prioritize the strategy at that position.At this time, the location pointed by Le Youyou's finger is the area where their spaceship made an emergency landing.

"So that's the case, it's true. If you get on our spaceship first, it will be of great help to the strategy of the mine, um, it will be helpful to you." Different from the doubts of Zhang Lin and the others, after watching Zhuang Xiaoyuan also thought of the key points when Le Youyou pointed out the location where the spaceship made an emergency landing.

"Don't you guys understand yet? This spaceship of ours was snatched from the cruising troops of the Silent Clan." Smiling at Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou turned her head to look at Zhang Lin and the others. Si saw the idiot's contempt and dissatisfaction with not being trusted.

It's so obvious, but I never thought that with the IQ of this rebel army, they can really successfully eliminate all the silent tribes on this planet and liberate all human beings.

"Cruising spaceship... Could it be..." Jia Zhai's eyes flickered when he heard Le Youyou's emphatic words "cruising spaceship".

"Weapons on the spaceship." When Jia Zhai thought about it, Shlemeng, who was the think tank of the rebel army, also thought about it. His eyes shone brightly, and he murmured the real purpose of attacking the spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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