Chapter 449 Great Wall Faith
"Sister, what is the Great Wall? Is it a very, very long city?" Under the shade of a towering tree in the rebel base, a large group of children and Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou sat together in a circle.

At this time, after listening to a song sung by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, the girl sitting beside her looked up at her and asked curiously.This girl is the girl named Niuniu who was sitting next to Zhuang Xiaoyuan at lunch.

"Well, the Great Wall, it's a very long city. It was built by the ancient country of China to resist the invasion of villains. The tall and long Great Wall protects all our homes, villains If we want to invade our homeland and bully our friends and relatives, we need to cross the Great Wall. But the Great Wall is so long and high that bad guys can’t cross it, so our homeland will be safe forever.”

Hearing Niuniu's curious inquiry, Zhuang Xiaoyuan patted her head, and introduced to her with a touch of emotion and pride in his tone.

"Wow, the Great Wall is amazing. If we also build a Great Wall, will we be able to keep all the villains out? This way we will be safe, and mom won't have to worry that the villains will find us." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words about the Great Wall Description, among the children around, a boy with shining eyes clapped his hands excitedly and said.

"It's really smart. If there is a Great Wall, bad guys will never be able to come in, so our friends and family members will be safe. But the Great Wall is not so easy to build. It requires you and your parents to work together, as long as you keep Keep working hard, and one day the Great Wall will be built." In your hearts.

Silently add a sentence in the bottom of my heart.I looked around at the children who were looking forward to and excited after hearing about the Great Wall.A gratified smile appeared on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face.The Great Wall is indeed a very long and tall city, but is it really as simple as a very long city?

No, it is not.At least Zhuang Xiaoyuan doesn't think the Great Wall is just an ordinary Great Wall.The Great Wall is not just a building, it is a belief, a belief of protection.

In the ancient country of China, for many years, the Great Wall has protected countless Chinese people through ups and downs.However, is it really the Great Wall that protects the Chinese people, or is it really only the Great Wall that protects the Chinese people?

I'm afraid, no.Those who protect the countless Chinese people are the countless soldiers who shed blood on the Great Wall.No matter what dynasty, no matter what history, as long as it is on the Great Wall, those soldiers, those soldiers have been protecting the people inside the Great Wall.

The Great Wall was covered with blood, and the blood of the soldiers permeated the bricks and tiles of the Great Wall. The Great Wall was built with bricks and tiles, and it was also built with the blood of the soldiers.Similarly, when the blood of the soldiers invaded the Great Wall, the Great Wall had already been imprinted in the hearts of the soldiers and the soul of the Chinese nation.

The Great Wall is a building.Similarly, the Great Wall is also a belief, a spirit.The Great Wall was built brick by brick by the ancient ancestors, and it was also cast with the flesh and blood of the frontier fighters of the past dynasties. It is also condensed by the Chinese nation with the soul, belief, and spirit of the nation.

Zhuang Xiaoyuan intends to teach these children to sing, but what she teaches them is not just songs, what she teaches them is also the spirit of the Great Wall, the will of the Great Wall.These children who have experienced suffering do not lack such spiritual will, what they lack is only a goal and direction to unite their spirits.

"Okay, I will work hard. When I grow up, I must build the tallest and longest Great Wall to protect my mother and everyone." Among the children around, a tall and thin child stood up, looking like a little adult. Said like that.

"Hmph, then I will build a Great Wall taller and longer than you." Beside the tall and thin boy, a slightly dark-skinned boy raised his head proudly and made his declaration.

"What, my Great Wall is the tallest and longest. It is already the most powerful. There can be no one stronger than me." Hearing what the tall, dark boy said, the tall and thin boy was dissatisfied. Said unconvinced.

"Hmph, I can build something taller and longer than you." The dark boy was also unconvinced.With the angry dispute between the two boys, the boys around also began to speak out, saying that their own is the most powerful.

"Sister, can you tell me a story? Mom tells me stories every day, but they all sound the same, so boring." The sleeve of her right hand was gently pulled, and Niuniu approached Zhuang Xiaoyuan He made his request in a low voice.

"Okay, then my sister will tell you a great story. It's about eight villains bullying a person, and finally that person studies hard and grows hard, and finally builds his own Great Wall, which can confront the eight villains head-on A story of confrontation." With a slight smile, Zhuang Xiaoyuan agreed to Niuniu's little request.

"Eight villains bullying one person?"

"There are so many villains, that person is so pitiful."

"The bad guys are so bad, they actually bully the few with the more."

Although the previous dispute between the two boys caused a large group of children to participate, all these children paid attention to Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was the center of the circle.When Niuniu asked her to tell a story, the children's attention had already been concentrated.

Therefore, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan said the main content of the story he was going to tell, the children who had been arguing that the Great Wall was the most powerful spoke their mouths one after another. The villain's indignation and distaste.

"Hehe, well, I'm going to start telling a story. A long time ago, there was a person who didn't know the outside world, but only knew how to hide in his own world. He has always been immersed in his own strength , I never knew that the outside world was changing with each passing day. Until one day, eight villains in the outside world joined together and beat this man up..."

In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's emotional voice, she narrated the story about eight villains jointly bullying one person.After being bullied by eight villains, that person realized the changes in the world and how false his self-righteous pride was.

Thus, the person who came to his senses, endured hardships under the bullying of the eight scoundrels, making friends from far and near, trying to improve himself and weaken the enemy.

After decades of hard work, this man is finally strong enough to stand against those eight bad guys.Until that time, no one dared to continue to underestimate him, and he finally built the Great Wall in his heart.

As time goes by, that person is getting stronger and stronger, and I am afraid only time will tell us how strong he will be in the end.

(End of this chapter)

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