Chapter 472
"Hi, I'm the general manager of Tianlai Entertainment Co., Ltd., and my name is Meng Lianxin." After driving for about 10 minutes in the suspension car driven by Nangong Wang, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou were sent to a building. On the top floor of the office building, I met this Ms. Meng Lianxin who claimed to be the head of the Tianlai organization.

Meng Lianxin is a middle-aged woman who doesn't look very old, she is probably in her thirties based on her appearance alone, but according to the information Zhuang Xiaoyuan heard from Le Youyou, this person organized by Tian Lai The person in charge is probably over 40 years old this year, after all, it was 25 years ago when she retired from idol.

"Hello, I'm Zhuang Xiaoyuan." "I'm Le Youyou." Facing Meng Lianxin's greeting, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou also politely reported their names.

"I know you guys, come on, sign this." Nodding her head, Meng Lianxin was obviously no stranger to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, and after they both reported their names, she directly handed the two contracts to them.

"Hey, what is this?" Slightly taken aback, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou exchanged glances at the contract in front of them, with strong puzzled expressions on their faces.

"This is an idol employment contract. If you sign this, you will be the trainee idols organized by Tianlai. It is also the newest idol group that we will launch this year." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's question, Meng Lianxin pointed to the contract in front of her and replied.

"Well, this is an idol employment contract. I know it, and I can read. But why did you come up with something like this all of a sudden? I never thought about making an idol group." Frowning, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked in front of her. Meng Lianxin.

"What about you? Have you never thought about becoming an idol?" Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Meng Lianxin looked at Le Youyou who was beside Zhuang Xiaoyuan and asked.

"Well, at first I just wanted to come to Music Star to meet the seniors of the Suguang Band. In addition, it would be great if I could sing freely and sing more songs. I didn't think about idols at all." I am obsessed with coming to the music star, but Le Youyou is only obsessed with coming here, and I haven't thought about what to do after coming here.

"So, you don't want to become idols, don't you want to form a team to sing together so that more people can hear it?" Looking at Le Youyou who was a little confused and Zhuang Xiaoyuan who was frowning at her, Meng Lianxin asked with a chuckle .

"Well... If you say that, it's not that you don't want to. But, why us?"

Turning her head and Le Youyou looked at each other again, she saw a faint desire emerging from her eyes, and recalled the excitement and excitement that appeared on their faces when Mineral Star sang to the children before.

Recalling the wonderful joyful and happy feeling when she was singing, Zhuang Xiaoyuan couldn't help feeling a little expectation in her heart, wanting to sing, and wanting to sing to more people.

However, although I want to sing, I want to be heard by more hot people, and I want to see the emotions of people who hear me sing again.But Zhuang Xiaoyuan still had many doubts about Meng Lianxin.Why choose them for no reason?
"Look at that." Without directly answering Zhuang Xiaoyuan's and Le Youyou's questions, Meng Lianxin walked to the window and pointed to the huge display screen diagonally below the department store door wall opposite the tall building.At this time, what was displayed on this display screen was the missing person notice from before.

"...I said what happened. At first, we were just being chased by a group of men in black, but later everyone in the city came looking for us. It turned out that it was all because of this thing." Looking at the content on the opposite display screen carefully After reading it again, Zhuang Xiaoyuan said with a speechless face.

"I still don't understand why you are looking for us. Not only did you send so many men in black, but you also posted such an obviously false search notice. Aren't you afraid that we won't join you, and finally let the whole city dove. "

With a trace of doubt in his eyes, Le Youyou has recovered from the slight confusion before.She was already interested in forming an idol group with Zhuang Xiaoyuan, but she couldn't believe the person in front of her just like Zhuang Xiaoyuan if she didn't solve the doubts in her heart.

"Before I answer this question, I first want to apologize to you. It was Beitang's self-assertion and wanting to play tricks on you that caused such a sensational incident and caused your misunderstanding. I have already punished him to clean the toilet Well, he'll be in the toilet for the next week."

Hearing Le Youyou's question, Meng Lianxin sincerely apologized to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou.However, when it came to the last Beitang, there was a vicious expression on her face, obviously very angry with him.

"Beitang? Beitang Meng? Beitang Meng, the guitarist of Suguang Band? So, the person I saw at the beginning really looks a bit like that. I didn't notice it at all."

After blinking, Le Youyou didn't care much about Meng Lianxin's apology after hearing Meng Lianxin's words. Instead, she began to care about the man in black who took the lead when they first met.

He didn't even recognize him as a member of the idol group he once admired.If he had recognized him earlier, he wouldn't have had to run so hard all afternoon in vain.

"So, are those people in black just here to invite us? But why do they know about us? I don't think the Tangtang Tianlai organization will let two ordinary girls become your new idol group without a reason. .”

Taking a look at Le Youyou, who had a slightly troubled expression, Zhuang Xiaoyuan also secretly sighed that he was unlucky.This afternoon is really an innocent disaster. I was chased all afternoon without reason and speechless, and it was all caused by someone's prank.

But think about it carefully, playing hide-and-seek with you in the whole city, such an exciting game seems to be a rare experience.Even if ordinary people want to play like this, they don't have such a chance.

"If you want to talk about why, of course it's because of your talent. Come, come over here and have a look at this." Walking away from the window, Meng Lianxin returned to the desk, picked up the remote control on the desk, and pressed the The opening function of the projection screen behind her.

As the curtain was slowly pulled down, she continued to manipulate her computer and projector while continuing: "At first we knew of your existence after Le Youyou's father contacted us."

"My dad? Sure enough, he has contact with you. He also provided you with the payment record of the black card." Hearing what Meng Lianxin said, Le Youyou frowned slightly, showing a dissatisfied expression. Contact, she didn't know at all.Obviously, when he suggested that he wanted to be a music star, his father firmly opposed it.

(End of this chapter)

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