Chapter 463
Facing the attack of the mecha troops, these people did not hide. All the attacks against them passed through them strangely, and they couldn't hurt them at all.

After they got close to the mecha of the Silent Clan, they simply reached out and penetrated the exoskeleton of the mecha, killing the Silent Clan inside.

"Humans, open your eyes and see that the world around you is very dangerous. It is deceiving, betraying, chaotic, and rotting. We have endured the madness of the world and experienced endless despair. Traumatized, killed, buried, Forgotten. Now, bid farewell to your loved ones and witness all that you are familiar with. Torn apart, destroyed, terminated, rewritten. Come, come, this is the last chance to make this contract with us. Give up heart and brain to make you into zombies."

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan began to sing the second verse, more and more people were transparent. Those human adults who were still alive and healthy, followed the voice in their minds, and they also turned into Transparent creatures joined in the killing of the Silent Mecha troops.

Faced with the emergence of more and more terrifying transparent humans who are unable to attack but are strong, the originally neat team of the Wuyin tribe finally changed. The surrounding defense line was torn apart, and a large number of mechs were destroyed.

However, although the transparent people are very strong, they are almost invincible in the face of these silent people who can only attack physically.But in terms of numbers, they are not as good as the well-prepared Silencers.

No matter how the transparent people killed the Wuyin tribe, they couldn't stop the Wuyin tribe from approaching Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others quickly.As long as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others are killed, the song will be interrupted, and the transparently strengthened humans will return to their original weakness.

Continuing to sing the song "Monster Runaway", Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked at Le Youyou beside him and winked at the silent mecha fighters who were approaching quickly and ready to launch their beam cannons at any time.

Receiving Zhuang Xiaoyuan's wink, when Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing gradually came to an end, Le Youyou's fingers began to dance on the black and white keys, and the prelude of "Singer at the End of the World" blended smoothly into the ending of "Monster Runaway".

"Cicadas and rain, turning into light ink to paint the twilight. Penetrating, outlining footprints and ruts..." When Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing ended with a virtual gunshot from the audio wing behind him, the prelude of the joyousness had already ended. Sang the song of the end of the world.

Boom, when Le Youyou started singing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others had already entered the range of the Silent Clan. With the roar of the beam cannon, a huge beam of light shot directly at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.Slightly pursing her lips, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the microphone in her hand and pointed it at the huge beam cannon.

A bright music shield appeared in front of her following Zhuang Xiaoyuan's movements, blocking the beam cannons that were blasting at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.This protective cover is different from other people's. It is not a semicircular inverted protective cover, but a square single-sided protective cover with a protruding curvature on one side.

Unlike the musicians in this world who can only mechanically use the energy of the music elves for automatic defense, Zhuang Xiaoyuan can be said to be an expert in combat. The use of energy is not comparable to that of humans in this world, but I just got a little understanding Music energy, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has been able to freely manipulate the music energy.

Boom, the beam cannon bombarded on the square shield scattered and splashed. Although the energy of the shield was greatly weakened, it did not break the shield of the music after all.

And when Zhuang Xiaoyuan blocked the attack, the joyous end-of-the-world singer finally reached the crucial climax.As Le Youyou sang the lyrics of the climax, the whole world quietly changed.

The original forest disappeared, the original base disappeared, the original human disappeared, and the original night also disappeared.Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou, and countless humanoid mechas of the Silent Clan appeared in a crowded street.

When these humanoid mecha units of the Silent Clan were overwhelmed by the sudden change of location and scenery, they were at a loss.With the joyous singing, the end of the world came quietly, the earth cracked, the sky collapsed, and the doomsday storm swept the whole world.

"Don't panic, all fly up, kill those two musicians and we will be safe, for the peace of my god, long live."

In the midst of the collapse of the earth, the chief of the Wuyin clan quickly controlled his mecha to fly up, and began to direct the mecha troops to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou while avoiding the impact of the world collapse with a fanatical tone. Come here slowly.

A few minutes later, the music of the singer of the end of the world gradually came to an end. After losing most of the humanoid mechas, the scene of the doomsday finally subsided. In the surrounding barren doomsday world, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou and The large group of humanoid mechs standing some distance away from them was so conspicuous.

With the final ending, Le Youyou stopped her singing and looked at Zhuang Xiaoyuan beside her.After Le Youyou stopped playing, the surrounding doomsday world began to gradually become unreal, as if it would disappear at any moment.

"The music is over, it is my God's favor, our silent victory, everyone, let me kill them."

Amidst the sharp and excited shouts of the Silent Clan chief who survived the apocalypse like the undead Xiaoqiang, the group of mech warriors who survived the apocalypse raised their guns at Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.While driving the fire propeller behind him, it flew towards them quickly.

However, just when these voiceless people thought that Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others' methods would stop here and the final victory belonged to them, beside Le Youyou who stopped singing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the blue microphone in his hand: "For What kind of narration will accompany the last scene before the end of the world..."

As Zhuang Xiaoyuan's voice began to echo in this desolate post-apocalyptic scene, a slight dampness gradually appeared in the air.In front of the Silent Clan humanoid mecha, the water vapor began to fuse to form thick cumulonimbus clouds.

"Ah~" Unexpectedly, he plunged into the cumulonimbus cloud in front of him, and the humanoid mecha in front let out a shrill but short scream. Amidst the screams, the humanoid mecha melted into the Among the thick cumulonimbus clouds.

It never occurred to them that something like this would appear after such an apocalypse. Facing the weird cumulonimbus clouds that gathered in front of them, the Silent Clan who had already sacrificed a mecha turned around and walked around to the right.However, before they knew it, a large cumulonimbus cloud gradually appeared on their right.

After the happy end of the world singer ended, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised the microphone and connected to the same series of "Cumulonimbus at the end of the world".As the same series of songs, there is a certain connection before each other, and this connection will have a certain additive effect when singing together.

With Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing, the apocalyptic world that had gradually begun to disappear regained its solidity, and at the same time, large tracts of cumulonimbus clouds began to appear in the sky, covering the entire sky in a short period of time, forcing the people of the Silent Clan All fell to the ground.

After that, little by little raindrops, like the cry of the world, dripped down amidst Zhuang Xiaoyuan's singing, forming a fine rain curtain.In the dense rain, the mechas of the Silencers began to melt little by little, as if they were not ordinary raindrops, but strong acid that could melt metal and life.

(End of this chapter)

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