Chapter 450

"...In this way, this person finally drove out all the eight people who bullied him." The long story finally ended in this sentence. The story ended, but the children around were still very quiet, and everyone still Immerse yourself in this story.

The children around are not very old, but their experience is probably more than that of adults on other planets, and there are more ups and downs.Therefore, although these children are still young, they already know many things that only adults, or even many adults, do not know.

In Zhuang Xiaoyuan's story, they not only heard the story of a person growing up to drive away the bad guys, they also heard the story about themselves, about their own future, maybe, they must also work hard to improve themselves like that person, Finally, drive out all the bad guys.

The little stories planted seeds in the little hearts of the children.As for when this seed will take root, germinate and thrive, it may take a long time, or it may come soon.

"Gululu~" Just as the surrounding children were immersed in the previous story, a burst of fasting roar quietly broke the tranquility here, as if it had become the leader, with the first fasting roar There was a series of grunting noises all around.

Hearing the series of tweets echoing in their ears, all the people looked at each other in blank dismay, and then laughed in unison.Although the stomachs are very hungry, but with so many friends around, apart from being hungry, they are more happy to share weal and woe.

"Pfft, hehe. Are you hungry?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who was a little embarrassed because of the sound of his stomach, couldn't help laughing when he heard a series of empty stomach sounds around him.

"Let me sing a song for everyone. There are a lot of delicious things in this song. Although it won't fill your stomach. But, maybe it can attract a lot of delicious food." Everyone in the circle stood up and raised his hand to summon the music elf Tianxuan.

"Wow, it's so cute, sister, what is this?" Just as Tian Dian called out, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hadn't started singing yet, Tian Dian's cute appearance attracted the attention of all the children present, Niuniu sitting beside her was even more so. Standing up while holding Zhuang Xiaoyuan's skirt, he approached Tian Dian and looked carefully.

"By the way, you haven't seen this before. This is the music elf. As long as you learn the songs I taught you and sing her out completely, maybe you will have such a little partner." Gently Blinking, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled slightly, controlled Tiandian to stay in his palm and raised his hand in front of Niu Niu and said.

"Really? Will I also have such a cute elf?" With curiosity and anticipation on her face, Niuniu focused her gaze firmly on Tian Dian.Not only Niu Niu, but also the children around are watching Tian Dian.Of course, there were also many children sitting beside Le Youyou pestering her, causing her to call out the melody, and there were many children around her all of a sudden.

"Really, as long as you can learn the song I taught you, you will be able to summon the music elves. Now let's enjoy my sister's music first. How about it." Smiling and touching Niu Niu's head, Zhuang Xiaoyuan held Tian Xian Get it in front of yourself: "Instrumental instrument mode."

In the faint flash of light, Tiandian turned into a blue microphone. At the same time, a series of rectangular audio wings formed a textured audio wing behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan. As the audio wings flickered in different lengths, the music accompaniment followed. And rise.

"Small steamed buns, barbecued pork buns, custard sesame buns with red bean paste. Big meat buns, vegetable buns, and soup buns. It's up to people, fate is up to God, and it's going on forever. Only at the banquet, the thousand-year-old food will never change... ...BJ Roast Duck, Mapo Tofu..." Raising the microphone incarnation of Tianxuan in his hand, the lyrics of the Millennium Recipe Ode gradually came out of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's mouth amidst the splendor of Single Wing's performance.

Amidst the faint healing voice that contained a strong ancient style, little stars began to emerge in the air.With the emergence of starlight, all kinds of strange illusions began to appear in the surrounding blur.

A steamer filled with steamed buns and char siew buns, plates filled with butter buns, sesame buns, red bean paste buns, large meat buns, vegetable buns, soup buns suspended in the air, and the endless stream of BJ Roast Duck, Mapo Tofu, etc. that never appeared.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan sang, all kinds of delicacies began to emerge above the children's heads, suspended within their reach.With the appearance of all kinds of delicious food, the rich aroma of food also began to waft in the air.

The women who are busy mending clothes in the tree hole, the men who are busy drying fruits in the tree house, and the men who are on guard against the enemies who may invade, are all attracted by the aroma of these floating delicacies. Attracted, he involuntarily looked over.

"Ow! Cold cake and hot dry noodles, oh! Pork stewed vermicelli, twice-cooked pork stewed with sauerkraut, and Lanzhou pancakes. Let's eat together, the whole world has to eat it, so don't struggle, eat it while it's hot." The last dish of Lanzhou biscuits, the music gradually came to an end with the sound of Zhuang Xiaoyuan eating while it was hot.

However, even though the music was over, the delicacies that had been summoned were still floating in the air.All kinds of delicacies filled the sky, and the rich aroma enveloped a large area around.

"What's the matter? Don't you want to try it? It's delicious." Putting down the blue microphone in his hand, and sitting on his shoulder while controlling her to become Tiantian, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and plucked a cage of small birds from the air. Long Bao, grabbed one and stuffed it into his mouth.

As the lips closed, the hot Xiao Long Bao rolled on the tip of her tongue, the slender skin of the Xiao Long Bao burst, and the aroma of the meat inside exploded in her mouth, and the tender taste echoed in her mouth. As the teeth chewed, the smell of meat It was a series of explosions again and again, which made Zhuang Xiaoyuan's face reveal a satisfied expression.

"Gurrrup." Seeing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's satisfied and happy face, the surroundings resounded with empty stomach grunts again.Many children who were immersed in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing also came to their senses, and they grabbed the delicious food in the air and stuffed them into their mouths.

With the entrance of various delicacies, exclamations sounded among the children one after another.As children who were born and raised in this forest, of course they have never tried outside food. When their tongues and taste buds experience the first delicious taste in their lives, they can no longer stop.Everyone's faces showed the happiness and satisfaction of enjoying the food.

"Twisting~twisting~" Just as all the children were enjoying the delicious food, a piercing pig cry came from the forest.The aroma of the delicacies summoned by the Millennium Recipe Ode not only makes humans salivate, but also attracts certain animals.

(End of this chapter)

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