Chapter 460 Niuniu's determination

"Then what should I do?" Frowning slightly, Le Youyou also knew that what Zhuang Xiaoyuan said was the truth, the song and the distance are really difficult to grasp, but there is no other way to think of besides this method now, after all , they can only sing, and they are only good at music.

"Just wait." Looking from Le Youyou to the forest base, Zhuang Xiaoyuan replied calmly.

"Wait for what?"

"Wait for a chance."

"What if you can't wait?" Le Youyou raised her eyebrows lightly, and looked at the forest base, but she still asked Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Let's leave here directly, and we will find a way to avenge them in the future." Facing Le Youyou's question, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice paused slightly, and he replied with a deliberately indifferent sense of indifference.

"...Okay." Receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer, Le Youyou was silent for a moment, then nodded with difficulty.

Although the racial war has ended in this world for hundreds of years, this world without music still has a heavy atmosphere of the end of the world. Living in such a world, Le Youyou is not a purely peaceful person. Their family still specializes in making spaceships for combat of it.

"Okay, you are all hard bones, don't you think that you are great if you clenched your teeth and don't say it. If that's the case, let me see how hard your bones can be."

When Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou decided to hide in place and wait for possible opportunities, the chief of the Wuyin tribe in the forest base was already a little impatient. He decided to use more drastic measures for these humans who were stubbornly holding back. .

"Wow, Mom and Dad." A childish cry suddenly sounded in the forest base, and the chief of the Silent Clan unexpectedly grabbed a young child from the crowd on the other side.While the child was crying, he raised the pistol in his hand and put it on the child's forehead.

"Who can tell me where the music star is now? I'll count to three. If no one answers, the bullet will go into this little guy's head." With a vicious sadistic smile on his mouth, the only one who left the human form The chief of the Silent Clan of the mech shook the pistol in his hand and threatened the crowd in front of him.

In the crowd, anxious, angry, or dejected gazes were fixed on the chief of the Silent Clan.However, no one came out to answer his question.

"One, two..." Smiling coldly, the leader of the Silent Clan slowly pressed his finger towards the trigger of the pistol.

"My child, I'll fight with you." Just before Chief San of the Silent Clan could speak, the crowd finally reacted. The leader of the Silent Clan in the mecha.

Crack, clap.After several consecutive gunshots, the chief of the Wuyin tribe pressed the trigger in his hand, directly blowing the child's head off.And the two humanoid mechas beside him also decisively fired bullets at the couple.

Casually throwing the child who had lost his life in the pool of blood beside the couple, the chief of the Silent Clan still looked at the adults in the crowd with a sneer on his face, and pointed at the children on the other side, threatening: "What do you mean?" Not to mention, since I like to stand up so much, I will kill a child every three seconds. See if you can survive until I kill all your children."


"The soul is light."


The crowd cursed one after another, but facing the humanoid mechas surrounding the base at this time, they were disarmed, and the unarmed humans could do nothing but curse.

"Niu Niu, do you think the sisters will come to rescue us?" Amidst the scolding of humans and the sneer of the silent people, among the children who were controlled and guarded on the other side, an obviously young girl was crying Asked to the companion beside him.

"I don't know if the older sisters will come, but I hope they don't come." Niuniu, who is always around Zhuang Xiaoyuan every day and looks like a curious baby, is watching Wu Wu in front of her with a very precocious and calm expression. The sound clan, while answering the questions of the companions around him.

"Why, aren't those two big sisters very powerful? If they come to save us, we will be fine." Hearing Niuniu's words, a little boy on the other side said in a tone of anxiety, worry, and fear. .

"If my sisters come to save us, they will be in danger. My sister has taught us a lot, taught us to sing, told us stories, and made a lot of delicious food that I have never eaten before. Do you want my sisters Have you been taken away by these villains?" With a hint of anger and questioning in her eyes, Niuniu asked the cowardly and frightened children around her.

"But, but I don't want to become the same as Xiao Tie who was captured just now." Faint crying sounded from among the children. After all, they are just some children. Even if they have experienced countless hardships and seen countless deaths , but facing their peers being shot to death by the silent people, these children are still very scared.

"I don't want to be like Xiaotie either, but we can't let our sisters take risks for us. So, we will all become like Xiaotie in the end." Looking at the crying companions around, Niuniu's eyes also Faintly revealed wetness.

Her hands were trembling slightly with fear, but she still gritted her teeth and made up her mind: "No matter what, we are all going to die in the end, it's just the difference between early death and late death. So, since we are going to die, I I also hope to die singing the songs my sisters taught me. I will take the lead in singing, do you want to follow me afterward?"

"Wait a minute, how can I let you take the lead. The person who takes the lead is too dangerous, so let me do it." Hearing Niu Niu's words trembling with fear, but still determined, an older boy among the children said He stopped and said, after listening to Niuniu's words, he also realized something.

"I thought of it, so I'm here." Frowning slightly, Niu Niu did not agree to the boy's opinion.But after hearing the boy's words, Niuniu's trembling became much calmer, and her determination became firmer.

With a serious, persistent, and determined expression on her face, Niuniu stood up from the squatting crowd. Among the squatting figures, Niuniu who stood up seemed to stand out from the crowd, so conspicuous.

"Oh, has someone finally decided to tell me?" Noticing Niu Niu standing up, the head of the Silent Clan's eyes lit up, thinking that someone finally couldn't help but want to tell him the whereabouts of the music star.

"Niu Niu, what are you going to do?"

"Don't be stupid."

"Squat down quickly."

"You kid..."

When the voiceless people noticed Niu Niu, the human side also saw Niu Niu standing up, or worried, or anxious voices sounded in the crowd.But accompanied by a burst of gunshots that fired into the sky, the voices in the crowd couldn't help but pause, followed by even louder curses.

Listening to the sound of voices and gunshots beside her ears, and looking at the Wuyin clan watching her, Niuniu took a deep breath, clenched her clenched hands, and slowly opened her eyes under the expectant eyes of the Wuyin clan chief. Open your mouth: "Get up~"

(End of this chapter)

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