Chapter 476

"How is it? Which ones do you like?" In Le Youyou and Zhuang Xiaoyuan's room, Zhuang Xiaoyuan handed Le Youyou all the scores in his hand.She asked after looking around for a while.

"Oh, Xiaoyuan, you are so annoying." Flipping through this one and looking at the other, Le Youyou put down the sheet music helplessly and complained to Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Eh? What's the matter with me?" Blinking her eyes in confusion, Zhuang Xiaoyuan has written all the songs she likes in memory. Why is Le Youyou saying she hates it? It's unscientific.

"Why did you write so many songs all at once? How do I choose? We only need three songs for our concert, and you come up with eight songs at once, and each song has its own characteristics. You have to pick three songs." Come on... you, didn't you mean it on purpose?" He frowned with a headache, and Le Youyou looked suspiciously at Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Ahem, how could it be? I was so lucky to write the song score. How could it be possible that I let you pick it because I couldn't pick it out? I won't do such lazy things. You have to believe it Me." After a haha, Zhuang Xiaoyuan gave me the expression that you wronged me.

"You really did it on purpose." Le Youyou narrowed her eyes slightly, and she knew it when she saw Zhuang Xiaoyuan's appearance at this time.I definitely wrote it on purpose to give myself a headache.

"Kokau, what's the matter? Is the song for the concert ready? Although you say you want to compose your own music, if you can't pass our test, we won't let you sing casually." Accompanied by a crisp knock The sound of the door, Dongmenqian pushed the door and walked in, and said to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou in the room.

"Miss Xiaoqian, you are here, come and help us choose. As long as three are enough, Xiaoyuan wrote eight directly. I am having a headache." Seeing Dongmenqian coming in from the door, Le Youyou's eyes lit up, and she handed over all the eight sheet music in her hand.

"Eight songs? So fast? Don't be a crooked song made up. If it doesn't sound good, it won't attract the energy of the music." She opened her eyes wide in surprise. It must have been more than an hour since she left because of something. , I wrote it so quickly, and there are still eight poems, what kind of speed is this.

"Miss Xiaoqian, you can rest assured about this. You can see it by yourself. In my opinion, every capital sounds very good, but it is because they all sound good that it is difficult to choose." Pointing to Dongmenqian Le Youyou said with a tangled expression on the sheet music in his hand.

"Okay, let me take a look first." Nodding her head, Dongmenqian looked down at the sheet music, and slowly flipped through them one by one.

It wasn't until the last piece was turned that Dongmenqian let out a long breath: "It's really good, each capital is very unique. I didn't expect, Madoka, you are so good. I haven't seen such a good new song for a long time. ah."

"Sister Xiaoqian, which three songs are better for our debut concert, you can help us choose." Seeing the surprise and appreciation on Dongmenqian's face, Leyouyou smiled and directly addressed this headache. Throw it to their manager Dongmen Qian.

"Why do you choose such a good song? Since there are eight songs, let's sing all of them. Sister Lian Xin and I will talk about it later. By the way, since the song is ready, you can start practicing songs too." Xiao Wang and the others are already waiting for you at the training ground." Handing back the eight sheet music in her hand to Le Youyou, Dongmenqian waved her hand and decided to let them sing all eight songs.

There is something wrong with the atmosphere of music stars recently, and Dongmenqian has always felt it. Now that there are so many new songs, after their concert, they should be able to greatly improve the recent bad changes.

"Okay, then let's get familiar with these songs first. Xiaoyuan, let's go." Nodding, after seeing these songs written by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou couldn't wait to try them out Yes, but before I was struggling with the problem of song selection, now that the problem is solved, this expectation is even stronger.

"Hey, Xiaoyuan, why do you still have a copy here?" When Le Youyou dragged Zhuang Xiaoyuan out in a hurry, Dongmenqian found that there was still a copy of the songbook on the table where Zhuang Xiaoyuan was sitting before.Thinking that it was Zhuang Xiaoyuan who left out the written score, Dongmenqian shouted loudly to Zhuang Xiaoyuan who had rushed out of the door.

"That sheet music is unusable, Miss Xiaoqian, please throw it away for me." Being dragged out of the door by Le Youyou, Zhuang Xiaoyuan waved at her when she heard Dongmenqian's voice. Has been dragged away by Le Youyou.

"Can't use it? Is it because the quality of this song is too bad?" Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou had disappeared outside the door in the blink of an eye. Look at the sheet music that got up.

"This, this song. Sure enough, it can't be used, but... just in case." Seeing the beginning of this song, Dongmenqian didn't feel much, but felt that the quality of the song was not bad. But when she saw the last few verses of the lyrics, Dongmenqian's eyes widened in surprise.

This song is probably the most powerful song she has seen so far, but it is indeed an unusable song.However, although it cannot be used, it may be used sometimes.

Her gaze stayed firmly on the end of the lyrics, and she was silent for a while, but Dongmenqian did not listen to Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words and throw away the score, but carefully folded it up and put it in her pocket.

Perhaps, we should show them this song. If that time really comes, we should also work hard for the future.After all, the recent atmosphere is indeed not right, and I always feel that something big is about to happen.

"Miss Xiaowang, let's come~" When Dongmenqian hid the sheet music discarded by Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou had already dragged Zhuang Xiaoyuan into the training ground.They are very familiar with this training ground, after all, most of the music training for a month is carried out here.

"Oh, it's really sad, you guys only remember this cold face. Obviously there is a handsome guy like me here." Seeing Le Youyou and Zhuang Xiaoyuan coming in, he greeted Nangong Wang first.Beitang Meng on the side turned his electric eyes narcissistically, and said with a resentful expression that I am super handsome but you ignore me.

"Senior Beitang." Seeing Beitang Meng's flamboyant movements, Zhuang Xiaoyuan let go of Le Youyou's hand, and deliberately looked at him with a shy expression.When Beitang Meng's eyes were shining because of her appearance, Zhuang Xiaoyuan hugged Le Youyou beside her and said, "I'm sorry, I'm Lily."


"Hehehe." Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, he saw her movements.The sound of Beitangmeng vomiting blood and Nangongwang's rare laughter echoed in the training ground together.

(End of this chapter)

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