Chapter 462
The music elves separated from the protective cover let out bell-like laughter, and circled around carefree, each finding a child who sang the March of the Volunteers.During the singing of this song, every child got their own music spirit.

How many children are here? There are dozens, hundreds of children gathered here.These hundreds of children all have their own music elves, and the energy gathered by a simple music elf is huge enough.

And when these children work hard to learn music and grow up, maybe this mineral star, which was originally used as a slave planet by the soundless people, will also become the second music planet for mankind.

"Mi, Mimi." Mimi called, and the music elf in the shape of a little cat with white wings flew to Niuniu who was lying in a pool of blood.He stretched out his small tongue and gently licked Niuniu's cheek.

Noticing the movement of the music elf and the motionless body of Niu Niu in the pool of blood, the children who continued to sing could not help showing a trace of sadness. In this trace of sadness, their songs could not help but also carry a kind of tragic atmosphere.

"Get up! Get up! Get up~" There is will in the blood, persistence in the surging, and solemnity in the firmness. In this singing, Niuniu moved her fingers lightly and slowly lifted her body, and then stood up directly. up.

Noticing that Niu Niu stood up unexpectedly, all the children showed a hint of joy on their faces, and the adults also showed a hint of relief.However, they didn't notice at all that even though she got up, Niuniu's eyes were indeed tightly closed, and there was still a little bit of starlight faintly emitting from her body.

Just when Niuniu who was shot stood up from the ground, the sound of Xixisuosuo getting up rang out everywhere. The people who were beaten to the ground before, the people who were directly killed on the tree house before, were even shot dead. The child on the head also stood up from the ground, and dots of starlight shone on these people who stood up.

At this time, the children and adults who were singing realized that these people did not stand up by themselves but stood up in the middle of the music, stimulated by the emotions contained in the music, and driven by the remaining will in their bodies.

Booming, there was another series of shelling sounds. Under the repeated bombardment of the soundless people, the music energy shield covering the human beings trembled violently.

Although this protective cover has gathered the energy of hundreds of music elves, they are still newborn elves after all, and their energy is not as much as that of mature elves. Therefore, under the bombardment of the silent clan, this protective cover may It won't last long.

There was a loud bang, and the ground trembled. In the trembling of the ground, small forts rose from the ground, and all the forts that appeared suddenly pointed at the silent humanoid mechas attacking the shield.With the launch of the small turret, several humanoid mechas were destroyed one after another.

The turrets that emerged from the ground successfully attracted the attention of the Silent Clan after smashing several humanoid mechas. Many humanoid mechas began to target these turrets. These turrets have been hiding in the underground base for a long time. It must be his last resort to control Jia Zhai, who has not been discovered by the people of the Wuyin tribe.

In just a few seconds, all the forts that emerged from the ground were wiped out by the mechs of the Silent Clan.However, these turrets also bought a little time, and the music shield that was about to be broken also lasted for a few more seconds.

Just as the turret rose and destroyed several humanoid mechas, the gradually rising music also sounded from the forest.Those children actually completed the awakening of music by relying on the song they taught them, and obtained their own music elves.

Moreover, more than 100 people obtained it at the same time, and the energy of the music elves fused together to form a huge music shield, which also gave Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou a chance to rescue them.

"Humans, it's already dark outside, why haven't you fallen asleep yet. Think of someone, hate someone, guess who I am. Night, it's a time that doesn't belong to you, there are other things going on. Don't think too much, listen to me howling , don't blink, look carefully..."

When the children sang the March of the Volunteers and formed a musical shield, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also seized the opportunity to turn Tiandian into a blue microphone, with audio wings stretched out from behind.

Among the children's chorus, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing did not attract the attention of the voiceless people, who are still trying to break through the children's musical shield.

And when the last turrets of Jia's house rose from the ground, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing gradually began to rise, faintly revealing from the forest: "Tonight, please join our party and enjoy this rare event. Go to invade, go Crime, to wreak havoc, to destroy..."

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing gradually increased and spread beyond the forest, the people of the Silent Clan finally noticed the singing from the outside.

"It finally appeared, hurry up, over there, divide half of the people, and shoot the music star people first." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice, the head of the Wuyin clan's eyes lit up, and immediately ordered the mecha troops to divert and attack Zhuang Xiaoyuan they.

"When the moon is full in the middle of the night, monsters run amok. Be careful of their roars, we want freedom. Clean up the dirt of the world, holy revenge. Listen to my order and go together to occupy the earth..." When the people of the silent tribe began to divert , Zhuang Xiaoyuan's song has also reached its climax.

"Ah~" A shrill scream suddenly resounded from the mech troop of the Silent Clan, followed by screams one after another, accompanied by the sound of guns and guns everywhere.

At some point, the originally bright sky gradually dimmed, the newborn sun faintly disappeared, and a full moon hung in the dark night.Time seemed to be reversed, and day quietly turned into night.

When the sky was changing, transparent humanoid creatures were rapidly scurrying among the mecha troops of the Silent Clan. All weapons were ineffective against them, and their attacks could actually directly penetrate the mecha protection of the Silent Clan. Kill the silent clan inside the mecha.

Before, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan sang this song, the bodies that should have stood up because of the will awakened by the March of the Volunteers, which should have been comatose or passed away, began to emit dazzling starlight, which was even more shining than the starlight given to them by the March of the Volunteers.

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan sang the song "Monster Runaway" to the climax of the first verse, when the sky began to change faintly, the starlight surrounding these bodies all disappeared into their bodies, and as the starlight faded in, these The body became faintly transparent.

Afterwards, these 'people' with transparent bodies and tightly closed eyes moved quietly.The footsteps didn't move at all, they all flew close to the ground and rushed into the mech troops of the Silent Clan.

(End of this chapter)

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