Chapter 490 Pink Crystal
There was a soft 'click', and after five or six minutes of descent, the elevator finally reached the end.Then, the elevator doors in front of him slowly opened to both sides, revealing the scene outside the elevator.

When the scene outside the elevator came into view, both Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou couldn't help showing a little surprise.The appearance outside is completely different from what they imagined.

Being in such a deep underground, and going down through the elevator, Zhuang Xiaoyuan thought he would see a very high-tech environment.Unexpectedly, when the elevator door opened, what I saw was a very primitive cave.

This is a cave that has not experienced artificial development at all, and there is no trace of artificial excavation around it. The entire area is completely formed naturally.I don't know how the Tianlai organization installed the elevator in such a naturally formed cave.

"Come with me, we're right in front." After the elevator door opened, Meng Lianxin walked out first, and turned around to wave to Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou who were in the elevator.

"Oh, here we come." In response, Le Youyou also walked out of the elevator.She is very curious about this cave built under the Tianlai organization.Especially what Meng Lianxin said before, this is the source of all music energy, which made her even more curious about what could be inside.

After Le Youyou walked out of the elevator, Zhuang Xiaoyuan didn't go out with her as usual, but frowned tightly and looked up to the direction of the top of her head.

Although all she could see was the ceiling of the elevator, Zhuang Xiaoyuan's perception was telling her that something was coming.It was a very deep darkness, a darkness that was the same as that of the Loki who had once been hostile, and even deeper.

"Xiaoyuan, what's the matter with you?" After getting out of the elevator and walking a few steps forward, Le Youyou realized that Zhuang Xiaoyuan hadn't followed up.Looking back at her, what she saw was her frowning and looking up at the ceiling.

Following her gaze, Le Youyou didn't find anything interesting about the ceiling at all, unable to understand Zhuang Xiaoyuan's actions at this time, Le Youyou asked her directly.

"I feel that something is coming. Sister Xiaoqian and the others may be in danger." Frowning tightly, she looked down at the depths of the cave, and looked up at the ceiling above her head. The hesitant look was only fleeting. Zhuang Xiaoyuan stepped out of the elevator anyway.

Hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's answer, Le Youyou seemed a little confused, but when she heard that Dongmenqian was in danger, she still showed a trace of worry on her face, although it was obvious from Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words that she just had a feeling similar to intuition, Not really dangerous.

But out of trust in Zhuang Xiaoyuan, Le Youyou believed Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words immediately, and also believed in her feelings and judgments. I'm afraid something happened on the ground.

"Can you feel it? That kind of thing." Different from Le Youyou's worry, after hearing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's words, Meng Lianxin showed a hint of surprise.She was even more convinced that the son of music was among Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou, and there was a high probability that it was Zhuang Xiaoyuan.

"Well. We have to hurry up. If it's that kind of thing, I'm afraid Miss Xiaoqian and the others won't last long." Hearing Meng Lianxin's question, Zhuang Xiaoyuan looked up at her, and Zhuang Xiaoyuan was obvious from her words. It was obvious that Meng Lianxin probably knew something.Maybe she can also feel the changes outside.

"Let's go." Nodding his head, he didn't say anything more, convinced of his guess.Meng Lianxin turned around and walked towards the depths of the cave.He and Le Youyou looked at each other, seeing the worry in her eyes, Zhuang Xiaoyuan shook his head, followed Meng Lianxin and walked deep into the cave.

Although this cave is located deep underground, its scope is not large.So when Zhuang Xiaoyuan and Le Youyou followed Meng Lianxin through the cave passage in front and turned a corner, they had already come to the end of the cave, and saw the towering crystal at the end of the cave.

It was a huge pink crystal, and a trace of mysterious rule ability surrounded the crystal, and colorful music energy filled the space at the end of the cave.Dyed here with a variety of brilliant colors.

"It really is the world crystal." When the pink crystal caught Zhuang Xiaoyuan's eyes, the blue crystal hanging on her chest had already floated up, pointing to the crystal in front of her.

Just when the blue crystal on Zhuang Xiaoyuan's chest floated up, the pink crystal shone slightly with pink light, as if he had discovered Zhuang Xiaoyuan's existence.Expressing your emotions in general.

With her eyes fixed on the pink crystal in front of her, Zhuang Xiaoyuan approached the pink crystal step by step under the guidance of the blue crystal.Noticing Zhuang Xiaoyuan's strangeness, the surprise in Meng Lian's eyes became more intense.

Eyes shone with surprise, Meng Lianxin did not stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan's unauthorized behavior, but instead held back Le Youyou who wanted to stop Zhuang Xiaoyuan.The two stood together and watched Zhuang Xiaoyuan silently, waiting for the next change.


On the ground of the music star, with the Dawn Band, Galaxy 123, Lunch Girl and Sunshine Boy, they began to form an ensemble singing again.Rich musical energy emerges from their performance and blends into the surrounding musical enchantment.

With the integration of rich music energy, the music barrier that had been weakened by the impact of the silent clan began to solidify again.The silent people who were about to rush in were once again isolated by the music barrier.

As the music barrier strengthened, the voiceless people inside the music barrier were also weakened to a certain extent, and were quickly wiped out by human warriors.

"My Almighty God, give these humble humans the deepest despair."

Noticing the music enchantment that had been strengthened again, the captain of the Silent Clan glared fiercely at the Dawn Band who were playing with eyes full of resentment, and the moment he raised his head, the resentment disappeared, showing a strong fanatic expression Asked towards the gray mist above his head.

"Beyond your own strength, hand over the world crystal." In the thick gray fog, a voice full of despair resounded through the entire music star.Following this sound of deep fear and despair, a huge snake head protruded from the gray mist.

While it was speaking, its bright red eyes glared lightly at the music enchantment that enveloped humans.Following this stare, there was a bang, and the music enchantment reinforced by the Suguang Band was directly shattered.

He obviously didn't move at all, just stared like this.The music enchantment was directly pierced by Yurmgunter's eyes.As the music enchantment shattered, Dongmenqian and the others fell to the ground with scattered bullets as if they had been impacted by something.

(End of this chapter)

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