Chapter 471 East Gate South Palace
"Finally I caught you two little guys. You guys are too good at running away. You escaped for a whole afternoon. You can escape under the siege of so many people in the city. It seems that some people don't need to worry about it at all." What are you worried about?"

Behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan, an electric baton was pressed against Zhuang Xiaoyuan's lower back, and the strange female voice that spoke before sounded again.The previous questioning voice came from the woman behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan.Turning her head slightly, she saw a gentle woman who was completely inconsistent with her actions at this time.

"How did you find us? Also, who are you, and why have you been chasing us?" He gave up and sighed, but he didn't expect to be caught after running all afternoon.

It's just that Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't figure out how they were discovered, since the previous pursuers were no longer on this street.Moreover, these two people don't seem to be in the chasing team before, are they additional people, or are they in a different team from those who have been chasing Zhuang Xiaoyuan and the others?
"Hmph, that's too careless. You should have discovered it when you were found in the first place." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's inquiry, the glamorous woman behind Le Youyou snorted coldly, and took out the card from Le Youyou's pocket. The black card waved.

"Eh? This? Are you guys sent by my dad?" Seeing that the woman behind her took out the black card from her pocket, it was obvious from her waving that she was saying that the reason for finding them was because of this. A black card.

This made Le Youyou immediately think of her father, and the only person who could find out the swiping record of this black card was the account holder's father.

"Oh, this is not a good place to talk. It seems that you have been tired all day, and you are covered in dust. Now come back with us and provide free hot water service."

Without confirming the happy guess, the gentle woman behind Zhuang Xiaoyuan pushed the electric shock baton in her hand, and pushed Zhuang Xiaoyuan towards the exit of the alley.A black maglev car has been parked there.

"Well, since you've all caught me, I can only go back with you. But two beautiful big sisters, can you tell me your names?" Shrugging helplessly, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't continue to resist, Very obedient, he was pushed by the woman behind him towards the hover car.

Although the woman behind her seemed very gentle, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's intuition told her that this woman might also be called a veteran warrior.

With the current state of being controlled by the opponent's electric shock baton, the moment Zhuang Xiaoyuan tensed her muscles when she was about to fight back, she might be keenly aware of it, and what greeted Zhuang Xiaoyuan afterwards was probably a high-voltage electric shock that could directly stun people.

Now that she had put up the idea of ​​resistance, Zhuang Xiaoyuan wanted to take this opportunity to get a better understanding of the situation. After all, why were the two of them being chased? Even if they were sent by Le Youyou's father, there would be too many people out there. .Does Le Youyou's father have such a big influence?
"Big sister, hee, the little guy's mouth is so sweet, don't worry, we won't do anything to you. We are allies." Pushing Zhuang Xiaoyuan into the rear seat of the suspension car, she stretched out her hand to pinch her cheek, a gentle woman Said with a smile.

"You go in too." Pushing Le Youyou, let her also sit in the back seat of the suspension car, the glamorous woman looked at the gentle woman beside her and said, "Sissi, she is in her forties, and her age You can be the mother of these little guys now. You still have the shamelessness to ask people to call you sister. You will be laughed at by Xiaomeng again when you go back."

"Ah, it's true Xiao Wang. I'm an idol girl who is forever young. I'm about forty or something, and I'm not that old." After Le Youyou sat in the back seat of the suspension car, she was a gentle woman called Sissy He patted the cold and beautiful girl with a face of reproach, opened the passenger cab and sat in while complaining.

"Should I remind you, you are no longer an idol, you are just an ordinary manager." There was no change in expression because of Sissy's complaints, and the glamorous woman called Xiaowang walked around the suspension car and got in. After the driver's seat, he spoke to Sissy in the passenger seat.

"Sissy? Xiao Wang? Are you Dongmen Qian and Nangong Wang? The keyboard player and drummer of the Suguang Band? No way, is it really you?" Hearing the names between Dongmen Qian and Nangong Wang, Le Youyou There was a sudden jump in my heart, and I had some kind of guess.

He couldn't help lying down from the back seat to the front seat, and turned his head to look at the two people in front. The more he looked, the more he looked like the two members of the Dawn band who once held a concert on the moon.

"Ah, it really deserves to be me. As an idol girl, Dongmenqian was recognized so quickly." Dongmenqian raised her eyebrows and glanced at Nangongwang who was sitting in the driver's seat, with a proud expression on her face. expression.

"Dangerous, sit back and put on your seat belt." Frowning, she glanced at the proud Dongmenqian.Nangong Wang patted Le Youyou's head lightly with a cold face, signaling her to sit back, while igniting the ignition to start the hover car.

"Oh." Recognizing Dongmenqian and Nangongwang, Le Youyou was a little excited, feeling like a fan meeting an idol.However, while seeing the excitement of the members of the Suguang band, Le Youyou's doubts also grew.Why did even the people from the Dawn Band come to them?
"Yuyou, is he really the member of the Suguang band you're looking for?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan whispered in her ear when Le Youyou sat back in her seat and the floating window started to rise.

"Well, it's definitely not wrong. Although it has become a lot bigger than I remembered, it is indeed the same as before." Nodding slightly, Le Youyou's eyes showed obvious doubts. It's too endless.

"Then, shall we still run?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan whispered in Le Youyou's ear after glancing at the two people in the front seat and seeing that they were not paying attention.

"Crack." Just as Zhuang Xiaoyuan finished speaking, the car door was locked with a crisp sound of locking the door.

"..." Hearing the sound of locking the door, Zhuang Xiaoyuan turned his head to look at the front row with a speechless face, and met Dongmenqian's gaze.

"Ah, look at my carelessness, I forgot to lock the door." Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's expression, Dongmenqian covered her lips with her right hand and narrowed her eyes with a smile.No matter how you look at it, it makes people feel gloating.

"Forget it, Xiaoyuan. Let's figure out the ins and outs of the matter first, and now we can't escape even if we want to." Hearing the sound of locking the door, Le Youyou was also speechless.

Especially when she saw Dongmenqian's gloating face turned around, Le Youyou felt a sense of disillusionment.My idol can't be black-bellied.

(End of this chapter)

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