Chapter 451 I wish them happiness

"Boom" was accompanied by a roar of heavy objects collapsing, and finally the black bear that came out of the forest fell to the ground with a crash.Puddles of blood flowed from the hollow in his charred chest.

"Oh, it's finally over. I was really shocked. I didn't expect so many to come all of a sudden." Swinging the beam gun in his hand that was a little hot from continuous shooting for a long time, Zhuang Xiaoyuan smiled and looked at Zhang Lin and the others on the side.

"Well, it seems that the matter of attacking the spaceship must be advanced. Otherwise, we will have no ammunition to fight when we encounter such emergencies a few more times." The jammed rifle in his hand was thrown aside casually, and Shlemeng glanced at it. Zhuang Xiaoyuan said with a helpless sigh.

"Shh~ don't say that, isn't it good? It's also necessary to have a good meal before capturing the weapons from the spaceship. If we go hunting by ourselves, I'm afraid we won't have such a big harvest, right? What?" After whistling, Zhang Lin put his arms around Shleimon's shoulders, looked at the animals all over the ground, and said with a smile on his face.

"Actually, you just want to have a good meal. It's so grand, but it's true." Shi Leimeng glanced sideways at Zhang Lin, and there was a hint of resentment on his face.However, looking at the prey all over the ground, Shlemeng actually had some expectations in his heart, and he might be able to add meals in the past few days.

"Haha, let's go, it seems that we won't come again, the aroma is almost gone." Haha smiled and patted Shleimon's back, Zhang Lin lowered his head to lift the prey on the ground and walked towards the kitchen.

"Tsk, I've said it several times, don't slap me on the back." Zhang Lin staggered and almost fell to the ground. While complaining, Shlemeng also picked up a wild boar and slapped it hard. Tow away the kitchen.

"Yuyou, the two of them can't be that one." Watching Zhang Lin and Shi Limeng leave one after the other, thinking of the resentful look in Shi Limeng's eyes when he complained just now, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shivered. Looking at Le Youyou beside him, he raised his hands and made a special gesture.

"That? What is that?" Blinking her eyes, watching the movements of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hands, Le Youyou tilted her head in doubt.

"Oh, that's the one, gay is gay." With a slight movement of the fingers on his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also reminded him.

"What's that? What do you mean." But Le Youyou's puzzled eyes still responded to her, what a pure child.

"Why don't you understand, that's the one, gay." With a sigh of abandonment, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook his head and said the word he wanted to express.

"No way, them?" Although she didn't know the meaning of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's previous gesture, she still knew that she was gay.So, after hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Le Youyou looked at Shileimeng and Zhang Lin in a weird way.

"Hey, what are you doing? Why don't you hurry up and help me. This is what you recruited. Let's eat as much as we can." Noticing that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were still in place, Zhang Lin turned his head and looked over. greeted.

"Oh, here we come." Responding, Le Youyou approached Zhuang Xiaoyuan with weird eyes, and said softly while picking up the prey on the ground: "Even if they are really that one, we can't despise them. We want to wish them happiness That's right."

Because all the invading animals were killed, they are now safe, so all the children who had been hiding before came out of the tree hole, and Niuniu, who approached first, just heard the last words of Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.

Hearing what they said, Niuniu couldn't help showing a curious expression on her face and asked, "Sister, who do you want to wish happiness to? Is there a new baby about to be born? Which sister or which aunt?"

"Cough, it's all right, you heard it wrong. Let's go, this time is a bumper harvest, and you can eat good food that can really fill your stomach." He Le Youyou grabbed the two forearms of the black bear respectively, Zhuang Xiaoyuan greeted Niu Niu to change the subject, and at the same time dragged the black bear behind him towards the kitchen. It was time to show her real skills.

On this day, the rich smell of meat permeated the entire base, different from the alluring but illusory aroma of Zhuang Xiaoyuan's Millennium Recipe Ode, this time the aroma is truly meaty.

This day's dinner is probably the most satisfying, comfortable and enjoyable meal for the people in this base. A lot of meat, not only the children's mouths are full of oil, even the adults almost swallow their tongues Lost.

Among them, a plate of bear paws and stewed pig's trotters is the most popular among all, which is a completely different level of delicacy from other meat dishes.This is also the most delicious dish that the children have eaten after tasting the Millennium Recipe Ode.

Of course, these two dishes were made by Zhuang Xiaoyuan himself.Cooking skills have always been what Zhuang Xiaoyuan is most confident about.She has completely learned Nakiri Erina's cooking skills. Although she doesn't have the talent of God's Tongue, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's own cooking skills are not inferior to hers at all without the addition of God's Tongue.

After a night of meat-eating carnival, Zhuang Xiaoyuan asked the children to review the song that he taught them in the afternoon. The children have already memorized the lyrics, after all, the lyrics of that song are very simple.

However, although the lyrics are simple, this song is not simple, and the spirit and will in that song are even more difficult.In many cases, this kind of song that expresses deep emotion and will through simple lyrics is actually a real classic.

The next day, around three o'clock in the morning, everything was silent, when the children were still silent in their dreams.Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou have already left the base with Zhang Lin, Shlemeng, twelve selected sharpshooters equipped with guns and twenty unarmed fighters, and began to approach the direction of the spaceship's forced landing.The weapon acquisition strategy for the spaceship has officially started.

"What should we do next, shall we act directly or say..." In the jungle next to the place where the spaceship crashed, more than thirty people were all scattered in different positions. In the shaded grass closest to the spaceship, Shlemeng looked Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou beside him asked.

Although he had already seen the power of music yesterday, the ability to summon delicious food and let people taste the taste really surprised him, but he had never seen the effect of music on the soundless people, so Shlemeng also It is uncertain how much combat power Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others can exert in this battle.

(End of this chapter)

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