Chapter 461 Music Spirit
"Get up! People who don't want to be slaves! Build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood! The Chinese nation is at its most dangerous time, and everyone is forced to make a final roar..." As Niuniu opened her small mouth, she was full of excitement. Bloody, will-filled lyrics sang from her mouth.

As the lyrics surfaced in her mind, as the singing sounded, Niuniu involuntarily injected her mood and will into this song, which was something she had never experienced before when she was learning this song matter.

Although she has learned the song, recited the lyrics, and understood the melody, Niuniu has never been able to fully understand the artistic conception in the lyrics.However, at this time, in this critical moment, facing the persecution and threats of the Wuyin tribe, and the death of her companions, Niuniu finally began to understand the meaning of this song.

As she injects her own emotions, her own anger, and her own will into the song she is singing now.This song, which was originally sung by her in a rigid manner, became very passionate and majestic at this moment.

As Niuniu sang, a little bit of starlight actually began to emerge from the sky, and began to gather in front of her.This is the process of the birth of a normal music elf in this world. When Niuniu understood the song and began to sing with her own emotions, she was also recognized by the world and began to give her her own music elf.

However, there was a crisp sound of "pa", and a golden bullet flew out, directly breaking through the light spot condensed by the music elf, and shooting into Niu Niu's chest.The powerful force of the bullet brought Niu Niu's young body far away, like a rag bag, and fell heavily to the ground.

As Niuniu was shot flying, the original majestic and passionate singing stopped abruptly, and the dark red blood slowly flowed out from under Niuniu, and soon gathered a small pool of blood.

"Niu Niu."

"The soul is light."

"I fought with you."

Seeing Niuniu standing up, listening to Niuniu's sudden singing, being swayed by Niuniu's passionate singing gradually aroused her throbbing and surging feelings. There was a shooting, and it made all the grown-ups look righteously outraged.

When Niu Niu was shot, the adults were filled with righteous indignation when they faced the sneer of the Silent Clan.The children in Niuniu's group of children were all aroused with intense anger in their hearts, and the quietly ignited anger and common hatred made them ignore the timidity in their hearts.

Niuniu's brave behavior and passionate singing also evoke the song in the hearts of these children. Unlike adults, the children who have learned this song are more impressed by this song and can better appreciate the will in the song and feelings.

So, after Niuniu was shot, the boy who had planned to snatch Niuniu to lead the song was the first to stand up and pick up the song that Niuniu had interrupted. The boy also poured all his emotions into the song: "Get up! Get up! Get up!"

"We are of one mind." After the boy, the young girl who was crying and asking Niuniu also stood up.

"Break the enemy's artillery fire and move forward!" After the young girl stood up, the boy who sang the opposite tune before and counted on Zhuang Xiaoyuan to save him also stood up bravely.

"Fight the enemy's artillery fire and move forward!" After these three people, the remaining children all stood up one after another.

"Forward! Forward, forward!" When the song reached the end, even all the adults began to sing in unison.

When Niu Niu took the lead in singing this March of the Volunteers, stars had already appeared in the surrounding air.Before, these stars were even about to give birth to new music elves, but a gunshot from the Wuyin clan interrupted the cohesion of Niuniu's music elves, and the song came to an abrupt end.

But at this time, following the second boy who stood up, the children who stood up one after another, and the adults who followed the children's singing to cater to the song sung by Niu Niu, the surroundings were originally singing because of the cessation of singing. And the fading stars began to flicker again.

When everyone present joined in the chorus of this song, the surrounding stars had gathered to a very strong degree.It was as if the entire air was dyed with the color of shining stars.

Originally expecting Niu Niu to confess, the chief of the Wuyin tribe who told him the whereabouts of the music star had no idea that Niu Niu would suddenly sing. When he heard her singing, the chief immediately shot her into the air.

However, what the voiceless chief didn't expect was that after he killed the first song with a single shot, more songs began to sing.These human slaves, who had been reduced to captivity, dared to sing, and all of them sang together.

And those stars gathered because of their chorus terrified the chief of the Silent Clan. Obviously these people are not musicians at all, and they are just ordinary slaves, but they directly summoned so much music energy.

Therefore, the chief of the Silent Clan gave the final order very decisively: "Shoot, shoot them all, leave no one behind, wipe them all down."

A series of cannons sounded, and under the order of the chief of the Silent Clan, these mecha warriors of the Silent Clan unleashed all the firepower of the mechs without hesitation. The beam cannons on their shoulders and the beam guns in their hands all fired at People gathered together.

Rumbling, a series of explosions sounded.However, amidst these explosions, human singing did not stop.On the contrary, their singing voices became louder, their emotions became higher, and their blood boiled more and more.

March of the Volunteers is undoubtedly a divine comedy, especially for a world where music can be transformed into power.Similar to ordinary songs that will enter the cooling time and cannot be used once, the March of the Volunteers also has a cooling time.

However, while there is a cooldown, it has no limit to how long it can be played, no beginning and no end.This is a song that can be looped indefinitely. As long as the sound doesn't stop, the song can go on indefinitely. There will never be an end.

Amidst the continuous loud and clear singing, the smoke from the explosion gradually dissipated, and all the gathered humans stood there unharmed.Surrounding them, a super-huge music energy shield that shone with dazzling starlight firmly protected them inside.

After withstood the first wave of attacks from the Silent Clan, in the protective cover of music, all kinds of petite and lovely music elves separated from the protective cover...

(End of this chapter)

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