Chapter 477 Loyal fans
Time flies like a fleeting moment, in the blink of an eye, half a month passed quietly as Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou worked hard to practice songs wholeheartedly.For the first concert in their lives, Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou are training with all their might.

If it is just to fight against the voiceless people, the effect of the song can be fully displayed when the song is fully proficient.It doesn't matter if you don't practice the song to the extreme, it doesn't have a big impact on the music effect.

However, this time they didn't want to let those voiceless people feel the power of the song.It's to make people feel the charm of the song.So Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou spent every day practicing seriously.

And half a month later, they have undergone radical changes. Half a month of song practice not only made them fully familiar with these eight songs.It also allowed them to fully digest and absorb all the training results of the previous month.In terms of ability, they can already be called qualified idols.

This day was a Sunday one and a half months after Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou arrived at Music Star.Their first concert, which is also their debut concert, is finally about to begin.

12:30 noon is the time when the stomach is slightly digested after lunch.At the entrance of the largest music hall of the music star, dense crowds began to gather here.

On this day of the weekend, many people have a rare free time without going to work or school.And the concert that will be held in this largest music hall today is the most anticipated concert of all music stars in the past five years.

Today, in the biggest concert in the past few years, a new idol girl group will be launched.This news has spread among the music stars a month and a half ago. Many people can still vividly remember the chasing match a month and a half ago. They have been looking forward to this new idol group that made such a big noise. .

Five years ago, the lunch girl group launched.The Sunshine Boys launched ten years ago, the Galaxy 15 group 123 years ago, the Dawn Band 20 years ago, and the original Starlight Girls 25 years ago.

Among music stars, new idol groups are born every five years.Therefore, at the beginning of this year, the music stars who counted the time were already looking forward to this year's combination.Finally, on this day, this new idol group will officially meet with you.

At the entrance of the music hall, before the concert started, more and more people gathered here.Countless people are looking forward to waiting for the time to come, and during the time before the start, people around who are either acquainted or unfamiliar also start to chat with each other.

"It's finally about to start. This year's new group is debuting. It is said that it is also a two-person girl group. I don't know if it can be compared to the lunch girl group." In the crowd, a casually dressed young man with his girlfriend, after shopping While waiting for the ticket, he said to his girlfriend beside him.

"I think the new group will be a bit jerky after all, and the first show is also easy to be nervous. But no matter what, since it was launched by the Tianlai organization, we have to support them. They are singing for all of us."

Compared with humans on other planets who have never heard of music and lack musical appreciation.Everyone who grows up and lives in Music Star has a strong ability to appreciate music.

Everyone can even hum a lot of familiar songs, and this place seems to be a world completely different from other planets.This is the last paradise guarded by human beings.This is the source of music and the last line of defense for human music.

"Don't worry, since the Tianlai organization has started arranging their debut, it means that their strength will never be a problem. In the past few decades, has the Tianlai organization let us down once." Beside the couple who were discussing, the listener Seeing the conversation between them, an uncle spoke with a smile on his face.

"Yes, I will never let you down. I have inside information. The daughter of my aunt's classmate's cousin's uncle's friend's friend is the prop team behind the concert. I heard that the North-South combination this time But they released eight new songs in one breath, and each one is above the level."

After the uncle's voice fell, on the other side of the young lovers, a girl dressed in fanaticism waved several light sticks in her hand and told them the news she got with a mysterious face.

"What? Eight new songs? Isn't there a fixed number of songs for each new group? Why are there eight songs this time? Could it be that the Teana organization is going to play a trick? Are we music stars going to counterattack the silent group?"

Hearing the eight new songs, the young man's eyes shone with disbelief and shock. If one more song was added to the eight songs, it would be enough for three groups to debut. It would not be such a waste to have new songs.

"You don't know this. I heard that one of the North and South groups is a super powerful songwriter. These eight songs are all written by her alone. The three new songs originally prepared by the Tianlai organization for them It's useless at all." Fan Fan said with a smug expression on his face.

"So powerful? It seems that the hope of our mankind has really appeared. If there are eight new songs every month, there will be 96 songs a year. If you calculate this way, maybe the whole universe will be covered by our music in a few years. Enveloped by the enchantment, the Silent Clan has not all been wiped out."

Hearing such good news from fanatics, not only the eyes of the young lovers glowed, but also the faces of other people who accidentally heard it around were also excited, as if that day had come.

"Look, the door of the music hall is open, we can go in." Just when the good news from the fanatic fans spread rapidly among the crowd, and more and more people began to look forward to getting excited, the music hall was closed The locked door finally opened slowly.

"The door of the music hall is open, everyone line up to enter in order. Don't leave a bad impression on our new group. They are singing for the sake of all mankind. We can't lose face for all mankind." The music door opened, and the young men and women dressed in fans scattered in the crowd began to shout loudly, and consciously began to maintain order.

Thanks to the efforts of these fans, the audience who came to the concert lined up one after another and walked into the music hall.It wasn't until everyone went in that the fanatics who were left behind in different outfits and belonged to different idol groups smiled at each other, wiped the sweat off their foreheads, and walked into the music hall .

The concert is about to start.Not only ordinary people are looking forward to it, but fans of the Teana organization are even more looking forward to it.

Even if some of these fans are fans of Lunch Girls, some are fans of Sunshine Boys, and some are fans of the retired Galaxy 123 and Dawn.But they are still looking forward to the new combination organized by Tianlai.

(End of this chapter)

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