Chapter 470
"Hey, don't cry hungry. If you want to say hungry, I'm hungrier than you, okay? At least you still ate so much, I didn't eat much. I knew it would be like this, so I ate a little more when I was struggling gone."

Also clutching her hungry stomach, Le Youyou looked helpless.I always feel that since leaving the moon with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, I haven't lived a comfortable life.

Stealing the spaceship, starving, the spaceship crashing, starving, and then helping others to fight and destroy the Wuyin tribe, when they finally came to the music star after all the hard work, they were chased by people for no reason, and they were still hungry in the end .

"Sniff, it smells so good, it smells like barbecue. Mutton skewers, chicken wing tips, tenderloin, grilled chicken legs, I really want to eat it." Enduring the hunger in his stomach, Zhuang Xiaoyuan, who shared joys and sorrows with Le Youyou, twitched his nose slightly, and walked outside the small alley. The strong aroma of barbecue wafted into her nose.

"Barbecue, I remember that the restaurant next door was an ordinary restaurant at noon. I didn't expect to start a barbecue business at night." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Le Youyou also smelled the aroma of barbecue gradually spreading.Touching her belly, she felt more hungry.

"Yuyou, let's go eat barbecue." Smelling the aroma of barbecue permeating the tip of his nose, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at Le Youyou with anticipation in his eyes.

"Hey, but if you go out, you will be discovered." A hesitant expression appeared on his face. To be honest, smelling the strong barbecue aroma, Le Youyou also wanted to go out for a big meal, but it was hard to get rid of it. He hid from the pursuers, and if he went out, he might run away before he could eat.

"Then it's fine if we don't go out." Hearing Le Youyou's answer, Zhuang Xiaoyuan snapped his fingers, showing a confident expression on his face.She has already thought of a way to eat barbecue without going out.

"Don't go out? If you don't go out, how are you going to buy barbecue?" Blinking, Le Youyou asked suspiciously.If there is really a way to eat barbecue without going out and without being discovered, she will definitely support it.

"Hey, bring your card, I'll ask Tianxuan to buy it." With a smile, a white fur-ball-shaped creature appeared in Zhuang Xiaoyuan's hand, her musical elf Tianxuan.

"Tian Dian, it's still like this, why didn't I think of it before." Looking at Tian Dian who was summoned by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou patted his forehead with some annoyance, feeling that the previous hunger seemed to be in vain.

Although it cannot be said that everyone has their own music elves among music stars, at least half of them have their own music elves.However, it doesn't mean that you can be a musician if you have a music elf.

Among music stars, most people still live the same life as ordinary people.Being able to join a band and become a musician to perform surprise concerts everywhere is still a small number of people who really have talent.

However, at least, music elves are not uncommon here, and it is not a particularly unusual thing to ask Tian Tian to go shopping.

"Boss, bring me fifty skewers of mutton skewers, twenty skewers of grilled middle wings, and ten skewers of grilled squid..." Waving the white single wing on his back, Tian Xun directly floated in mid-air and flew to the barbecue stand next to the small alley , said to the owner of the barbecue stand.

Controlling Tiandian and coming to the barbecue stand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan in the small alley has gradually gotten used to this strange feeling of one soul and two bodies.While chatting with Le Youyou in the small alley, while controlling Tian Dian to talk to the owner of the barbecue stall, he didn't feel any jerky at all.

"Oh, little guy, are you here to help your master do the shopping? Wait a minute, it will be ready soon." Looking up and seeing Tian Xun's appearance, the owner of the barbecue stall smiled and lowered his head to put a large amount of barbecue meat in front of him. The skewers were turned over.From the looks of it, it seems that running errands with music elves is very common here?

"Okay, I'll put it in a bag for you." It didn't take long, amidst the strong aroma of barbecue, all the barbecue that Tianxuan requested was ready.Seeing that Tian Xun didn't look like she could hold it by hand, he politely helped her put all the barbecue into the bag.

"Boss, pay with this." When the barbecue stand owner was bagging the barbecue, Tian Dian handed him a black card with his slender tail curled up behind him.

"Oh, it seems that your master is also a great person. Well, it's all here, how do you plan to get it?" After receiving the black card, a look of surprise flashed across the face of the owner of the barbecue stall, but soon Concentrated, after swiping the card and paying the bill, the boss handed back the black card to Tian Dian, looked at her chubby body and asked.

"Well, thank you, boss." Thanking the polite boss, Tianzuku's slender tail took the black card and curled it up again. After that, the tail passed through the paper bag full of barbecues, and it was also wrapped around a few times. Secure the bag.The single wing on the back of Tianxuan waved lightly, trying to drag the paper bag and floated up.

Watching Tiandian leave, soon a new customer came to the barbecue stand, and the boss didn't care about Fei's staggering, and concentrated on continuing his barbecue work.When the boss started to continue grilling, Tian Dian turned a corner and flew directly into the small alley where Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others were hiding.

"Wow, thank you, thank you Tiandian." Reaching out his hand to take the barbecue bag from Tiandian's body, Zhuang Xiaoyuan habitually said thank you, but it's a little bit of a thank you to himself. It's awkward.

"Finally I can fill my stomach properly." Putting away the black card that was removed from the tail of Tianxuan, Le Youyou also reached out to help untie the bag together.As the bag was untied, the strong cumin smell came out, and I could finally eat something.

"That's the smell. Cumin mixed with other spices, and the smell of charcoal, as well as a slight smell of meat and arrogance. This mutton skewer is so authentic." Some rough tore open the bag, Zhuang Xiaoyuan reached out and grabbed a piece of meat. Stuffing five or six skewers of mutton skewers into his mouth, he exclaimed while chewing the mutton in his mouth.

"This chicken wing is also very good. It's crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the bones are crispy. This boss has a hand. Wow, this squid is also delicious, tender and fragrant." Opposite Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou grabbed it with his left hand. A skewer of grilled middle wings, holding two skewers of grilled squid in the right hand, eating one bite on the left and the other with relish.

I didn't eat enough at noon, and I have been doing strenuous exercise, chasing back and forth all afternoon.Now Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou had already put their chests on their backs, and the barbecue was really delicious, so the two of them swept away like a storm, and finished a whole bag of barbecue in just four to five minutes.

Putting down the last string of empty wooden sticks in his hand, Zhuang Xiaoyuan let out a long breath, with an unsatisfactory expression on his face.Just when she was about to savor the feeling in her mouth again, a strange voice sounded in her ear: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

"Well, it's delicious. It would be great if I could have more. Eh?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan responded reflexively, and it was only when Zhuang Xiaoyuan realized that the voice of the question was unfamiliar.As soon as he supported the ground with his hands, he immediately stood up from the ground, but a hard stick had already touched Zhuang Xiaoyuan's back.

Feeling something against her back, Zhuang Xiaoyuan raised her head with an annoyed expression on her face, but what she saw was Le Youyou's same depressed expression and a glamorous woman in a black suit standing behind her holding an electric baton.

(End of this chapter)

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